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Selbu-seminar 6 – 7 februar 2008. Egenevaluering SWOT-analyse Internasjonal benchmarking Key figures and indicators Eivind Bratteland. Arbeidsgruppe egenevaluering. Arbeidsgruppen bestod av: Eivind Bratteland, Studieprogramleder Kjell Holte, K Knut Alfredsen, VM Øivind Arntsen, BAT
Selbu-seminar6 – 7 februar 2008 • Egenevaluering • SWOT-analyse • Internasjonal benchmarking • Key figures and indicators Eivind Bratteland
Arbeidsgruppe egenevaluering Arbeidsgruppen bestod av: • Eivind Bratteland, Studieprogramleder • Kjell Holte, K • Knut Alfredsen, VM • Øivind Arntsen, BAT • Liv Undseth, fak • Nils Smeland, student • Øyvind Aass, student
Rammer og føringer • ”Indremedisin”, egenevaluering som ledd i bevisstgjøring, kvalitet og relevans av vårt studium • Innspill til det internasjonale evalueringspanel (derfor skrevet på engelsk) • Innspill til Fremtidens Byggstudium • Føringer gitt fra FUS mhp arbeidet • Max 20 sider + vedlegg • Gruppen har vektlagt å være ærlig! • Vi har forsøkt å få frem de viktigste poenger, men rapporten kunne vært ytterligere spisset
Mission The study programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering at NTNU is the main provider of graduates in Norway in its field on a Master level, meeting the demands from the society, the public, and the industry. Our graduates play a crucial role in shaping, developing and maintaining the built infrastructure in a sustainable and environmentally acceptable way, and to seek solutions to future civil and environmental challenges in an overall perspective.
Goals • To recruit and educate excellent students in the broad area of Civil and Environmental Engineering, meeting the demands of the society and providing graduates at an international competence level. • To provide a good and basic knowledge in mathematics, physical sciences and core civil engineering subjects. • To offer a diversity of research-based fields of studies, enabling graduates to plan, design, build and maintain sustainable and environmentally friendly civil engineering works. • To foster a critical, creative and constructive attitude, aiming at a holistic approach towards the impact of engineering solutions in a societal, economic and global context. • To prepare the graduates for a future changing profession, and provide a sound basis for life-long learning. • To provide a solid foundation for doctoral studies in the various fields.
Learning objectivesStudy programme • Broad and profound knowledge of physical and engineering sciences and of core civil engineering subjects. Ability to apply this knowledge at an advanced level. • Broad and profound scientific and technical knowledge in the selected various fields of civil and environmental engineering studies, including ability to use this knowledge in development and innovation of the field in a societal and interdisciplinary context. • Thorough knowledge of paradigms, methods and tools, enabling analysis, modeling, evaluation, simulation, design and research within the field of study. • Ability to solve technological problems within civil and environmental engineering independently through problem analysis, formulation of sub-problems and assessing innovative technical solutions on familiar and new situations. This includes a professional understanding and attitude towards identifying and acquiring lacking expertise, critically monitoring and evaluating existing knowledge, planning and executing research, adapting to changing circumstances, and integrating new knowledge.
Learning objectivesStudy programme – cont. 5. Ability to work independently and in multidisciplinary teams, in interaction with specialists and in taking necessary initiatives. 6. Ability to communicate effectively the results of the engineering work to both the professionals and the non-specialists. Adequate level in both domestic and English language. 7. Recognition and understanding of the need to evaluate and assess the civil engineering works in a technological, ethical and societal context, and to take responsibility related to sustainability, environment, economy and social welfare. 8. Ability and attitude towards maintaining professional competence through life-long learning.
Norsk versjon av læringsmål • Bred og dyptgående kunnskap innen grunnleggende fysiske, matematiske og ingeniørvitenskapelige fagområder, og innen bygningsingeniørutdannelsens kjernefag, samt evne til å anvende denne kunnskapen på avansert nivå. 2. Bred og dyptgående vitenskapelig og teknisk kunnskap i den valgte studieretning, inkludert evne til å bruke kunnskapen i utvikling og innovasjon av fagområdet i en samfunnsmessig og tverrfaglig kontekst. 3. Grunnleggende kunnskap om paradigmer, metoder og verktøy; som gjør studenten i stand til å analysere, modellere, simulere, evaluere, prosjektere, bygge og forske innen den valgte studieretning. 4. Evne til å løse bygg- og miljøtekniske problemstillinger basert på problem-analyse, formulering av delproblemer, og til å vurdere innovative tekniske løsninger i kjente og i nye situasjoner. Dette inkluderer en profesjonell forståelse og holdning til å identifisere og sikre tilstrekkelig ekspertise, kritisk kontrollere og evaluere eksisterende kunnskap, planlegge og utføre forskning, tilpasse seg endrede rammebetingelser, og integrere ny kunnskap.
Norsk versjon av læringsmål, forts 5. Evne til både selvstendig oppgaveløsning og teamarbeid i samvirke med spesialister og til å ta nødvendige initiativ. 6. Evne til effektiv formidling av resultater av ingeniørarbeidet til både profesjonelle innen fagområdet og til ikke-spesialister, på et tilfredstillende nivå både på norsk og på engelsk. 7. Erkjennelse og forståelse av behovet for å evaluere og bedømme bygningsingeniørens arbeid i en teknologisk, etisk og samfunnsmessig kontekst, herunder ansvar for miljømessige, økonomiske og sosiale bærekrafthensyn. 8. Evne og holdning til å opprettholde profesjonell kompetanse gjennom livslang læring.
SWOT-analyses, strengths • Good student recruitment and student qualities • A dominant national recognition and responsibility in the fields of Civil and Environmental Engineering • A broad study programme aiming to meet the demands of industry and public authorities • Good basic learning facilities, including laboratories, and an experienced staff • High and increasing number of PhD students
SWOT-analyses, weaknesses • Mismatch between NTNU’s stated high ambitions and goals and available economic resources • Increasing work-load without corresponding increase in staff resources made available • Lack of funding for maintaining and upgrading laboratories and for securing technical staff for education and research • Ageing staff and difficulty in recruiting suitably qualified new academic staff • Lack of industrial initiatives and support for new research projects
SWOT-analyses, opportunities • An imminent new generation of academic staff may facilitate adjustments to education content and research • Increased involvement from industry and public authorities in long term cooperative and funding commitments • Targeted collaboration (networking) with successful universities abroad and at home • Ongoing efforts to review the study programme to meet the future expectations of the industry and of the next generations of students and teachers
SWOT-analyses, threats • Lack of human and economic resources to maintain and develop the capacity and quality in education and research • Due to internal and external conditions, inability to maintain the current positive trend in student recruitment • Increasing difficulty in recruiting Norwegian students to PhD programmes • Loss of industrial commitment to support education activities and research • Reduced enthusiasm and involvement of staff members and students • A resource situation causing disintegration of national competence and general sub-critical size of divisions
SWOT-analyser, oppsummering av FUS Strengths: • Strong research-based courses with great diversity, given by partly very highly qualified researchers and research groups, and many well equipped laboratories • High level of qualifications among incoming students, good rate of applications • Collaboration with SINTEF (solves the issue of how to employ several critical groups of researchers with high reputation which NTNU could not afford alone) • Close network to Norwegian industry and public administration • Strong international networks with international universities as well as companies • Sufficient exchange of international students • Highly acknowledged student society and learning environment • NTNU educates approximately 80 % of Norwegian master’s engineers
SWOT-analyser, oppsummering av FUS Weaknesses: • Lack of qualified applicants to certain programme of study • There is a mismatch between number of applicants to some programmes of study and the needs for candidates in the market • Lack of qualified professors within certain important subject areas • Too small budgets for the maintenance and renewal of laboratory facilities • Problems with flexibility in the curriculum connected to the rigid standardized course size
SWOT-analyser, oppsummering av FUS Opportunities: • Strong international networks with universities as well as international companies. Gives opportunities for establishing alliances and collaboration agreements with acknowledged participants regarding education as well as research and dissemination. • Close network to Norwegian industry and public administrations - gives good opportunities for projects, summer jobs and master's thesis work in companies, which gives relevance to candidate’s qualifications and good job opportunities. NTNU has the leadership of Idèportalen which seems to be a useful tool to get relevant project ideas as well as to open doors to admittance to small and medium-sized companies. • NTNU has leading research groups within a broad domain of important scientific areas • NTNU could give higher priority to collaboration projects with SINTEF • NTNU has a portfolio of relevant international MSc programmes which gives great possibilities to increase the exchange of international students as well as researchers
SWOT-analyser, oppsummering av FUS Threats: • Increasing international competition regarding recruitment of students as well as teachers/ researchers • Lowered qualifications and motivation of applicants from upper secondary school and colleges • Lack of qualified professors due to large amount of people reaching retirement age in the next 10 years and few PhD qualified candidates in the market. • The huge negative differences in wages for professors with respect to engineers in private industry make it hard to recruit highly qualified academic staff. • Too small budgets for maintenance and renewal of laboratory facilities • Too small budgets for giving laboratory-based teaching • Need for better pedagogical qualifications for teachers
International evaluation group Deltakere: • Prof. Michael Collins, University of Toronto, Canada (Er villig, noe tidsavhengig) • Prof. Wolfgang Rauch, University of Innsbruck, Østerrike (Har sagt ja) • Prof. J.K. Vrijling, Delft University of Technology, Nederland (Er villig, men må trolig ha noe mer tid) • Prof. Arne Elmroth, Lund Institute of Technology, Sverige (Venter på svar)
International evaluation group Some key issues: • How does the structure and academic level of the civil and environmental engineering education at NTNU compare with similar educations internationally? • Which areas are most relevant to develop cooperation with international universities? • Is the programme suitable for international cooperation and mobility? • Comparison of key figures and indicators relative to international trends. • Assessment of learning quality and learning methods, including laboratories • Recommendations for future adjustments in programme structure and content, including • Field of studies and main profiles • Volume (length) of common core compulsory subjects for all CEE students (the common study platform) • Balance between compulsory and elective courses • Balancing a broad common study platform versus specialization needs • Assessment of multidisciplinary and non-technological courses
Key figures and indicators Under arbeidelse, planen er å få opp tabeller med en del nøkkeltall som kan sammenlignes med de andre universitetene. Aktuelle tema: • Studentdata og resultater • Akademisk personell data • Samspill med næringen • Profiler og emnetilbud • Basis/anvendt • Publikasjoner • osv
Development trends EUCEET • Basic subjects - mathematics and natural sciences – seem to have had the same extent over the past 20-35 years, perhaps with a minor increase. Such basic subjects typically make up 20-30 % of the programme of study. • There is a trend towards a reduction in core subjects in engineering, while specializations seem to increase. Core engineering subjects make up 20 – 30 %. • Applied and specialization subjects are often elective. The extent varies a lot between the universities, with everything between 15 and 45 % of the total programme in these subjects. • There is a trend in the direction of more non-technological subjects - humanities, social sciences and economics.
Oppgaver fremover • Videreføre og utvikle viktige saker som er tatt opp, men ikke ferdig bearbeidet i selvevalueringen • Få i gang en gruppe som ser på matrisene for å trekke ut konklusjoner av disse • Vurdere/gjennomgå læringsmål, både for studieprogram, men ikke minst for studieretninger og hovedprofiler – disse er etter mitt skjønn ikke gode nok • Søke de gode, beskrivende indikatorer/nøkkeltall som kan brukes over tid, er lett tilgjengelige, og kan synliggjøre utviklingen for verden rundt oss • Sikre nødvendig koordinering og samspill mellom delprosjektene