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SharePoint. Introduction to the Nevada SharePoint Site https://nrcs.sc.egov.usda.gov/west/nevada/default.aspx. Better Way/Communication. Will SharePoint meet our needs for sharing information & Tracking Action items?. What is SharePoint?.

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  1. SharePoint Introduction to the Nevada SharePoint Site https://nrcs.sc.egov.usda.gov/west/nevada/default.aspx

  2. Better Way/Communication Will SharePoint meet our needs for sharing information & Tracking Action items?

  3. What is SharePoint? • Collection of tools to improve user and team productivity by providing workspace for team projects, posting documents and tasks and a discussion site • Web based – updates as we input information. • Secure – team members must be added and permissions can be set as needed

  4. Makes information sharing more effective by providing a central location for sharing information, managing schedules and workflow • Facilitate decision-making processes • Can be set to alert you to additions or changes to your site • Agency is allowing states to “go with it”, we have the freedom to set it up to meet our needs

  5. Entrance page for Nevada employees -

  6. From the main page ~ we can break out to other sections • Specific groups or teams can be added as needed: • Management • Admin • Programs • Soils • Engineering

  7. Events on the Calendar Clicking on the Soils link

  8. Events (for the Calendar) can show up as a list ~

  9. In Calendar view ~

  10. Task pane give you more options – export/Link to Access, Excel • Link to Outlook ~ one way, after upgrades it will link both ways

  11. When you input your calendar items, you can create a web for your conference or meeting. (the little colored icon indicates a web created)

  12. Creating a new web gives your team a place to share documents and a central location for all information pertaining to the workshop, project, etc…

  13. Advantages • Share documents • Input comments but still retain original • Can access, view, comment on documents in short notice • Set permissions as needed • Can set alerts to be notified when changes are made

  14. On your sections main page – you can customize announcements • Open discussions • Tasks can be assigned and tracked

  15. Tasks • Items can be entered, assigned & tracked • Datasheet can be customized as needed • Alerts can be set

  16. Two task lists created for Nevada and National Registers

  17. Columns can be added • Can be linked to excel • Charts and reports can be created

  18. SharePoint Overview Lists – • Announcements – share news, status and other short bits of news or information. • Events – calendar-based view of upcoming meetings, deadlines • Custom list in datasheet view – specify columns – opens in spreadsheet-like environment for easy data entry, editing and formatting. • Tasks – Create a tasks list to track work items • Gantt view format : Shows bar graph with start date, milestones, percent complete and finish date. Allows visualization of a project plan and schedule of tasks.

  19. Overview • Shared Document Workspaces- allows multiple users to collaborate and work on the same document, with versioning capabilities to track changes • Discussion or Blog sites – for comments and input regarding your group’s specific issues

  20. SharePoint • Once you get in there, it is easy to understand • It is the direction the Department is going (they are not exactly sure how) • They are allowing us to find how it works best for us - • Work with it - find out what works for you • Experiment with the features

  21. Considerations • Permission levels ~ reader, web, admin (access, data entry, site creation) • Contact person ~ each section can be responsible for Departmental information, update and postings • Calendars ~ for all action items/due dates or separate calendars for each department?

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