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TAPCE. Modules. TAPCE - OAPCE. O.A.P.C.E. is one of the three parent associations in the publicly funded education system that is acknowledged/recognized in Regulation 612 that mandates the empowerment of parents and guardians in the school communities
TAPCE TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Modules TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
TAPCE - OAPCE O.A.P.C.E. is one of the three parent associations in the publicly funded education system that is acknowledged/recognized in Regulation 612 that mandates the empowerment of parents and guardians in the school communities Are there other parent groups in the TCDSB? From time to time other parent groups develop in response to a particular need or issue (i.e. CPIC, GTPN, facilities renewal, transportation lobbying, etc). TAPCE fully supports the efforts of all parents engaged in working to make our schools better for our children. TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Organizational Structure TAPCE1 representative for each school plus Directors and Executive OAPCE Directors3 positions elected for 2 yr term OAPCE 70th Anniversary Committee TAPCE Executive2Yr Term President ,Vice President Treasurer, SecretaryMandate per by-laws Board of Elected Directors4Yr Term Chair, Vice Chair Treasurer , SecretaryMandate Per Corporate Charter) Education Committee PRO Committee Communications Committee Engaging Parents Committee Policy Committee Board Watch Committee Principle/ Representative of Excellence Committee Funding Formula Committee Commissioning Committee Note: Committee Structure may change at each AGM TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Mission Statement To enhance the volunteer parent association by supporting, educating, engaging and empowering parents with tools & resources to enrich education so that children do better, stay longer, & like school more The Strategy TAPCEs main strategy is to meet the intent of the Ministry regulation 0.Reg 612 by continuing to function as a trusted resource, supporting and educating Parents, (in collaboration with OAPCE, the TCDSB and our other partners in Catholic Education), on issues pertaining to the academic, spiritual and holistic education of TCDSB students. TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
TAPCE ADVANTAGE Context and Implications • Sharing ideas and Association direction • Standing united with our partners • Cross Pollination of ideas– • (Access to Provincial Catholic Partners in Education) Opportunities & Rewards Help meet the intent of Ministry regulation 0.Reg 612 Provide the Parents an avenue to engage Raise the profile of the Publicly Funded Catholic School System Goal TAPCE intends to expand and enhance our development of resources and programs which further the effectiveness of Catholic School Advisory Councils and increase parent engagement. (meet the intent of Ministry regulation 0.Reg 612 ) To accomplish this goal we have put together a 3 year plan highlighting Opportunities, Strategies, and a Financial Plan TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Toronto Catholic District School Board • Resource for our Parents/CSACs • Community Relations(primary board resource for CSACs) • Translation- documents generated by CSACs can be translated by the board to reach all • members of school community. • Curriculum & Accountability(cited as resource in CSAC guide) Various Departments can • best be accessed on referral from the principal or Superintendent. • Supervisor During the Oversight of a Ministry Supervisor the role of the Board of Trustees is • defined by the Supervisor (currently it is undefined) The Supervisor is given • authority to make decisions that may effect the operation of departments. • 24-hour information line for Catholic School Advisory Councils at 416-222-8282, ext.88000 • (recorded message ) • 24-hour information line at 416-222-8282, extension 2873 (recorded message) • Also seehttp://www.tcdsb.org/services/ for a list of Board services available TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Conflict Resolution The Board Offers a conflict resolution service from the Human resources department Contact: Isolina Varano 416-222-8282 ext:2363 isolina.varano@tcdsb.org for more information TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Importance of a CSAC • Parent Involvement • Fund Raising • PRO Grants • CSAC Advisory Role on School Matters • Guidelines for School Generated • Funds TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
formation of a csac & roles of the parents Formation and Roles of a CSAC The Catholic School Advisory Council (CSAC) is governed by the Ministry Regulation 612/00 and board policy S.10 “Catholic School Advisory Council”. Under the policy, the school principal shall facilitate the establishment of the CSAC which “shall be as representative as possible of the Catholic school community” (S.10-Section 2) and assist in its operation. TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Formation of a CSAC • The officers of The Council shall be: • Chair • Vice-Chair • Secretary • Treasurer • However, council may choose to have two Co-chairs. The Executive Officers shall be elected annually by the elected members of the Council. TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Formation and Roles of a CSAC • The Members of the Catholic School Advisory Council shall: • Participate in Council meetings. • Participate in information and training programs. • Act as a link between the Council and the community in • support of school programs to improve pupil achievement. • Make recommendations to the principal and, where necessary, • to the Board to improve student achievement and enhance • the accountability of the education system. • Make every effort to be as representative of the school community • as possible. • Conduct their meetings in an invitational, harmonious manner • in the context of Gospel Values. • Be entitled to one vote, in votes taken by the Council, should the • Council make recommendations to the principal and/or Board • through a voting process. • Receive reimbursement for expenses incurred in the normal course • of their duties as Council members in accordance with Board policy, • but shall not receive any remuneration for serving as a Council • member. TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
It is the responsibility of the Chair, in co-operation with the school principal To provide Catholic leadership and direction to the council and Executive Officers to ensure that goals priorities and procedures of the Council Promote Catholic faith and gospel values consistent with the Mission and vision of the board. The Chair of the Council shall: Call council meetings in consultation with the principal. Prepare the Agenda for Council meetings in consultation with the principal. Chair Council Meetings. Ensure that the minutes of council meetings are recorded and maintained appropriately. Ensure that records of all meetings and financial transactions are kept for a minimum of four years and made available at the school for examination without charge to any person from the Catholic school community. Participate in information and training sessions. Communicate regularly with the school principal in an effort to work co-operatively to improve pupil achievement. Ensure that there is regular communication with the Catholic school community. Work collaboratively with the members of the Council to prepare and submit an annual written report on the activities of the council, including fund raising, to the principal and the board. Consult with senior board staff as required. Upon request, provide the local trustee with copes of the minutes of the meetings. In addition, the Chair shall act as spokesperson for the council and carry out such other duties as shall be required from time to time. Be a parent member of the committee but CANNOT be an employee of the T.C.D.S.B.. Chair TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in the discharge of his/her duties and perform such other duties as may be required by the Council or the Executive officers. In the absence of the Chair or in the event of the Chair’s inability to serve, the Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of The Chair. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the Council and the Executive Officers, and shall deal with all correspondence or communications directed to or required of the Council and the Executive. In addition, the Secretary shall co-operate with the Chair to ensure that all minutes and records of the council are available at the school for examination by any person from the Catholic school community. The secretary shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Council and the Executive Officers. In the absence of the Chair or Vice-chair or in the event of their inability to serve, the Secretary will not usually assume the role of Chair in a meeting but may assume such other duties as may be required by the Council or the Executive Officers Secretary Vice Chair TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Treasurer The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts for all receipts and disbursements of the Council in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, And shall be guided by Board Policy SM.04 Fund Raising in Schools in regard to banking and fund disbursements in accordance with such requirements as may be imposed by the Board or other relevant authority. The treasurer shall provide at regular meetings of the Council an account of all transactions of The Council, including the financial position. Prepare a full Financial Statement for submission to the Internal Audit Committee of the Council at least two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting in September. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Council or the Executive Officers of the Council. In the absence of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary or in the event of their inability, the Treasurer shall assume the duties of the Chair. TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Principal TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Council Members TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Parish Representative Community Representative • This representative is the Parish • Priest or the designate. • The Priest or designate is a voting • member of the council • The Council appoints a community • representative's) to represent the • community) • The Community Rep. is a member of the • community – could be someone who has • a business in the community, or another • adult living in the community –wanting • to be involved. • The Community Representative is a • voting member of the council TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Teaching Staff Non Teaching Staff • One teacher who is employed at the • school, to be elected by teachers who are • employed at the school • The Principal, in consultation with the • election committee, will make the • necessary arrangements for the teaching • staff representative to be elected • The Parent members and Principal do not • chose this representative • The Teaching Representative is a voting • member of the CSAC • The Non Teaching Representative is • elected or acclaimed by the non- • teaching staff • The Principal, in consultation with the • election committee, will make the • necessary arrangements for the non- • teaching staff representative to be • elected • A Non Teaching Representative can be a • teachers assistant, special needs, janitor • The Non Teaching Representative is a • voting member of the CSAC One pupil appointed by the student council or, in the case of schools without student councils, elected by other students (mandatory in secondary schools; in elementary schools, appointed by the principal after consultation with the other members of the council). TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
By-laws, Policies & Procedures Bylaws:Policies: (Special Ruled) Rules required for a CSAC to operate Guidelines to follow Deal primarily with structural requirements Deals with administrative matters Cannot be suspended Can be suspended per Rules of Order Changed only through amendment articles Amendable normally Notice Out of Order by-laws can be struck down by a required) higher authority (i.e. Ontario Min. of Ed) OReg. 612 Requires by-laws for : conflict resolution and conflict of interest (2 Samples have been developed by Board) Procedures: (Standing Rules) Best practices to achieve a desired result Deals with Less formal administrative matters or trial programs Can be suspended per Rules of Order or under Special circumstances Amendable / can be revoked without notice TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Do CSACs need a Constitution? A constitution provides the frame work for the operation of a deliberative body. It usually includes a corporate charter and bylaws. Constitutions allow for incorporated organizations such as businesses or charities to operate A constitution is viewed as a supreme set of by-laws that can allows each CSAC to address the unique needs by-laws should conform to the Ministry Standards (Education Act O Reg612-613) and policies of the Board Incorporation is not permitted for CSACs per OReg. 612. TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
CSAC E-MAIL DEMO Joe DiFosna TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
CSAC Bulletin Board DEMO Merv Mascarenhas TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Annual General Meeting Procedures and Requirements • Effective AGM • Notice of Meeting • Call to Order • Agenda • Minutes • Bylaw Amendments • Officer/Committee Reports • Selections, Elections and Appointments TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Effective AGM Effectiveness means ‘the capability of producing an effect.’ Measurable Results:-Ministry Requirements (O-Reg612)First meeting within 35 days of start of school yearAddress by-laws for Elections/Conflict of Interest/Conflict Resolution-Board Requirements (S10)Elect Chair, Identify Staff Positions and Results of Parent Election Determine Parish/OAPCE Association and Community Members- School Needs (MOE SC Guide)To engage all components of the School Community in creating a healthy and safe and productive learning environment for students…-CSAC Needs (MOE SC Guide & Rules of Order)Establish the necessary components to meet the mandate of a CSAC Edmund Burke 1774 Deliberative Body Deliberative BodyA Council is usually thought of as a Small Board providing advice on issues to stake holders and taking decisive action in pursuit of a delegated objectives. In the case of a CSAC this takes the form of advise to the Principal on student achievement and school accountability. Democratic/Parliamentary Principles are utilized in accordance with Canadian Laws, Ontario Regulations and School Board Policies when taking deliberated steps to respond to the challenges of the School and the larger community. TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Notice of Meeting CallThe Meeting is called by the Principal/Chair before the first 35 days of the school Year. (Normally at the final meeting of the previous session.) The Date, Time and Location of the meeting is facilitated by the Principal. PostingPrincipal causes to have posted at a place accessible to all parents all material distributed to members of a CSAC, including the notice of meeting Posting date for a Notice of Meetings is not defined by OReg-612 or S10.Length of time of Posting is also not defined DistributionPrincipal causes to have Notice of Meeting distributes to parents.Date Notice of Meetings to be distributed not defined ContentThe Notice of Meeting must include: -Date, Start Time and Location. The Notice of Meeting may be required to include: -The substantive nature of any motion requiring advance notice Motions Required to be included in Notice of Meeting: Motions making recommendations suggestions requests or resolution requiring some action that effects Structure or Mandate.Motions involving Parliamentary Principal of minority right protection such as absent members or underrepresented segments of the community.Anticipated Motions that have not been previously announced at a CSAC meeting. TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Call to Order Determination of QuorumOutgoing Chair “Calls Meeting to Order” and Secretary minutes time 50%+1 Current Council Present50%+1 of Present are Parent MembersChairs First Ruling: Rulings made by the Chair and should be challenged immediately with a Point of Order if a member disagrees. Opening CeremoniesOpening Prayer/ Reading of Conflict Resolution Bylaw…Opening StatementChair identifies him/herself by Title: “The Chair will be presiding officer of this meeting with the Secretary recording the minutes”Special circumstances are explained as considered necessary by the Chair Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 Welcoming/Conflict of InterestIf new members are present further introductions are usually facilitated through a brief round table. A Role Call of Officers is sometimes taken for orientation purposes.Members who may have a Conflict of Interest with a particular item of the agenda are expected to identify such a conflict at this time. Order Of BusinessAdoption of the Agenda isfrequently done separate from the Call to Order even though administrative. If the CSAC by-laws include a format or if the Presiding Officer anticipates no challenge and wishes to exercise the Chair role to “Set the Agenda” it can be approved as circulated or by consensus TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Agenda The AGM’s Orders:Primary subjects are listed as Items on the Agenda Call For Agenda ItemsThe Notice of Meeting may include a Call for Input with a Draft Agenda and Draft Minutes.The Call for Input should stipulate that responses be provide by a certain date to allow for sufficient time for the Chair to consult with the Principal, Item’s Action Addressee or Sponsor.A Call for Final Changes to Agenda at the meeting can sometimes expedite its adoption such changes should be accepted by the Chair Adoption/Amendments of AgendaAgenda’s that are presented for adoption by a council are subject to amendment Once adopted changes in sequence and timing can only be approved by Suspending Rules of OrderThe chair should ensure objections to proceeding with the agenda are addressed before moving on with the next/first order of business. ContentDetails Date/ Meeting Start Time/ Location/ (Optionally: Item Duration/ Item Sponsor or Action Addressee) Items I.- Reading and Approval of Minutes / II -Officers & Standing Committee Reports/ III. -Special Committee Report/ IV -Special Orders/ V -Unfinished Business/VI -New business TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Minutes RecorderOutgoing Recording Secretary should complete AGM minutesIf Secretary Absence or takes Chair elect Secretary ProTem.The Presiding Officer should not take minutesThe Recording Secretary should sign the approved minutes. Content:1- Kind of Meeting- i.e. Annual General Meeting 2-Name of Assembly- Often included in the header of the minutes3-Date Time and Place if it is not always the same4- Roll Call of Presiding Officer and Secretary5- Previous Minute Disposition Sir John George Bourinot 1836-1902 6-Main Motions Details:i.e. …J. Smith…moved “ that minutes be approved with cited changes.” The motion was carried (after debate and amendment) 7- Details of Secondary Motions Pending or Sustained in Isolation 8- Notices of Motion9 - All Points of Order and Appeals whether Sustained or Lost with Chairs reasoning10-Time of Adjournment Supplementary Information: Attach Agenda, Reports and Documents distributed to members at the meeting or in advance of the meeting. Generate Action Log at the end of the minutes to consolidate business arising out of the minutes.Use Secretarial Notes to bring minutes up to date in stead of rehashing completed items. TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
By-law Amendments Special ConsiderationsBylaw on Amendment Process is required to amend by-lawsRules of Order cited by by-laws should be followedSpecial Rules should be followedStanding Rules should be followedNotice of Motion Restrictionsshould be carefully considered Amendments that are Out of OrderViolations of Parliamentary PrinciplesViolations of Laws and RegulationsViolations of Responsible Body Policies and Procedures Henry Martyn Robert 1832 – 1923 Robert’s Rules of Order Content:1. Cites Bylaw/Article/Rule affected, 2. Quotes Text Proposed/Replaced/Inserted 3. Include Context for Resolution.i.e. “ WHERE AS Bylaw 10.10 permits the chair to Vote twice” and WHERE AS members are only allowed to vote once in accordance with Toronto Catholic District School Board policy S10 6,(c)(vii) BE IT RESOLVED THAT Bylaw 10.10 “…the Chairperson shall have a second, or deciding vote.” should read “… the Chairperson shall have the deciding vote if the chair elected to initially abstain from voting” Move to ImplementationWhere the context rational or implications are somewhat controversial Move to Adoption/Approve Where there seems to be agreement with the rational and the body wishes to endorse the intention TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Officer/Committee Reports Annual Report:The Council is required to present an Annual Report to the Principal and the Board.Thus Council Approval of this Report is required unless an alternate report submission process is indicated in the by-laws. The author of this report is normally the CSAC Chair thus would normally be first to speak to the report Financial Statement Can be included in the annual reportMay be presented by the Treasurer/Audit Committee Chair… Ex Officio Reports:Principal, Parish Representative may be considered as Officers in some CSACs It may be better if their input is not included in the annual report as a potential conflict of interest could be perceived Teaching/Non Teaching/Student/Liaison Rep Reports By-laws may designatepositionsas officers or ex-officio officers Best if their input is included in Annual Report Committee Reports Standing Committee Reports should be included in annual report Special Committee may not need to be included in AGM Content:1. Introduction 2.Method 3. Results and Discussion TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Selection of CSAC Members at the time of the AGM Parish Member Dependant of feed back from Parish. May be selected by Correspondence. i.e. Chair: “Council has received a response to its query of the Parish on a Parish Representative. Let the Record reflect that The Parish Rep will be M. Ward whom is in attendance“ OAPCE Association (TAPCE) Representative Dependant upon TAPCE by-laws -Selection by motion could be an optionMotion: “…J Smith MOVED THAT B. Jones. be selected as TAPCE Rep pending indication to the contrary from that OAPCE Association…..” Community Reps Dependent on number of Parent Reps elected or CSAC by-laws selection by Declaration may be possible Chair “WHEREAS the Elections committee has received no nominations for Community Rep, and WHEREAS only 1 qualifying candidate is present, The chair is inclined to declare B Nice to the position of Community Rep barring objection…. Hearing no objection the position is Declared filled.” TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Selection of CSAC Members at the time of the AGM • Election of Officers • TCDSB Policy S10 5a requires elections in accordance with CSAC by-laws. • [By-laws regarding elections can include: • Processes for Nomination,Validation of Nominee,Confirmation of Candidate, Statement of Candidate/Nominator, • Scrutinizer appointment, Ballot distribution/collection and counting, Announcement and retention of Results, Destruction of Ballots] • Appointment of Committees Reg. 612 indicates committees are established with by-laws • Must include Parent Member • (Normally first one named to a committee is the Chair) • Committees are struck when they have there full complement and mandate • including being open and accessible to public, entitled to be held on school property • Notice of meetings posted and distributed to parents TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
News Report Current CSAC News Update • Safe Schools • Insurance for CSACs • Promotions and Sponsorships • Fundraising • Police in Schools TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
Lets Have a Meeting TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)
How'd We Do? TAPCE Orientation for CSAC Members (rev3 8Sep08)