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Module 2: Introduction to the Pikes Peak Literacy Strategies Project (PPLSP) and the Colorado Basic Literacy Act (CBLA). PPLSP Training Modules. 1. Introduction to the 5 Components of Reading 2. Introduction to the PPLSP and CBLA 3. Instructional Strategies
Module 2:Introduction to the Pikes Peak Literacy Strategies Project (PPLSP) and the Colorado Basic Literacy Act (CBLA)
PPLSP Training Modules 1.Introduction to the 5 Components of Reading 2.Introduction to the PPLSP and CBLA 3.Instructional Strategies 4.Phonemic Awareness Evidence and Strategies 5.Phonics Evidence and Strategies 6.Fluency Evidence and Strategies 7.Vocabulary Evidence and Strategies 8.Comprehension Evidence and Strategies 9.Reading Strategies for Secondary Teachers in other Content Areas 10. Bodies of Evidence and a Process for Building the ILP
Goals for this Module • To introduce the Pikes Peak Literacy Strategies Project (PPLSP) • To clarify the Colorado Basic Literacy Act (CBLA) and its rules
Five Components of Reading • Phonemic Awareness • Phonics • Fluency • Vocabulary • Comprehension Findings of the National Reading Goals Panel (2000) www.nifl.gov
Part 1: The PPLSP-Humble Beginnings Goal: To improve achievement in our districts by using the findings of the National Reading Goals Panel Report (2000) in our individual literacy plans.
The Pikes Peak Literacy Strategies Project (PPLSP) • Goal: To improve the quality of ILPs by bringing them into alignment with the findings of the National Reading Panel • Seven School Districts in the Pikes Peak Region: Woodland Park, Academy, Manitou Springs, Cheyenne Mountain, Widefield, Falcon, and Lewis-Palmer. Sponsorship for the project came from the participating districts and from a Power Educators Grant from the Colorado Department of Education • Products: • Literacy strategies document including instructional strategies • Training materials to accompany the documents • Research-Based Strategies only. • Permission to Use: School Districts in Colorado are welcome to use the materials of the PPLSP in paper and/or electronic form with adequate acknowledgment of the source.
Assessment Results Fall of 4th grade Partially Proficient CSAP 3.6 on Adams 50 QRI 4-Narr., 2-Expos. Class evidence is mixed Decision Needs an ILP because the Adams 50 should be at least 3.8 ILP Goals and Strategies Parent Goal Complete signed reading log showing 100 minutes of reading each week School Goals 1. Go to Title I for reading 2. Guided Reading What does the ILP process look like in practice in a lot of places?
Last 8 Years Assessment Results Goals and Strategies on ILP Our New Challenge Diagnosed Literacy Needs of Student Aligned Goals and Research-Based Strategies A Different Way of Thinking
What kinds of needs could a student have? What does evidence look like? Diagnosed Literacy Needs of Student How do we align this to NCLB? Need multiple strategies to choose from for each goal area How might the strategy need to be modified for special circumstances such as ELL, Secondary, vision/hearing, etc. Aligned Goals and Research Based Instructional Strategies Need citations for all research-based strategies Clarification/elaboration How do I help parents with this strategy? How do I teach it?
PPLSP Document Tour • Background Information • Overarching Instructional Strategies • Five Components • Definition and Overview • Skill Areas • What the Research Says • Best Practices in Instruction • Aligned Strategies • Strategy description • Teaching tips • Parent tips • Research citations • References • Appendices • Special Circumstances • General Parent Tips (elementary, secondary)
Using the PPLSP Document and Assessments So, how does it all fit together? • Review the Body of Assessment Evidence for the student to reveal a “portrait” of the student as a reader • Review the Skills descriptions in the areas of weakness for the student until the “student’s face” appears for you. This helps you identify the needs clearly • If the student has many needs, you will want to prioritize them and focus the ILP on the most important areas first (usually around 3). Look for any secondary difficulties…many of the skill areas are inter-linked. • Choose appropriate strategies for remediation. Strategy descriptions are included to assist the teacher with strategy selection (Be careful not to choose too many strategies. We suggest 2-3 strategies for each identified skill area) • Parent pages can be used at the ILP conference to model for parents some ways they can help
In Other Words… A thoughtful review of the student’s body of evidence leads to… The accurate identification of the student’s literacy skills and needs resulting in… The selection of appropriate instructional strategies based on identified needs
The Colorado Basic Literacy Act Three Important Ideas in the CBLA • Identify early • Intervene intensively • Get everyone involved • Law was written in 1996 • First data collected in Spring 1998 • Requires that districts monitor all students in grades K-3 and continue to follow students beyond grade 3 if they are below grade level
Summary and Next Steps Summary • Overview of the PPLSP document and how to use it • Overview of the CBLA and related documents Next Steps • Deepen knowledge about instructional strategies • General strategies • Strategies in each of the 5 Component areas • Strategies for non-reading teachers (especially secondary) • Put it all together to build more effective ILPs