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Mauro Di Giamberardino digiamberardino@smart-interaction.com. www.smart-interaction.com. WHO ARE WE???. www.smart-interaction.com. 2 /20. TEAM. Mauro Di Giamberardino Master of Science in Computer Engineer Researcher at ENEA Casaccia (Italy)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mauro Di Giamberardino digiamberardino@smart-interaction.com www.smart-interaction.com

  2. WHO ARE WE??? www.smart-interaction.com 2/20

  3. TEAM • Mauro Di Giamberardino • Master of Science in Computer Engineer • Researcher at ENEA Casaccia (Italy) • Co-founder and Chief Business Development Officer at A3R S.r.l., innovative startup involved in unmanned aerial vehicles • Experience in adaptive and integrated systems • Bothmanaging and technicalskills Business Development & Marketing • Gabriele Randelli • PhD in AI and robotics from Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) • Research activities in human-robot systems based on computer vision and gesture recognition interaction paradigms • Since 2010, works on embedded computer vision targeted to unmanned aerial vehicles and traffic monitoring • Wide technical and scientificskills Chief Technology Officer www.smart-interaction.com 3/20

  4. START-UP • MISSION : design and development of interactive products and services based on innovative technologies • Computer Vision • Voice Interaction • Machine Learning • mainly applied to • Smart Cities & Smart Lighting Supported by the BIC Lazio business accelerator Headquarters settled at ITech incubator in Rome (Italy) Awarded with the Filas Spin-off Grant (100K€) Company established in October 2012 www.smart-interaction.com 4/20

  5. PROBLEM www.smart-interaction.com 5/20

  6. PROBLEM - analysis In the last years, a crucial need arises for the public administration: Reduce energy consumption Public lighting in Italy (6,1 TWh per year): • more than 22% of the overall Italian energy demand (*) • 854M€ per year tomaintain and power the lighting plants • third highest cost on balance sheetfor Italian municipalities • energy saving margin forecasts > 55%, (*) Terna, “Previsionidelladomandaelettrica in Italia e del fabbisogno di potenzanecessario, anni 2007 – 2017”, DocumentoTecnico, 30 Settembre 2007] www.smart-interaction.com 6/20

  7. SOLUTION www.smart-interaction.com 7/20

  8. What SmartEye is a distributed system of optical sensors which are installed on street lamps to provide different services related to energy savings by means of an automatic urban scene analysis. www.smart-interaction.com 8/20

  9. How www.smart-interaction.com 9/20

  10. Ingredients SmartEyeextends and improves the traditional street lamps remote control system by means of introduction of two of the main typical ingredients of a Smart City, adaptivity and service on-demand www.smart-interaction.com 10/20

  11. Innovation & Benefits SmartEyewill produce on average over that 49% of energy savings, compared to the 15% achievable with traditional street lamp remote control system. SmartEyewill maximize energy savings by dimming light during periods of lower pedestrian-traffic conflict. SmartEyewill minimize the maintenance costs through the remote detection of failures, and GPS mapping of installations. SmartEyewill maximize LED lifespan by adjusting light output upwards as the product depreciates over time. www.smart-interaction.com 11/20

  12. WHICH BUSINESS ??? www.smart-interaction.com 12/20

  13. Market size & trends Working in exclusive partnership with Enel Sole, only in Italy the SOM is more than 100.000 installations. The total Smart Lighting market it is foreseen to reach about 9 $ billion in 2019 www.smart-interaction.com 13/20

  14. Benefits for ESCO SmartEye system naturally lies in the ESCO philosophy on Smart Cities SmartEyecanintegrate the remote point-to-point control system proposed by the ESCO. SmartEyecould extend the offer provided by the ESCO, by means of the introduction different Smart Services. Combined use of SmartEye and LED street lamp can produce about 80% of energy savings compared to a conventional HPS lamp. www.smart-interaction.com 14/20

  15. PARTNERSHIP www.smart-interaction.com 15/23

  16. AWARDS www.smart-interaction.com 16/23

  17. Thanks! Questions? www.smart-interaction.com team@smart-interaction.com

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