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EU – Turkey Customs Union. “EU-TR Joint Consultative Committee " Brussels, 7 November 2013. EU – Turkey. Accession negotiations Oct 3, 2005. Customs Union Jan 1,1996. Candidate country Dec 11,1999. Customs Union.
EU – Turkey Customs Union “EU-TR Joint Consultative Committee " Brussels, 7 November 2013
EU – Turkey Accession negotiations Oct 3, 2005 Customs Union Jan 1,1996 Candidate country Dec 11,1999
Customs Union • Covers all industrial goods but does not address agriculture (except certain PAPs), and coal and most steel products; both are covered by bilateral concessions (FTA type) • Commits TR to align to the acquiscommunautaire in several essential internal market areas, notably customs legislation, common commercial policy, industrial standards, IPR, competition policy.
Benefits of the Customs Union • Turkey has benefited from an “early” legislative alignment process before its accession negotiations started. • Turkey is participating to a large extent in the EU single market for goods. • Turkish producers gained competitive advantage in adopting (most) EU technical standards.
Benefits of the Customs Union (cont'd) • Customs Union: driving force for tradeliberalisation and integration into global markets • Turkish companies are more and more integrated into the production network of the EU • Increased sophistication of Turkish exports
Increased trade and investment relations • Since 1996, trade between the EU and Turkey has increased more than fourfold (from 22.6 bn € in 1995 to 105.3 bn € in 2012, for EU 15 only) • The EU has been an open and secure marketfor Turkish exporters • Despite increased trade, diminishing share of Turkey's exports to the EU (in 2012 below 40%). • However, to be emphasized that both the EU and Turkey are benefiting from the CU
EU trade with Turkey Millions of euro Source: Eurostat
EU's Trade With Main Partners (2012) Turkey is the EU’s 6th trade partner and ranks higher than some developed countries such as Canada (11) and Australia (15) Source: Eurostat
Turkey's Trade With Main Partners (2012) The EU is Turkey's major trading partner. Source: IMF
EU accession negotiations "Would you say that Turkey's accession negotiations with the EU have improved or deteriorated your perception of its attractiveness for FDI?" Source: Ernst & Young's 2013 Turkey attractiveness survey on 201 investors
EU – Turkey investment relations • The EU represents around 75% of incoming FDI to Turkey (average 2008-2012) • Some 15,350 companies in Turkey with EU capital • 2007-2012, the EU directed 202 projects to Turkey, focusing mainly on sectors with a high technology component. But business services, transport and logistics have also drawn investor attention.
EU-Turkey CUis a success storybut… Turkishcomplaints (e.g.): • FTAs issue – trade policy making • SPS controls on exports of Turkish agricultural products (fruits, vegetables, meat) • Road quotas Tradebarriers/irritantsfacedby EU operators (e.g.): • full and non-discriminatory implementation of the CU to the Republic of Cyprus • importand export licenses/restrictionsforcertaingoods • GMP certificates in pharma sector • Intensive use of safeguard measures
Way forward • The EU-TR CU istoolimited in scope • Sinceseveralyears, the EU concludes - and will continue to conclude - deep and comprehensiveFTAswithmany important tradepartners • There have been attempts to extend the scope of the CU by the EU, but they have been unsuccessfulso far
Way forward (cont'd) • The EU-TR CU scope could be extended to cover also other areas such as agriculture, services, investment, public procurement, including an operational Dispute Settlement Mechanism to tackle unresolved/future trade irritants and to ensure full implementation • Paradox: not doing that extension will leave the EU-TR CU behind the FTAs concluded by the EU.
Way forward (cont'd) • WB made an assessment report of the CU and should present its final report with main findings and recommendations in Jan./Feb. 2014 • EU will study WB report and will thereafter consider together with Turkey which recommendations and policy options to take forward in the interest of both sides.