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Functions of Education

Functions of Education. Cultural transmission Thoughts, ideas, knowledge, norms, values, attitudes, and beliefs Anticipatory Socialization Teaching knowledge and skills necessary for successful fulfillment of future roles and statuses Integration

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Functions of Education

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  1. Functions of Education • Cultural transmission • Thoughts, ideas, knowledge, norms, values, attitudes, and beliefs • Anticipatory Socialization • Teaching knowledge and skills necessary for successful fulfillment of future roles and statuses • Integration • Bringing together people from diverse social backgrounds so they share common social experiences and develop commonly held norms, attitudes and beliefs • Innovation • Creating new knowledge and finding new ways to use existing knowledge

  2. Hidden Curriculum Designed to teach the dominant values and norms of society and reinforce the status quo Social control by promoting conformity, obedience to authority, legitimating of existing social structure such as Male domination Eurocentrism Tracking Placing students perceived to have similar intelligence and academic abilities in the same classroom Vocational programs “Tech Campus” College prep courses “AP” Pygmalion Effect Occurs when teachers who expect students to succeed and excel are motivated to work with them to ensure they do Self-fulfilling Prophecy Predictions about students’ abilities shape the students’ future actions and behaviors in such a way that predictions come true

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