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Aero-digestive Endoscopy. Dr. Vishal Sharma. History. Bozzini (1806): angled speculum with mirror using wax candle, first examined larynx Manuel Garcia (1854): Using dental mirror, hand mirror & sunlight visualized his own vocal cords Adolph Kussmaul (1868): 1 st rigid esophagoscopy
Aero-digestive Endoscopy Dr. Vishal Sharma
Bozzini (1806): angled speculum with mirror using wax candle, first examined larynx • Manuel Garcia (1854): Using dental mirror, hand mirror & sunlight visualized his own vocal cords • Adolph Kussmaul (1868): 1st rigid esophagoscopy • Gustav Killian (1897): 1st rigid bronchoscopy • Chevalier Jackson (early 1900s): father of modern rigid endoscopy • Oscar Kleinsasser (1960): suspension micro-laryngoscope • Shigeto Ikeda (1966): first fiberoptic bronchoscopy & oesophagoscopy • H.H. Hopkins: rigid fiberoptic telescopes
Boyce’s Endoscopy position Supine position with head elevated by 10 cm
Diagnostic Therapeutic Biopsy of suspected malignancy Foreign body in larynx & pyriform fossa removal (larynx & pyriform fossa) Examination of hidden areas: Excision biopsy anterior commissure, laryngeal of benign ventricle, subglottis, infrahyoid laryngeal lesion epiglottis, pyriform fossa apex Dilatation of laryngeal stricture Unsuccessful indirect laryngoscopy
Indications for Bronchoscopy • Broncho-alveolar lavage for C/S, AFB, cytology • Biopsy of tracheo-bronchial tumours • Investigation of chronic cough, hemoptysis, Lt vocal cord palsy, atelectasis, obstructive emphysema, mediastinal growths • Removal tracheo-bronchial of foreign bodies • Removal of retained respiratory secretions