IDEA 0) start with a defined beam (either from ICOOL or G4MICE) or with a guss beam and simulate its evolution through MICE (VI) 1) @ MC truth level 2) full sim (=Reconstruction) 3) calculate beta and Bz for a reference particle (verify consistency) 4) calculate emittance for (1) & (2) 5) compare (3) and (4) with equivalent ICOOL sim DONE (a) G4 installed (b) thanks CR and ME for help and letting me know how to place virtual planes (sensitive volumes) (c) learnt to produce nt-uples Ran (0) with a pre-cooked ICOOL beam at MC level (1). I followed the procedure to generate Reconstructed events. But this is just an exercise on the machinery and has NO physical meaning whatsoever. ****** All this need to be analysed properly ******
PLANS Possibility exists to have (3) but did not have time to have a look at it. Important cause the first thing to check on ICOOL to verify consistency I have to go to (3) and once I get some convincing result go to (4) (and (5)) From VI back to II - my take is that no mag config exists for it in G4MICE (is it correct?) This could be useful in a (near) future?