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Know Your Rights & The Law So You Can Be The Best Advocate for Your Special Education Child. Presentation Created By: Frishman & Faber, P.C. WHY IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARENT & THE SCHOOL DISTRICT SO ADVERSARIAL?.
Know Your Rights & The Law So You Can Be The Best Advocate for Your Special Education Child Presentation Created By: Frishman & Faber, P.C.
“The Special Education Battlefield”“The War to Get Services for Children the Parents and the School Districts are the Soldiers” “Us Against Them”
What are the Barriers to a Cooperative Relationship? Parents AND district not understanding their legal obligations; Limited resources; “Turf Wars”; and Coming to the table with preconceived or a predetermined program or services.
HOW DO YOU BUILD A MORE COOPERATIVE RELATIONSHIP • 1. Understand that there is a mutual goal – the appropriate education of the child! • 2. Shared responsibility in the education of the child! • 3. GOOD COMMUNICATION! • B BOTH parents and the school district need to understand their legal rights and obligations under the law!
IDEA • IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act • Federal special education law (cited as 20 U.S.C §§1400-1487 and 34 C.F.R Part 300) • The purpose of IDEA is “to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.”
PART 200 • Ed. L. & NYCRR - Article 89 of the NY State Education Law & Part 200 of the commissioner of education’s regulations • New York’s special education laws. These laws fully take into account the Federal Law and also offer more State specific rules and regulations.
CHILD WITH A DISABILITY Two tier test: (a) a child with mental retardation, hearing impairments, speech or language impairments, visual impairments, serious emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments (includes ADD), or specific learning disabilities (includes dyslexia) (b) who, by reason of the disability, needs special education and related services (emphasis added)
SECTION 504 • 504 - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • A civil rights law that: (a) protects individuals from discrimination; and (b) entitles children with disabilities that limit a major life activity, such as learning, to a free appropriate public education designed to meet their individual educational needs as adequately as the needs of children without disabilities are met. • 504 provides fewer protections than IDEA . • There is no requirement that a §504 Plan be written.
NCLB • No Child Left Behind – reauthorized a number of federal programs aiming to improve the performance of U.S. primary & secondary schools • Schools must implement NCLB standards in order to receive certain federal funding • Main Components: • Teacher Quality • Student Testing • Scientifically Based Research • Public School Choice
FERPA • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act • Protects the privacy of student records • The Act provides for the right to inspect and review education records, the right to seek to amend those records, and to limit disclosure of information from the records. • The Act applies to all institutions receiving Federal Funding.
FAPE • Free Appropriate Public Education • Special education and related services that are: • (a) provided in an Individualized Education Program (IEP); • (b) designed to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability; • (c) meet state standards; and • (d) are provided at public expense.
LRE • Least Restrictive Environment • To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities should be educated with children who are not disabled • Placement in special classes or removal from the regular education setting occurs only when the disability is so severe that satisfactory education cannot be achieved in regular classes with the use of supplementary supports • Special education setting must be as close as possible to the students local school.
EI • Early Intervention: *Children age 0-3 *Run through Department of Health *Focus on development and family *To be eligible child must have a 33% delay in one area or 25% delay in two or more areas of development (cognitive, adaptive, communication, physical, social emotional) IFSP • Individual Family Service Plan • For Early Intervention Only • Based on child developmental needs and family needs not school needs.
CPSE • Committee on Preschool Special Education • The CPSE determines whether a child is eligible for services from ages 3-5 • Focus changes from whole child/family centered to child’s ability to succeed in school. • Classified as a “preschooler with a disability” • Services based on school calendar not necessarily eligible for summer services • Parents are dealing directly with the school district
CSE • Committee on Special Education • Ages 5-21 Who is on the CSE/CPSE committee? *Comprised of the parents of the child, a regular education teacher of the child, a special education teacher/provider of the child, a representative of the school district (CSE Chair), the child (where appropriate), the school psychologist (New York law) and a parent member. *All members of the CSE must participate in meetings, except the parents of the child can decline participation of parent member.
EVALUATIONS! • What? • When? • Who? • Do You Understand? • Ask Questions! • Right to Independent Evaluations
IEP • Individualized Education Program • A written statement for a child with a disability that describes special education programming and related services designed to meet the unique needs of the child. • The IEP must include: • a statement of the child’s present levels of academic achievement and functional progress; • measurable annual goals that are designed to enable the child to make progress in the general education curriculum; • a description of how the child’s progress will be measured; • measurable post-secondary school goals.
Purpose of An IEP • Foundation or blue print for the student’s program; • Too to measure success of the program and services; • Tool for monitoring accountability; • Clarifies resources to be committed; • Provides consistency; • Communication tool for teachers & Parents to understand the unique needs of the child; & • Allows for mutual decision-making by parents and team members.
Guidelines for Writing an IEP • Make it specific; • Needs to be understood by anyone who reads it; • Make it a useful tool; • Needs to be objective; • Make it comprehensive, yet concise; & • Needs to reflect the student’s strengths as well as areas of disability.
PLOP • Present Level of Performance • Statement of student’s present levels of performance in four areas: Academic, Social, Physical Development, and Management. • How disability affects involvement in the general curriculum or for preschool how affects participation in age appropriate activities.
GOALS • There should be at least one annual goal for each need identified; • For students who qualify for the alternate assessment, short-term objectives or benchmarks to comprise each annual goal must also be developed; • Goals must be meaningful and should be different yearly.
SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM • Can Include: • Special classes; • Resource rooms; • Direct or indirect consultant teacher services; • Travel training; • Home instruction; and • Special teachers including iterant teachers.
Related Services • Developmental , corrective and other supportive services required to assist a student with a disability. This is in addition to the special education program. Can be done individually or in a group. • Examples of related services: speech & language pathology, audiology services, psychological services, physical therapy, counseling services, parent counseling and training, school health services, etc.
ProgramModifications • Supplementary aids and services and/or program modifications or supports are aids, services and other supports that are provided in general education classes or other education-related settings to enable students with disabilities to be educated with non-disabled peers in the LRE.
AssistiveTechnology • Any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of a student with a disability • Should include training • Can student take it home?
TRANSITION • What are Transition Services? • Transition services refers to a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that focuses “on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from post-school activities”; • Post secondary school activities include: post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation; • IEP must include transition goals that are based on the student’s needs, taking into account the student’s strengths, interests, and preferences and should be person centered; • Transition services include: “instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation”; • Transition process begins the IEP year that the student turns fifteen but parents should be familiar with the transition process prior to that; • Student should be included where appropriate; • Consider including local agencies in transition planning; local agencies can also provide services and training; and • Consider opportunities in the community
Preparing for the CSE Meeting DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE MEETING TO DEVELOP THE IEP & GOALS! *Review all evaluations and progress reports with team members *Develop Goals collaboratively
WHAT TO DO BEFORE THE MEETING • Create a vision statement (long-range) for your child; • Keep in mind educational outcomes necessary for the vision to become a reality; • Create a list of your child’s strengths, interests and needs – use evaluations and progress reports for this; • Come up with your own suggestions for the IEP – maybe a parent report; • If possible, get draft goals to review prior to the meeting; • Fill out the sample IEP form found on the VESID website; • Prepare yourself mentally, organize your thoughts, and create an agenda.
During the MeetingWhat Are Your Roles? If you do not feel comfortable with any of the above roles, then you may want to bring someone to the meeting with you!
After the Meeting • Thank everyone for their time and effort • Ask to see a draft of the IEP before it is finalized • Write a letter confirming what occurred during the meeting
Do You Understand Your Child’s IEPA Checklist • Are there clear statements about what my child can do right now in various areas? • Do these statements of what my child can do agree with my own observations? • Is what my child is supposed to accomplish by the end of the year clearly stated? • Do I think these skills are important for my child to work on? Are they reasonable expectations?
Checklist Continued… • Do I understand how learning is going to be measured and how well my child must perform each task? • Have my ideas about what is important been considered in the development of the program? • Do I know the specific educational services that will be provided? • Do I know how much time my child will participate in the regular education program?
Checklist Continued……. 9. Do I know when the program will begin and how long it will last? 10. Are there things I can do as a parent to help my child succeed in the program? 11. How often will progress be reported to me? 12. Are there opportunities throughout the year for the team (including the parent) to meet?
STAY PUT • Pendency / “Stay Put” • During a due process hearing and appeals, the child must remain (“stay put”) in the current educational placement as per the last agreed upon IEP • There are some exceptions to this
Outside of the School District is there Anywhere Else I Can Get Services for My Child? • Private Insurance • OMRDD • Medicaid Waiver
VESID • www.vesid.nysed.gov • Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities • The best resource out there!
Disclaimer This Handout/Presentation may not be reproduced without the express prior permission of Frishman & Faber, PC. Nothing in this handout should be construed as legal advice. Please consult with your own attorney before relying on the information contained herein