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MATHEMATIC. BY. Ayu Tarantika I. Erfita R. Septiandari Nurlaili A. Rizfa Faiza Pugar Arga Cristina W Realita Mustika Dewi. Sets And Member of a Set. We will learn: To state the concept of a set. To acquire sets symbols. To determine if an object belongs to a set.
MATHEMATIC BY • Ayu Tarantika I. • Erfita R. Septiandari • Nurlaili A. Rizfa Faiza • Pugar Arga Cristina W • Realita Mustika Dewi
Sets And Member of a Set We will learn: To state the concept of a set. To acquire sets symbols. To determine if an object belongs to a set. To acquire the symbols of ”element” and “not element” of a set.
Definition of Set Set is group of things wich definition and give it border with explicit.Example:@ A member group of football @ A bunch of flower @ The set of teachers who is teaching students The condition used to form a set must be well defined. The member criteria must be clear enough and unique.
Element Of A Set In mathematic, to express element of a set, the symbol “€” is used and to express not element of a set, the symbol “€” is used. Now consider set P = {natural numbers less than three}. Can write: 1 € P 4 € P 2 € P and 5 € P 3 € P 6 € P
Expressing Sets Method of expressing set: For example: we have the set of prime numbers less than 10. This set can be written as : {Prime numbers less than 10} • The method above is called expressing sets by description. • If we have P = {Prime numbers less than 10}, then we can write the elements of P, namely 2,3,5,7. • If all members of P are written Conselcutively and closed by a pair of culry brackets, and each two members are separated by comma (“,”), then we get : P = {2,3,5,7}. This method of expressing the set P by listing all of itselements is calledthe roster method
Cardinality Of Sets Study of the following sets. P= {m,a,t,e,i,k} Q= {1,3,5,7,9} R= {2,4,6,8,…..,20} S= {0,1,2,3,….} T= {5,10,15,20,….} The elements of set P are:m,a,t,e,i,k.Thus there are six elements of P We denote this n(P)=6 The elements of set Q are 1,3,5,7,9.Thus there are five elements of Q We denote n(Q)=5 Although in set R not all elements are listed between the pair of brackets. We can determine the number of elements of sets R by continuing the counting pattern from 2,4,6..up to 20.So we have the number of elements of set R is 10,or n(R)=10
Sets P,Q and R are called countable sets (the number of elements can be counted). These sets are also called finite sets (the number of the elements is finite) S and T are unknown the largest element,so we are not able to determine the number of elements of both sets.These kinds of sets are called infinite sets (the number of elements is not finite)
The Venn Diagram • Universal set Universal set: a set containing all elements of the set being talked about.The universal set is also called the discussion universe.The universal set is denoted by U Suppose: A= {red,white} B= {red,green} C= {red,white,blue} C can be said as “a universal set” of set A. Because C contains all elements of A. There is an element of B that is not included in C,that is green (GREEN € C), C is not a universal set of set B.
Venn Diagram The easy way to represent and to see the relationship between several sets is by means of Euler circles,or they are usually called Venn diagrams. In drawing a Veen diagrams,we consider the following : The universal set is usually represent by a rectangle. Every set under consideration is represent by a simple closed curve. Each elements of a set is a repreesent by node or point. If the number of element of the set does not need to be represent as a node or point
Subsates and Empty Sets Subset Consider the following two sets. A= {a,c,d} and B= {a,b,c,d,e,f,} If two sets are presented as a Veen diagram,we may have the following figure: A B Note that:a € A and a € Bc € A and c € Bd € A and d € B b . a d . . e f c . . .
a sub set : Set A is a subset of B,writen as A C B,if every element of A is also an element of B • Not a subset : Set A is not a subset of B,written as A C B,if there is an element of A which is not an element of B. In that exemple of a sub set A is subset of set B,written as A C B
Empty Set Empty Set : The set having no element. Consider some set P=set of Year VII SMP student at your school teller than 5 m. Q=set of teacher at your school less than 10 years old Both of the sets don’t have any elements. Therefore.Set P and Q are called Empty Sets,and denote by the symbol “Ø” or “{ }”.Thus n(Ø) = 0,or n({ })= 0
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