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GROUP - III. Chairman – Addl Secretary (NKD) States Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Tamilnadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh. 1. Crop Weather Situation during Rabi 2008-09. States
GROUP - III Chairman – Addl Secretary (NKD) States Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Tamilnadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh 1
Crop Weather Situation during Rabi 2008-09 States Manipur: Weather was good but heavy rain occurred in the month of November, 08 affecting sowing of Rabi crops. However, production of various crops is expected to be more then the last Rabi season. Meghalaya: Normal Weather. Mizoram: Normal Weather. However, less production is expected due to rodent menace. Nagaland: No rain fall since November, 08. Orissa: Weather normal. Moisture stress in November, 08. Tamilnadu : Heavy Rain/Flood due to which there was losses to various crops particularly Rice causing production loss in 5.97 lakh hec. Tripura: Normal. Uttar Pradesh: Normal Crop Weather Situation The production of various crops is expected to be much higher as compared to Rabi Season during 2007-08
Assessment for Rabi 2008-09 A = Area (lakh ha.) P = Production (lakh tons) * Based on second advance estimation
Targets for Kharif 2009 A = Area (lakh ha.) P = Production (lakh tons)
Strategies To Achieve Targets Besides general and common strategies, the few specific strategies are as under: Manipur: Adoption of INM & IPM, SRI Application of lime in acid soil Meghalaya: More area under HYVs and Hybrid rice Cluster and Convergence approach of development Creation of water resources and timely distribution of inputs Adoption of best practices Nagaland : Extension services have been re-oriented (i.e. ATMA) Improve Agronomic practices, double cropping and adoption of SRI Orissa: Enhancing SRR and adoption of sustainable technology Rice fallow Management and soil amendment Popularization of SRI and farm machineries Seed Village Programme to be accelerated Tamilnadu: More area under System of Rice Intensification Supply of Leaf Colour Charts for Nitrogen use Focus for more micro nutrients and bio-fertilizers Efforts in seed production in oilseeds through seed village programme
Strategies To Achieve Targets Uttar Pradesh: Additional 1.2 lakh hecs. of developed waste land will be brought under cultivation. Enhancing coverage under bio-fertilizer, bio-agents, micro nutrients and certified seeds Soil test under Apni Mitti Pahchano Abhiyan to test 20 lakh soil samples Green Manuring in 1.5 lakh ha area Promote laser leveling for better utilization of irrigation water Assisting farmers for use of Barbed wire fencing to protect crops particularly against blue bulls PPP in production of seeds, bio-fertilizers, bio-agent and technology transfer to farmers
MANIPUR - Status & Progress of Schemes, Input Position and Issues RKVY & Macro Management: State is not cover under RKVY. NFSM: State is not covered. However they requested to include 4 districts under NFSM Input Management: NSC needs to supply seed in time and 100% pure State has requested an allocation of 30,000 tons of urea for Kharif 2009 from IFFCO & BVFC 4. Best Practices adopted by States: Establised Model Seeds Village 5. Any other Important Issues: Transport subsidy is needed for seed and fertilzer State has requested to cover it under Crop Insurance Scheme Though it is covered under National Projects on Soil Health / Fertility, still funds have not been received.
MEGHALAYA -Status & Progress of Schemes, Input Position and Issues 1. RKVY : Not eligible NFSM : Not eligible Input Management Seeds and fertilizers are adequately available 4. Important Issues: Sanction of proposal for strengthening of State Seed Testing labs has not yet being received. Proposal for setting up of Centre of Excellence for Vegetable Crops Subsidy on Power Tiller to be raised from Rs.45,000 to Rs.55,000
MIZORAM - Status & Progress of Schemes, Input Position and Issues 1. RKVY: Not eligible 2. NFSM: Not covered. However, 4 districts are proposed. Extension Reforms: All the districts covered under ATMA. Input Management 4500 tons of fertilizer required. 5. Best Practices adopted by States: Adoption of SRI Oil Palm Cultivation 6. Any other Important Issues SRI needs to be extended through out State. Transport subsidy for oil palm seedlings Assistance for setting up of Seed Farms in each district
NAGALAND - Status & Progress of Schemes, Input Position and Issues RKVY: 2nd Installment is yet to be received. 2. Extension Reforms: All the 11 districts covered under ATMA programme. 3. Best Practices adopted by States: Integrating farming (paddy, fish, livestock, dry land horticulture) 4. Any other Important Issues: Man power shortage in all ATMA district.
ORISSA - Status & Progress of Schemes, Input Position and Issues 1. Best Practices adopted: Amelioration of acidic soil through Paper-Mill Sludge (PMS) application (more than 1.20 lakh hec. Treated in 2008-09) SRI village as demonstration unit for promotion of the new method of paddy cultivation; learing alliance with Xavier Institute of Management Gram-Krishak-Manch (GKM) as change agents for promotion of agricultural technologies Massive capacity building of extension personnel's – renovation of all training institutes, MOU with MANAGE / EEI, Hyderabad, dignified work environment at all levels Video conferencing with all officials periodically for regular review of activities 2. Important Issues: Creation of buffer stock of fertilizers Timely release of funds under ISOPOM; release of balance funds as per approved action plan Subsidy on Rotavator under MMA be enhanced from Rs. 25,000 to Rs.30,000 as under NFSM Reduction of training sessions under FFS Subsidy on quality paddy seeds under NFSM rice irrespective of their age (case to case basis) Supply of quality seeds of recently released varieties under minikit programme.
TAMILNADU - Status & Progress of Schemes, Input Position and Issues RKVY & Macro Management: An amount of Rs.116.24 crore has been spent against 144.75 crore allocation. The Scheme on Animal Husbandry & Fisheries in progress. In Macro Management expenditure has been to the tune of 30.32 crore against an allocation of 38.44 crore. NFSM : 72% of funds have been utilized so far i.e. out of Rs.27.58 crore of available fund, 19.81 crore have been utilized so far. 3. Extension Reforms All the 385 blocks with extension centres are provided with connectivity, agri-clinic centres for providing service to farmers ATMA has been extended to all districts at a cost of Rs.22.42 crore 3400 farmers interest groups formed and 16,666 women groups trained on entrepreneurship
TAMILNADU - Status & Progress of Schemes, Input Position and Issues National Projects of Management of Soil Health/ Fertility and Organic Farming: Proposal sent to GOI for strengthening of 13 mobile soil testing labs, 11 soil testing labs proposed to be provided with Atomic Absobtion Spectrophoto Meter Popularistion of improving fertility by demonstration, zink sulphate , green manure seeds etc. 14 lakhs Soil Health Cards distributed. 6 Bio-fertilzers production units are functioning while 9 new units are being set-up. Input Management (a) Availability of Seeds – Kharif 2009 – The seed requirement is 38,550 tons of paddy (63% SRR), 6800 tons of pulses (16% SRR) and 72,535 tons of oilseeds (8% SRR). - 12 Seed Testing labs functioning, 18 new testing labs being set-up. (b) Availability of Fertilizers – Kharif 2009 - Kharif 2009 fertilizer plan is 4.5 lakh tons of urea, 2.00 lakh tons of DAP, 2.69 lakh tons of MOP and 1.75 lakh tons of complexes Best Practices adopted by States: System of Rice Intensification Precision Farming Weather based Crop Insurance Replacement of old pump sets and recharge of ground water Any other Important Issues: Under Seed Village Scheme, the ceiling of seed subsidy of ½ acre per farmer may be relaxed. Subsidy may be given to water soluble fertilizer at par with chemical fertilizers as Precision farming is largely promoted in Tamilnadu
TRIPURA - Status & Progress of Schemes, Input Position and Issues 1. RKVY & Macro Management: Under CDAP all 4 districts covered. SAP under review. 2. NFSM – Not covered. 3. Extension Reforms: All 4 districts covered under ATMA. Input Management Self sufficient in Rice seeds, surplus supplied to NSC Vegetable seed production started. 5. Best Practices adopted by States: Very high yield of seed production of rice through SRI 6. Important Issues: Non availability of fertilizers
UTTAR PRADESH -Status & Progress of Schemes, Input Position and Issues Extension Reforms : One month Kheti Bari Mahina before Kharif 2009. Input Management (a) Availability of Seeds: - Target of 8.45 lakh quintal for Kh2009 with SRR of 29 % for paddy -100% seed treatment targetted -State targetted for Kharif 09 of 25 lakh tons urea, 5.50 lakh tons DAP , and 37.35 lakh tons of all fertilisers 3. Initiatives /Best Practices adopted by States: 20 lakh soil samples analysis under Apni Metti Pahchane Programme Enhanced subsidy on bio-fertilizer, bio-agents, micro nutrients VAT reduced from 12.50 to 4.0% on sprinkler and drip irrigation system and NO VAT on all type of seed and gypsum Installation of free boring and pump sets for small and marginal farmers 100% subsidy on micro irrigation to SC/ST and 75% subsidy to others farmers in Bundelkhund area A target of 6.87 lakh qt. of paddy seed is proposed to be distributed during 2009-10 as against 6.67 lakh qt. during 2008-09. A large area is proposed under hybrid rice by purchasing seed from private companies 4. Any other Important Issues: In SREP (ATMA), administrative charges of Rs.2 lakh is to SNO for all districts of UP and need to be increased to Rs. 20 lakhs Certified hybrid paddy seed is not available. Hence GOI should give subsidy to all kind of hybrids.