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Jour 3 - Session 2: Programmation axée sur les résultats. CPF results matrix. CPF Results Hierarchy – definitions. SMART RESULTS. Specific in terms of the nature and scope of achievements and changes sought, the target groups and geographical area etc.
Jour 3 - Session 2: Programmationaxée sur lesrésultats
CPF results matrix • CPF Results Hierarchy – definitions
SMART RESULTS Specificin terms of the natureand scopeof achievements and changes sought, the target groups and geographical area etc. (should also reflect only one and not multiple results in one single statement) Measurable: measurable quantitatively and/or qualitatively; data will be available when needed within the time period Achievableand time-bound in CPF period with the resources available Relevant to national priorities and FAO’s mandate; substantial, necessary and sufficient
Matrice des résultats Changementsque nous observons chez les individus et les organisations qui utilisent les produits de la FAO ? • Actions, projects et programme réalisés par la FAO dans le pays - Résultats significatifs et mesurables • Permettent le suivi-évaluation des résultats et des progrès accomplis dans l’exécution du CPP • Support d’information permettant de vérifier les indicateurs • Les conditions nécessaires qui doivent exister si l’on veut que les relations de cause à effet entre les niveaux de résultats fonctionnent SMART
Results chain – country examples SMART CPF impact CPF outcome CPF outputs Activities, Projects KEY to success: National partners create and use outputs
TIPson formulating Capacity Development outcomes and indicators at the level of Individuals Organizations Enabling environment
Capacity development OUTCOME statements should reflect • HOW will outputs contribute to the intended changes of the key actors or in organizational practices in the national system. • WHATare the potential changes in the medium-term for the enabling environment, organizations or individual practices • WHICH CAPACITIEs (individual, organizational, enabling environment) will need to be developed to allow the change
Individual level: CD outcomes and indicators Outcome describes if individuals (e.g. farmers, local staff, food producers) are applying and using the knowledge acquired. Indicators (examples): • N. of farmers (or fishermen) who changed their practices, behavior • N. of staff following new standards • N. of food producers who apply the new knowledge to increase food production
Organizational level: CD outcomes and indicators • Outcomesdescribes whether organizations are delivering their services, accomplishing their mandates or performing more efficiently. • Indicators (examples): • Number of communities that can develop an action plan • Number of extension units in the country delivery their services effectively • Improved management practices (e.g. M&E system) • Improved information sharing among the organizations
Enabling environment: CD outcomes and indicators • Outcome: state whether the policy, legislative or institutional framework allow implementation of a change process. • Indicators (examples): • New policies, plans and programes adopted • New policies and strategies implemented
HOW TO DEFINE CPF OUTPUTS AND OUTCOMES - checklist • Checklist: Six criteria for good result statements • Group work: defining outcome and outputs • How to define risks and assumptions • Group work: defining risks and assumptions of CPF
CHECK-LIST A few criteria to assess/define CPF results* Is the result defined on the right level (outputs - outcome)? Is the result as clear as possible? Does the result express only a single idea? Does the result – to the extent possible - explicitly describe WHAT is the change and WHO is benefiting from the change? Does the result express a change rather than a process? Is the result as specific as possible?
CRITERION 1: Is the CPF result defined on the right level (outputs vs. outcome)? REMARK ON CAPACITY-BUILDING: • Someone has (improved) capacity to do something different or better- > CPF output, not outcome • Example: “Ministry of Environment has the capacity to monitor protected areas” • Example: “Government is better able to formulate gender-sensitive policies” • Someone actually does something different or better- > CPF outcome • Example: “Ministry of Environment effectively monitors protected areas” • Example: “Government formulates policies which are sensitive to gender” • similarlogicappliesto „havingaccessto …“
CRITERION 2: Does the CPF result express only a single idea? • “More and better skilled youth and women have decent job opportunities” • if more than a single idea is captured in a result (‘compound result’), it tends to: • distort the clear, logical linkages within the results chain • makes monitoring and reporting more complex and cumbersome • can include different levels of results in one result statement look out for dangerous phrases like ‘through’, ‘for’, ‘and’, ‘in order to’, ‘which contribute to’, ‘with a focus on’ -> consider revising and narrowing down to a single idea, or • -> consider splitting up into more than 1 result
CRITERION 6: Is the CPF result as specific as possible?
CRITERION 6: Is the CPF result as specific as possible?
CHECK-LIST Six criteria how to assess/define CPF results* Is the result defined on the right level (outputs - outcome)? Is the result as clear as possible? Does the result express only a single idea? Does the result – to the extent possible - explicitly describe right-holders and duty-bearers? Does the result express a change rather than a process? Is the result as specific as possible? *or: SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound)
Example of CPF outcome and indicators: • Outcome 3.2: Policies, regulations and legal issues addressed to promote competitive agro-enterprise development among smallholder farmers and small and medium scale enterprises. (G01) • Indicators: • By 2015, GoN initiated policy reforms to help small producers to increase value addition and participate in changing markets (Contribution to OR Indicator G01P2 /01) • By 2015, No. programmes/ projects where policies, regulations, and laws relating to agribusiness are being enforced (Contribution to OR Indicator G01P2 /01)
Linkages between CPF and UNDAF results chain • Ensure logical link between CPF and UNDAF results: • CPF impact coincideswith UNDAF outcomes • CPF outcomes contribute to UNDAF outputs • CPF outputs are incorporated as activities in UNDAF action plan Apply flexibly, ONE size may not fit all situations
CPF Results Matrix – Part B – Resource requirements This is the basis for the preparation of the RM strategy and action plan
Results matrix and resource mobilization • CPF results matrix will help you: • Define the outcomes and outputs you aim to engage resource partners on – who may fund a % of the CPF, or wish to see a project packaged around a particular CPF outcome • The RM target will become clearer – make sure it is realistic!