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Virtual Parce l Map Viewer

Virtual Parce l Map Viewer. A joint research project by: UW-Madison’s State Cartographer’s Office UW-Eau Claire’s Dept. of Geography & Anthropology. Research Project Focus. Examine feasibility of integrating existing county Web map services into a single online map

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Virtual Parce l Map Viewer

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  1. Virtual Parcel Map Viewer A joint research project by: UW-Madison’s State Cartographer’s Office UW-Eau Claire’s Dept. of Geography & Anthropology

  2. Research Project Focus • Examine feasibility of integrating existing county Web map services into a single online map • Initially, the focus is on parcel services • Create statewide view of geospatial data collected and maintained at the county level

  3. A Different Approach! Can be used for any type of geospatial data, not just parcels. Using Web services means we will be displaying the most up-to-date data from the most authoritative source (i.e., the counties). Does not require counties to contribute a copy of their data. Instead, we access services that have already been published online. No stitching, edgematching, or rubbersheeting needed. Users will NOT be able to download data.

  4. Current Status Most counties use Esri’sArcGIS Server technology. ArcIMS services are still widely used, although many counties indicate they are migrating to ArcGIS Server. Small number of counties use non-Esritechnology, i.e., open source Web Map Services.

  5. Parcel Data Map Services Washington County Ozaukee County Waukesha County Milwaukee County

  6. Pop-Up Attributes Customizable Washington County Ozaukee County Washington County Ozaukee County Washington County Ozaukee County Washington County Ozaukee County Washington County Waukesha County Milwaukee County Waukesha County Milwaukee County Milwaukee County Waukesha County Milwaukee County Waukesha County

  7. PLSSFinder Common gateway to county PLSS records Provides broad awareness and exposure to a larger audience Links, where available, to county digital tie sheets Statewide view of PLSS records modernization

  8. Various Export Options

  9. Who Benefits? PLSS and parcels are the basis of land ownership descriptions -- vital to ownership rights for every property in Wisconsin. PLSS and parcels are critical for many activities that cross county boundaries – from emergency management to economic development. Who benefits? Geospatial professionals – demonstrating ROI (Return on Investment) for the cost of developing and maintaining geospatial data. The county – by being an active participant in a statewide integration effort that will have impacts beyond the county boundaries. Citizens and taxpayers – by seeing maximum utilization of investments they have paid for and obtaining bigger benefits through more effective and efficient governance!

  10. Questions? Howard Veregin veregin@wisc.edu Brenda Hemstead hemstead@wisc.edu Martin Goettl goettlm@uwec.edu

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