201705131 PO NO. : Ship To: PT. ASNO HORIE INDONESIA DESIRE COMPUTER CCTV Jl. Antiplop 5 Blok.E2 no. 65 Cikarang Baru-Cikarang-Jawa Barat Attn (021)29082675,(021)22188923 085100899971,08128885750 : EJIP Industrial Park Plot 5F-2B Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi 17550 Tel : (021) 89677071 Fax : (021) 89677073 E-Mail : purchasing@ahi.co.id ARDES BANGUN : Tlp : Fax Supplier No Dept/ Project Cr. Term Order Date Delivery Date Budget No GA 30DAYS 03 Mei 2017 08 Mei 2017 1781008 2658IDR No. Description Qty Unit Price Amount Remarks GA ACTIVITY 1 NVR HIKVISION 16 CHANNEL DS-7616, 100MBPS BIT RATE INPUT 1 PCS 3.875.000,00 3.875.000,00 MAX (UP TO N16-CH IP VIDEO) 2 WATERPROOF IP CAMERA HIKVISION, RESOLUSI 2MP (FULL HD/1080P) 6 PCS 1.650.000,00 9.900.000,00 3 HARDISK 2000GB SATA SEAGATE SV35 SURVEILANCE HDD 1 PCS 1.650.000,00 1.650.000,00 4 KABEL LAN MERK BELDEN/AMP CAT6 (GRADE ORI USA) 370 MTR 8.500,00 3.145.000,00 5 RJ 45 AMP/BELDEN ORI FOR CAT6 30 PCS 10.000,00 300.000,00 6 KABEL LISTRIK UTK KAMERA MERK JEMBO 3X0,75 FLEX 80 MTR 8.000,00 640.000,00 (KABEL ISI 3) 7 PIPA CONDUIT+CONNECTOR+CLAMP 180 MTR 7.000,00 1.260.000,00 8 ADAPTOR CAMERA 12VOLT 10A 1 PCS 190.000,00 190.000,00
201705131 PO NO. : Ship To: PT. ASNO HORIE INDONESIA DESIRE COMPUTER CCTV Jl. Antiplop 5 Blok.E2 no. 65 Cikarang Baru-Cikarang-Jawa Barat Attn (021)29082675,(021)22188923 085100899971,08128885750 : EJIP Industrial Park Plot 5F-2B Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi 17550 Tel : (021) 89677071 Fax : (021) 89677073 E-Mail : purchasing@ahi.co.id ARDES BANGUN : Tlp : Fax Supplier No Dept/ Project Cr. Term Order Date Delivery Date Budget No GA 30DAYS 03 Mei 2017 08 Mei 2017 1781008 2658IDR No. Description Qty Unit Price Amount Remarks 9 ADAPTOR CAMERA 12VOLT 5A 1 PCS 130.000,00 130.000,00 10 BOX CONTROL PANEL CONNECTOR DAN POWER DIDEKAT KAMERA 9 PCS 150.000,00 1.350.000,00 11 SMALL MATERIAL FOR INSTALLATION (CLAMP, FLEXIBEL HOSE) 1 SET 675.000,00 675.000,00 12 INSTALLATION FOR IP CAMERA 6 CAM 290.000,00 1.740.000,00 13 COMMISIONING AND TRAINING+INTERNET SETUP FOR COMPUTER, 1 LOT 1.500.000,00 1.500.000,00 LAPTOP, MOBILE PHONE Exclude VAT 10 % 26.355.000,00 Total Approved by Checked by Prepared by R. Miyamoto Elvi Ilna W Z.A. Hais Rina Received by Accounting Please sign and chop confirm in this PO and return to AHI Signature ( ) Date FILLED IN BY SUPPLIER AHI Order date : Billing Note No : Supplier Delivery date : Product : Shipment date : Shipment : Send by AWB by Duty & Tax : : : AHI USE ONLY DESIRE COMPUTER CCTV Between AHI and Supplier □ 1. Send Fax to Supplier □ 2. Received confirmation sign from Supplier □ 3. Received shipping information from Supplier □ 4. Product delivered to supplier Between Purchasing and Accounting □ 1. Give PO to Accounting □ 2. Accounting prepare for Duty and Tax □ 3. Give Billing Note to Accounting □ 4. Payment to Supplier □ 5. Billing Note (for product & shipment) send to AHI FRM - PUR - PR . 8 - 02 Continued on next page... Page 2 of 2 Page 2 of 2