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Build your brand. Essential strategies for uncovering your true value. FOR INVESTMENT PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. ADVISOR EDUCATION. Natixis Global Asset Management, S.A Asset management holding company. Over $706 billion in assets under management as of 12/31/11
Build your brand Essential strategies for uncovering your true value FOR INVESTMENT PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY ADVISOR EDUCATION
Natixis Global Asset Management, S.AAsset management holding company • Over $706billioninassetsundermanagementasof12/31/11 • Among the top 15 largest asset management companies worldwide* • Our model allows for independentthinking among our asset managers
Stockholm London Amsterdam Luxembourg Frankfurt Geneva/Zurich Paris Boston Beijing Oakland Tokyo Dubai Milan Taipei Singapore Santiago Sydney Global presence, local insight
Alternatives, equity and fixed-income solutions 1 NatixisCaspianPrivateEquity 1 Our global capabilities 1A division of Natixis Asset Management Advisors, L.P.
David Herroof Harris Associates L.P.1 Multisector Bond Teamof Loomis, Sayles & Co.2 Recognized for top money management talent NGAM Distribution, L.P. 1. The Morningstar Manager of the Decade Award (2000-2009) is selected by Morningstar Fund analysts. The award is decided by evaluating the risks managers assumed to achieve investment return taking into account asset size, strength of the manager, strategy, and firm’s stewardship. There are five nominees for each award: domestic, foreign, and fixed-income. 2. Each year Morningstar selects managers who they believe have done right by shareholders, delivered superior long-term returns, and produced strong results for the year. Morningstar looks for good stewards who have developed sound strategies.
Recognized as a global leader Natixis Global Asset Management, S.A Investment & Pensions Europe 1. Cerulli Quantitative Update: Global Markets 2011, based on December 31, 2010 AUM of $713 billion. 2. IPE Survey, Listing of asset managers active in the European marketplace - June 2010, based on total assets under management as of 31 December 2009. 3. Investment & Pensions Europe, "The Top 400 Asset Managers", June 2011 - List of top 120 European institutional managers based on total third-party assets under management for all types of European institutional clients: pension funds, insurance companies, corporates, charities & foundations as of 12/31/2010. 4. Investment & Pensions Europe, "The Top 400 Asset Managers," June 2011 -- List of asset managers with headquarters in Europe on a country basis according to AUM worldwide as of 12/31/10. 5. The award, sponsored by The Journal of Investment Management and investment manager New Frontier Advisor, honors the influence of Mr. Markowitz’s work on both theoretical finance and the practice of asset management, according to a news release.
Fixed-Income Fund Family of the Year Loomis Sayles Fixed-Income Family* Global Income Funds Category Winner for 10-Year Period Loomis Sayles Global Bond Fund, Institutional** Multi-Sector Income Funds Category Winner for 10-Year Period Loomis Sayles Strategic Income Fund, Y*** Recognized for top money management talent *Loomis Sayles ranked #1 out of 41 eligible companies. Large complexes are defined as fund families with more than $34.5 billion in total net assets. Eligible asset class group awards are given to fund groups with at least five equity, five bond, or three mixed-asset portfolios in the respective asset classes. The lowest average decile rank of the three-year Consistent Return measure of the eligible funds per asset class and group will determine the asset class group award winner over the three-year period. In cases of identical results the lower average percentile rank will determine the winner. Asset class group awards will be given to the best large and small groups separately. Small groups will need to have at least three distinct portfolios in one of the asset classes – equity, bond, or mixed-asset. **The Lipper Fund Awards is part of an annual, global program of events held in 18 countries to reward funds that have delivered consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers. The winners were selected using the Lipper Leader rating for Consistent Return for the period ending December 31, 2010. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. ***The Lipper Fund Awards is part of an annual, global program of events held in 18 countries to reward funds that have delivered consistently strong risk- adjusted performance relative to their peers. The winners were selected using the Lipper Leader rating for Consistent Return for the period ending December 31, 2010. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Recognized for top money management talent Excellence in Fund Management Award HarrisAssociates: ClydeMcGregor,PortfolioMgr.* Mixed-Asset Target AllocationFunds Category Winnerfor10-YearPeriod Oakmark Equity and Income Fund** Large-Cap Core Category Winner for 3-Year Period Oakmark Fund*** *Managers had to have served a minimum of five years at a fund that is consistently top-rated by Lipper’s research analysts. Candidates were evaluated in criteria includingrisk-adjustedreturns,totalreturns,expenses,andtenure.Evaluationswere conducted in February 2011, based on data compiled through the end of 2010. **The Lipper Fund Awards is part of an annual, global program of events held in 18 countries to reward funds that have delivered consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers. The winners were selected using the Lipper Leader rating for Consistent Return for the period ending December 31, 2010. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. ***The Lipper Fund Awards is part of an annual, global program of events held in 18 countries to reward funds that have delivered consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers. The winners were selected using the Lipper Leader rating for Consistent Return for the period ending December 31, 2010. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Expertise: Absolute return strategies Founded: 1999 Headquarters: Cambridge, MA AUM: $3.6 billion* • Hedge fund beta replication strategies • Managed futures focus provides liquidity and transparency missing in many so-called alternatives • Based on Lo’s Adaptive Market Hypothesis • Dr. Andrew Lo • Portfolio Manager and Chief Scientific Officer • Professor of Applied Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology • Author: A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street AlphaSimplex Group *As of December 31, 2011
Expertise: Value investments Founded: 1976 Headquarters: Chicago, IL AUM: $64.4 billion* • Value specialists with experience that spans five decades • Reputation for consistency David Herro Morningstar International Manager of the Decade, 2010 Bill Nygren Harris Associates *As of December 31, 2011 Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The Morningstar Manager of the Decade Award (2000-2009) is selected by Morningstar Fund analysts. The award is decided by evaluating the risks managers assumed to achieve investment return taking into account asset size, strength of the manager, strategy, and firm's stewardship. There are five nominees for each award: domestic, foreign, and fixed income.
Expertise: Hedged equity strategies Founded:1977 Headquarters: Cincinnati, OH AUM: $8.1 billion* • Hedged equity specialists • Call strategy born out of insights gained in 1987 market downturn Patrick Rogers CEO and Portfolio Manager Mike Buckius Portfolio Manager Gateway Investment Advisers *As of December 31, 2011
Expertise: Actively managed, research-driven equity and fixed-income portfolios Founded: 1926 Headquarters: Boston, MA AUM: $159.9 billion* • Multisector Bond Team • Morningstar Fixed-income Manager of the Year, 20111 • LipperTopFixed-incomeFundFamily20112 • Research-driven fixed-income and equity investments • Unique Analytical culture Loomis, Sayles & Company *As of December 31, 2011 1 Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Each year Morningstar selects managers who they believe have done right by shareholders, delivered superior long-term returns, and produced strong results for the year. Morningstar looks for good stewards who have developed sound strategies. 2 Criteria: Loomis Sayles ranked #1 out of 41 eligible companies. Large complexes are defined as fund families with more than $34.5 billion in total net assets. Eligible asset class group awards are given to fund groups with at least five equity, five bond, or three mixed-asset portfolios in the respective asset classes. The lowest average decile rank of the three-year Consistent Return measure of the eligible funds per asset class and group will determine the asset class group award winner over the three-year period. In cases of identical results the lower average percentile rank will determine the winner. Asset class group awards will be given to the best large and small groups separately. Small groups will need to have at least three distinct portfolios in one of the asset classes – equity, bond, or mixed-asset.
Today’s session is about helping you • Develop a strong personal brand as a financial advisor • Capture your share of the competitive high-net-worth market
Our agenda • Review the meaning of a brand • Identify key elements of a STRONG personal brand • Provide tools, tips, and best practices for building your brand
The dynamics of a corporate brand • Embody company values • Define an overall customer experience • Companies spend millions of dollars on extensive brand-building activities
What’s the meaning of these brands? Instant information about anything you want to know
What’s the meaning of these brands? Safety and reliability
What’s the meaning of these brands? Excellence in quality coffee products – worth the price
Everyone has a personal brand • It’s driven by what you believe in • It’s the impression your clients have of you • It’s demonstrated by your actions • Actions speak louder than words
Warren Buffett Steve Jobs Oprah Winfrey Strong personal brands lead to success Warren Buffett • A master at uncovering hidden value Steve Jobs • Creative innovator Oprah Winfrey • Her stamp of approval is worth millions YOU! • What is your brand? A master at uncovering hidden value Her stamp of approval is worth millions Creative innovator YOU! What is your brand?
1 2 They’re unique They’re relevant 3 They’re consistent STRONG personal brands share three qualities:
QUALITY #1: They’re unique Your values – and the way you practice your values – make you unique.
QUALITY #2: They’re relevant Advisors with strong brands attract the mostattention from HNW clients because they offer something relevant.
QUALITY #2: They’re relevant Relevant issues for high-net-worth individuals: • Resetting goals and expectations • Retirement income strategies • Risk management • Legacy planning and minimizing taxes
QUALITY #3: They’re consistent If you fall short on consistency, you weaken your brand no matter how unique and relevant you are to clients.
1 2 They’re unique They’re relevant 3 They’re consistent STRONG personal brands share three qualities:
Key questions in developing your brand • What do you stand for? • How are you perceived? • What are the priorities and needs ofyour audience? • What is your plan? • How do you measure results and refine your approach accordingly?
Step 1: Define what you stand for • Articulate the values that are important to you • Understand how you currently demonstrate these values to your clients • Determine your strengths • Identify where you need to improve Action items • Values Profiler • Kolbe Index
Step 1 Action item: Values Profiler Rate yourself: • Expertise and knowledge • Communications • Service delivery • Relationship building These scores will help identify where you’re strong, where you’re average, and where you have room for improvement.
Step 1 Action item: Kolbe Index (www.kolbe.com) • A methodology to discover your natural abilities • An in-depth questionnaire that zeroes in on your personal, instinctive strengths
Step 1 Action item: Kolbe Index (www.kolbe.com) Results show: • The value you can bring to a group/team • How to home in on your strengths and use them • How to make better use of your time
Step 2: Understand how you are perceived • What do your clients say about you? • How do you emphasize your unique qualities? • How well are you meeting client needs? Action items • Win/loss checklist • Annual review questionnaire
Step 2 Action item: Win/loss checklist • Track your wins and losses • Look for trends
Step 3: Determine the priorities and needs of your audience • How well are you staying on top of client needs and concerns? • Are you leading with the strengths they value the most? • What feedback can you gain to deliver on client needs? • Are you maximizing your opportunitiesfor referrals? • Client Advisory Board Action item
Step 3 Action item: Client Advisory Board themes New clients have been with you between 1 and 3 years Clients by profession or trade business owners, physicians, corporate executives Long-standing clientshave been with you for more than 5 years Clients by demographic or lifestyle Executives, widowed/divorced, Gen-Xers Large clientsas measured by assets or profitability Boards can be an invaluable tool to you and your team while making your important clients feel special.
Step 4: Develop and implement a plan • What does your personal brand statement say about you? • Identify a timeline of activities to help you stay true to your personal brand and reach your potential as an advisor Action items • Personal brand message • Brand Builder Action Planner
Step 4 Action item: Brand Builder • Identify areas forimprovement • Action items • Target completion dates
Step 5: Measure results and refine your approach • Track your progress • Identify where you want to make changes Action items • Review scorecard results • Refine your plan, including your personal brand message/statement
Step 5 Action item: Refine results Review resultswith your coach Fine tune your BrandBuilder action plan Complete ValuesProfiler — again! Invest in additionalpersonal development Revisit and refine your personal brand statement
Building Your Brand Natixis Global Asset Management is a partner and a TEAM with: • Ideas • Tools • Training • Resources
Advisor Academy Seminars Build your brand Essential strategies for uncovering your true value Fight the fearStrategies for confident investing Taking control of your retirement A guide to investing for the next stage of life Build your ideal practice Strategies to help take your practice to the next level Face to faceProactive communication strategies for volatile times Talk/Listen Four principles of effective client communication The referral generator Acquire ideal clients through existing ones Portfolio construction in a new era of risk How alternatives may help enhance portfolio diversification and better manage risk