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This Session. The prospects for the economyImplications for public spendingImplications for local government
1. ASSIST Conference 27-28 August 2009Fairmont Hotel, St AndrewsThe Performance and Improvement Agenda Dr. Mark McAteer
Director of Governance and Performance Management
Improvement Service
5. GDP Forecast for 2011 – 2013 Spending Review Treasury: 3.25% per annum: Cumulatively: 10.6%
Independent forecasts: 1.9%, 2.5%, 2.6%: Cumulatively: 7.2% (Bank of England; OECD)
Note: (1) Each 1% below forecast trend = .75%, TME = 1.5%, DEL = £440 million (cash)
(2) Effect cumulative and multiplicative
6. Points No independent forecaster endorses Treasury assumptions or can explain them
Treasury has never explained assumptions: do not look possible
3.25% growth would require:
- Private consumption at pre 2008 levels (wages, credit, housing)
- Government spending at pre 2008/09 levels
- Sharply declining unemployment
7. UK Public Expenditure Issues Prioritisation & the Scottish block: IFS -v- CPPR
Reining in borrowing: Balanced budget before 2017/18
Calman: Phasing out Barnet (2015/16)
8. Short-Term Strategic Options Minimise real reduction by controlling inflation: Wage strategy; procurement (1% on wages = £150 million 1% improvement procurement value = £90 million)
Efficiency & productivity measures: absence; contestability
Hard prioritisation but if health & education fully protected then impact doubles in other areas
Review of input commitments against outcomes (e.g. free personal care -v- reducing inequality and early intervention or class sizes -v- education outcomes)
10. Medium – Long Term Scenarios Convergence around 1% real growth 2015/16 onwards
Spending would still lower in real terms in 2017/18
Problem is that demand will grow consistently across period (2% - 3% real per annum)
11. BV2 Corporate Assessment Framework Outcome focused audit - ‘proportionality’ in audit & inspection
- Vision & direction
- Effectiveness of partnership working
- Community engagement
- Governance & accountability
- Use of resources – includes competitiveness
- Equalities
- Sustainability
12. Implications Significant gap between spending & demand - pressure for significant efficiency & productivity improvement
Need to prioritise & rethink business models : JVs , LLPs , Partnerships, consortia etc
Need to look ‘whole system’ – structure & governance of local public services; redesign around outcomes
How does facilities management fit in & how does it account for performance in pressurised financial environment ?
13. F.M. Performance Challenges Linking cost, quality & outcomes
The appropriateness & sustainability of business models (LLPs; Joint Ventures etc)
Benchmarking comparability competitiveness
contestability context
Scaling, sharing & efficiency
The ten year view: 2020 vision & models (the minus 15 test)
14. End Points Best value & accounting for performance ethical not just technical requirements
New models, trends & engagement
Governance, performance & accountability critical
Rethinking from an outcomes perspective – local integration vs national aggregation