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Approximation Algorithms. Motivation. By now we’ve seen many NP-Complete problems. We conjecture none of them has polynomial time algorithm. . Motivation. Is this a dead-end? Should we give up altogether?. ?. Motivation. Or maybe we can settle for good approximation algorithms?.
Motivation • By now we’ve seen many NP-Complete problems. • We conjecture none of them has polynomial time algorithm.
Motivation • Is this a dead-end? Should we give up altogether? ?
Motivation • Or maybe we can settle for good approximation algorithms?
Introduction • Objectives: • To formalize the notion of approximation. • To demonstrate several such algorithms. • Overview: • Optimization and Approximation • VERTEX-COVER, SET-COVER
Optimization • Many of the problems we’ve encountered so far are really optimization problems. • I.e - the task can be naturally rephrased as finding a maximal/minimal solution. • For example: finding a maximal clique in a graph.
Approximation • An algorithm which returns an answer C which is “close” to the optimal solution C* is called an approximation algorithm. • “Closeness” is usually measured by the ratio bound (n) the algorithm produces. • Which is a function that satisfies, for any input size n, max{C/C*,C*/C}(n).
VERTEX-COVER • Instance: an undirected graph G=(V,E). • Problem: find a set CV of minimal size s.t. for any (u,v)E, either uC or vC. Example:
Minimum VC NP-hard Proof: It is enough to show the decision problem below is NP-Complete: • Instance: an undirected graph G=(V,E) and a number k. • Problem: to decide if there exists a set V’V of size k s.t for any (u,v)E, uV’ or vV’. This follows immediately from the following observation.
Minimum VC NP-hard Observation: Let G=(V,E) be an undirected graph. The complement V\C of a vertex-cover C is an independent-set of G. Proof: Two vertices outside a vertex-cover cannot be connected by an edge.
COR(B) 523-524 VC - Approximation Algorithm • C • E’ E • whileE’ • do let (u,v) be an arbitrary edge of E’ • C C {u,v} • remove from E’ every edge incident to either u or v. • return C.
Demo Compare this cover to theone from the example
O(n2) O(1) O(n2) O(n) Polynomial Time • C • E’ E • whileE’ do • let (u,v) be an arbitrary edge of E’ • C C {u,v} • remove from E’ every edge incident to either u or v • return C
Correctness The set of vertices our algorithm returns is clearly a vertex-cover, since we iterate until every edge is covered.
no common vertices! How Good an Approximation is it? Observe the set of edges our algorithm chooses any VC contains 1 in each our VC contains both, hence at most twice as large
Introduction • Objectives: • To explore the Traveling Salesman Problem. • Overview: • TSP: Formal definition & Examples • TSP is NP-hard • Approximation algorithm for special cases • Inapproximability result
TSP • Instance: a complete weighted undirected graph G=(V,E) (all weights are non-negative). • Problem: to find a Hamiltonian cycle of minimal cost. 3 2 10 1 3 4 5
Polynomial Algorithm for TSP? What about the greedy strategy: At any point, choose the closest vertex not explored yet?
The Greedy $trategyFails 10 5 12 2 3 1 0
The Greedy $trategyFails 10 5 12 2 3 1 0
TSP is NP-hard The corresponding decision problem: • Instance: a complete weighted undirected graph G=(V,E) and a number k. • Problem: to find a Hamiltonian path whose cost is at most k.
TSP is NP-hard verify! Theorem:HAM-CYCLE p TSP. Proof: By the straightforward efficient reduction illustrated below: 0 1 0 0 1 k=0 0 HAM-CYCLE TSP
What Next? • We’ll show an approximation algorithm for TSP, • which yields a ratio-bound of 2 • for cost functions which satisfy a certain property.
The Triangle Inequality Definition: We’ll say the cost function c satisfies the triangle inequality, if u,v,wV : c(u,v)+c(v,w)c(u,w)
COR(B) 525-527 Approximation Algorithm 1. Grow a Minimum Spanning Tree(MST) for G. 2. Return the cycle resulting from a preorder walk on that tree.
Demonstration and Analysis The cost of a minimal hamiltonian cycle the cost of a MST
Demonstration and Analysis The cost of a preorder walk is twice the cost of the tree
Demonstration and Analysis Due to the triangle inequality, the hamiltonian cycle is not worse.
COR(B) 528 What About the General Case? • We’ll show TSP cannot be approximated within any constant factor 1 • By showing the corresponding gap version is NP-hard.
gap-TSP[] • Instance: a complete weighted undirected graph G=(V,E). • Problem: to distinguish between the following two cases: There exists a hamiltonian cycle, whose cost is at most |V|. The cost of every hamiltonian cycle is more than |V|. YES NO
1 1 1 0 1 |V| |V| 0 +1 0 Instances min cost
NO! YES! |V| |V| gap What Should an Algorithm for gap-TSP Return? min cost DON’T-CARE...
gap-TSP & Approximation Observation: Efficient approximation of factor for TSP implies an efficient algorithm for gap-TSP[].
gap-TSP is NP-hard Theorem: For any constant 1, HAM-CYCLE p gap-TSP[]. Proof Idea: Edges from G cost 1. Other edges cost much more.
The Reduction Illustrated 1 |V|+1 1 1 |V|+1 1 HAM-CYCLE gap-TSP Verify (a) correctness (b) efficiency
Approximating TSP is NP-hard gap-TSP[] is NP-hard Approximating TSP within factor is NP-hard
Summary • We’ve studied the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). • We’ve seen it is NP-hard. • Nevertheless, when the cost function satisfies the triangle inequality, there exists an approximation algorithm with ratio-bound 2.
Summary • For the general case we’ve proven there is probably no efficient approximation algorithm for TSP. • Moreover, we’ve demonstrated a generic method for showing approximation problems are NP-hard.
SET-COVER • Instance: a finite setX and a family F of subsets of X, such that • Problem: to find a set CF of minimal size which coversX, i.e -
SET-COVER is NP-Hard Proof: Observe the corresponding decision problem. • Clearly, it’s in NP(Check!). • We’ll sketch a reduction from (decision) VERTEX-COVER to it:
SC VC VERTEX-COVER p SET-COVER one element for every edge one set for every vertex, containing the edges it covers
O(|F|·|X|) min{|X|,|F|} COR(B) 530-533 Greedy Algorithm • C • U X • whileU do • select SF that maximizes |SU| • C C {S} • U U - S • return C
compare to the optimal cover Demonstration 0 1 2 3 4 5
Is Being Greedy Worthwhile? How Do We Proceed From Here? • We can easily bound the approximation ratio by logn. • A more careful analysis yields a tight bound of lnn.
the n elements >½ what we covered Loose Ratio-Bound Claim: If cover of size k, then after k iterations the algorithm covered at least ½ of the elements. Suppose it doesn’t and observe the situation after k iterations:
the n elements Loose Ratio-Bound Claim: If cover of size k, then after k iterations the algorithm covered at least ½ of the elements. Since this part can also be covered by k sets... >½ what we covered