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Topics. GZK neutrinos and UHECR spectrum (with TS) Model degeneracy of UHECR Simple scaling GZK- n calculations Thoughts on HE interactions (Many) Old Picture New considerations (Scales, LPM, dE/dX) Scaling dE/dX Photonuclear Pair Production LPM issues Line radiation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. D. Seckel, Univ. of Delaware

  2. Topics • GZK neutrinos and UHECR spectrum (with TS) • Model degeneracy of UHECR • Simple scaling GZK-n calculations • Thoughts on HE interactions (Many) • Old Picture • New considerations (Scales, LPM, dE/dX) • Scaling dE/dX • Photonuclear • Pair Production • LPM issues • Line radiation • e,m,t at PeV, EeV, ZeV

  3. Degeneracy of UHECR models • Flat spectrum, evolution, galactic contribution • Steep spectrum, no evolution, no galaxy

  4. Simple scaling of GZK • Spectrum: (Ep)-(1+g) • Evolution (1+z)m • Matter dominated cosmology (1+z)-5/2 • Spacing Dz = 0.5

  5. Neutrinos break degeneracy a) Flat spectrum, evolution, galactic contribution b) Steep spectrum, no evolution, no galaxy c) Cutoffs, Lambda…

  6. Radio Event Topology: Old Picture I 5% in 3 km salt

  7. Radio Event Topology: Old Picture II

  8. New Considerations (dE/dX)

  9. Scaling of dE/dX

  10. Photonuclear review I Comments • From DRSS • 10-6 = 3km salt • s? • y-distribution important

  11. Photonuclear review II • b ~ L/(L+mlep) • <y> ~ L/(L+mlep) • Growth with g due to growth in photon cross-section (QCD) with E

  12. Pair Production • From LKV • b ~ 1/mlep • <y> ~ me/mlep ? • Quasi-continuous

  13. LPM issues • Is reduction in seN-eNgsgN-Nee the whole story ? • sgN (see S. Klein) • Convert energy to hadronic shower • seN-eNX ,(1019 eV?), seN-eNee (1020 eV (lpm?))

  14. Line radiation (just like SLAC salt stack !?) • Showers vs radiation from a moving “charge” • Coherence region along track • Lumpy? L d

  15. Expectations ne nm nt

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