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Root Word. Word Meaning. Components Of Blood. Components of Lymph System. Blood Lymphatic System terms. 500 Points. 500 Points. 500 Points. 500 Points. 500 Points. 1000 Points. 1000 Points. 1000 Points. 1000 Points. 1000 Points. 1500 Points. 1500 Points. 1500 Points.
Root Word Word Meaning Components Of Blood Components of Lymph System Blood Lymphatic System terms 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 1000 Points 1000 Points 1000 Points 1000 Points 1000 Points 1500 Points 1500 Points 1500 Points 1500 Points 1500 Points 2000 Points 2000 Points 2000 Points 2000 Points 2000 Points 2500 Points 2500Points 2500 Points 2500Points 2500 Points
Root Word 500 Points What does Angi/o mean? Vessel BACK TO CHART
Root Word 1000 Points What does Ather/o mean? Fat; fatty plaque BACK TO CHART
Root Word 1500 Points What does cyt/o mean? cell BACK TO CHART
Root Word 2000 Points What does Thromb/o mean? Clot, thrombus BACK TO CHART
Root Word 2500 Points What does Lymphaden/o mean? Lymph Gland BACK TO CHART
Word Meaning(500 Smackaroos) Karyocyte? Cell that has a NUCLEUS! BACK TO CHART
Word Meaning(1000 Smackaroos) Isometric? Having Equal Measurement BACK TO CHART
Word Meaning(1500 Smackaroos) sarcoma? is a cancer of the connective or supportive tissue (bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels) and soft tissue. BACK TO CHART
Word Meaning(2000 Smackaroos) Word Meaning(2000 Smackaroos) Coagulation? Is the complex process of blood clotting! BACK TO CHART
Word Meaning(2500 Smackaroos) Word Meaning(2500 Smackaroos) lymphadenopathy? disease of the lymph nodes BACK TO CHART
Components of the Blood (500 points) What is another name for Erythrocytes? Red Blood Cells BACK TO CHART
Components of the Blood (1000 points) What is another name for Leukocytes? White Blood Cells BACK TO CHART
Components of the Blood (1500 points) These fight disease by phagocytosis? Monocytes / Lymphocytes BACK TO CHART
Components of the Blood (2000 points) Means red blood cells are destroyed? Hemolysis BACK TO CHART
Components of the Blood (2500 points) Granulocytes? are a category of white blood cells characterized by the presence of granules in their cytoplasm. BACK TO CHART
Components of the Lymph System (500 Points) is the largest Lymph oran in the body SPLEEN BACK TO CHART
Components of the Lymph System (1000 Points) Where is the Thymus Located?. Near the Middle of the Chest BACK TO CHART
Components of the Lymph System (1500 Points) These Function as filters for old, dead cells and bateria that are present in the lymph fluid Lymph Nodes BACK TO CHART
Components of the Lymph System (2000 Points) Where are the tonsils located? The are located in the mouth at the back of the throat BACK TO CHART
Components of the Lymph System (2500 Points) Palatine Tonsils? are the tonsils that can be seen on the left and right sides at the back of the throat. BACK TO CHART
Blood Lymphatic System Terms (500 Points) Hemostasis The process of stopping or controlling the blood flow BACK TO CHART
Blood Lymphatic System Terms (1000 Points) Hematologist? Physician Specialists in the study of blood, blood-forming organs, and related disorders and diseases BACK TO CHART
Blood Lymphatic System Terms (1500 Points) Phagocytosis? Process of a cell engulfing and destroying bacteria or other unwanted substances BACK TO CHART
Blood Lymphatic System Terms (2000 Points) Corpuscle? Any blood cell, red, or white! BACK TO CHART
Blood Lymphatic System Terms (2500 Points) Phagocyte? Cell that engulfs and destroys or digests bacteria or other unwanted substances BACK TO CHART