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PDD Development Small-scale CDM. Carbon Markets – CDM project development, 8. August 2011 Jørgen Fenhann. PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (CDM‑SSC-PDD) VERSION 03 - IN EFFECT AS OF: 22 DECEMBER 2006. CONTENTS
PDD Development Small-scale CDM Carbon Markets – CDM project development, 8. August 2011 Jørgen Fenhann
PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (CDM‑SSC-PDD)VERSION 03 - IN EFFECT AS OF: 22 DECEMBER 2006 CONTENTS A. General description of the small scale project activity B. Application of a baseline and monitoring methodology C. Duration of the project activity / crediting period D. Environmental impacts E. Stakeholders’ comments Annexes Annex 1: Contact information on participants in the proposed small scale project activity Annex 2: Information regarding public funding Annex 3: Baseline information Annex 4: Monitoring Information
Canal Dam wall Penstock Power House Chilinga River Chilinga catchment area Luangwa River SECTION A. General description of small-scaleprojectactivity A.1. Title of the small-scale project activity: Chilinga Mini Hydro Project A.2. Description of the small-scale project activity: - Background, Purpose (tco2 eq displaced over project life time i.e. generating CERs, General description (installed capacity, projected annual average eneration(GWh), main component of h.e.p. plant etc) & SD A.3. Project participants: (Project developer - Chilinga Mini Hydro Co.) A.4. Technical description of the small-scaleproject activity:
A.4.1.4.Details of physical location, including information allowing the unique identification of this small-scaleproject activity
A.4.3.Estimated amount of emission reductions over the chosen crediting period: • A.4.2. Type and category(ies) and technology/measure of the small-scaleproject activity: • Type I – Renewable Energy Projects Category I.D. – Grid connected renewable electricity generation • A.4.3. Estimated amount of emission reductions over the chosen crediting period:
Further required details – ”to mesmerise you” • A.4.4. Public funding of the small-scaleproject activity: (No FDI funding) • A.4.5. Confirmation that the small-scale project activity is not a debundled component of a large scale project activity: • SECTION B. Application of a baseline and monitoring methodology - B.1.Title and reference of the approved baseline and monitoring methodology applied to the small-scale project activity: - TYPE I – Renewable Energy Project. AMS-I.D. – Grid connected renewable electricity generation (V. 13), EB 36 (December 2007). - The AMS-I.D. methodology also refers to the "Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system" (version 01.1) for the calculation of the baseline emissions. - B.5. Description of how the anthropogenic emissions of GHG by sources are reduced below those that would have occurred in the absence of the registered small-scale CDM project activity: (Additionality – investment, technical barriers; financial analysis etc) - B.6. Emission reductions:B.6.1. Explanation of methodological choices: The emission reduction ERy by the project activity during a given year y is the difference between baseline emissions (BEy), project emissions (PEy) and emissions due to leakage (Ly). ERy = BEy – PEy – Ly
B.2. Justification of the choice of the project category: • The Project’s nominal installed capacity is 1.0 MW, which will not increase beyond 15 MW over time.Therefore, the Project will comply with CDM rules for small-scale project activities every year over its 10-year crediting period. B.3. Description of the project boundary: The project boundary, defined in Appendix B of the Simplified Modalities and Procedures, encompasses the physical, geographical site of the renewable generation source. B.4.Description of baseline and its development: The Project will generate electricity without emitting GHGs and supply it to a regional isolated grid, displacing fossil fuel based electricity generation that would otherwise be supplied to this region.
B.6.2. Data and parameters that are available at validation: • Data / Parameter EFgrid,y: (Tonne of CO2e/MWh ): The emission factor for the diesel generator system providing electricity within the baseline project boundary • Data / Parameter:EGy (MWh) - Net electricity supplied to the grid by the project • B.6.3. Ex-ante calculation of emission reductions: • B.6.4. Summary of the ex-ante estimation of emission reductions: • B.7. Application of a monitoring methodology and description of the monitoring plan: - B.7.1.Data and parameters monitored: • B.7.2. Description of the monitoring plan: B.8. Date of completion of the application of the baseline and monitoring methodology and the name of the responsible person(s)/entity(ies) SECTION C: Duration of the project activity / crediting period: Starting date, Expected operational lifetime (30yrs); Choice of the crediting period and related information; etc etc SECTION D: Environmental impacts: SECTION E: Stakeholders’ comments: