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Rules and Expectations for English Class Classroom Rules: 1. Speaker Courtesy 2. Respect 3. Be Prepared 4. No Foul Language. 1. When someone else is talking, I will not talk. When someone else is talking I will pay attention which means my eyes, ears, and face, are pointed to them.
Rules and Expectations for English ClassClassroom Rules:1. Speaker Courtesy 2. Respect 3. Be Prepared 4. No Foul Language
1. When someone else is talking, I will not talk. When someone else is talking I will pay attention which means my eyes, ears, and face, are pointed to them.
2. Respect self, property and others. This means that I will not put-down others, I will not write on the desks or walls, I will put all my garbage in the trash can, and my hat will be off.
3. Be prepared for class. This means that I will bring a pen/pencil and paper everyday.
4. I will not use profanity in this classroom. In addition, I will not use racial, sexual, or homophobic slurs.
1. Every day when I walk into the classroom I will gather all the materials that I need. This includes all the handouts that have been set out, and anything I need to be successful that day.
Warmup Time2. Everyday I will do warmup. When I walk in my classroom it will be on the board. I will not talk or ask questions during warmup. If I do not understand, I will just try. I may not ask Mrs. Combs any questions during warmupI have 5 minutes at the beginning of class to complete the warmup. Warmup will be collected on Fridays for a grade.
3. When the teacher raises her hand in the air, I need to stop what I am doing, look at her, listen, and maintain that attention.
4. I am a young adult and will be treated as such. When I need a pass I will wait until the time is right, then ask for one. Mrs. Combs reserves the right to refuse me a pass if she thinks I have been abusing the privilege, without explanation!
CELL PHONE USE There will be no cell phone use in this classroom unless directed by the teacher. The teacher will be very clear when you are allowed to use your cellphone, otherwise DO NOT USE YOUR CELLPHONE IN CLASS!!! What happens if I use my cellphone in class? 1. Warning 2. Cell Phone Jail for the rest of class 3. Write Up
Think about when it is appropriate to ask permission to use the restroom…
Only when you have independent or group work. Do not interrupt me while I am giving instruction or lecturing!
There are 3 consequences in this classroom.1. Warning 2. Parent Contact3. Referral
A couple more things…Please take notes on the back of your handout!
Think of a time when you were trying to tell a story to your friends or family but kept getting interrupted… how did you feel?
It is the same in here when I am interrupted as I am giving a lecture.When is it appropriate to sharpen your pencil and throw away paper?
AbsencesI know that you will all be absent at some point, no problem. It is your responsibility to get the work you missed.
First ask a neighbor what you missed, if there are notes get them from a classmate.Next, see me BEFORE school, NOT during class (I can’t handle it ), to get any handouts or assignments you do not understand.
Let’s review…When is it appropriate to ask for permission to go to the bathroom and to perform actions that require you to get out of your seat?
SummaryIf Rules/Procedures had a job what would it be and why?