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Solitary Wasp Venom

Solitary Wasp Venom. 단독생활형 사냥벌의 생활특성과 독액의 산업적 이용. 곤충분자생물학 및 독성학 연구실 백 지 형. 2. Taxonomy and Ecology of Solitary Wasp. 3. Venom of Solitary Wasp. 4. Industrial and Medical Application. 1. Introduction. Solitary Wasp Venom. Ovipositor and Sting. Acute Management.

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Solitary Wasp Venom

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  1. Solitary WaspVenom 단독생활형 사냥벌의 생활특성과 독액의 산업적 이용 곤충분자생물학 및 독성학 연구실 백 지 형

  2. 2. Taxonomy and Ecology of Solitary Wasp 3. Venom of Solitary Wasp 4. Industrial and Medical Application 1.Introduction Solitary Wasp Venom

  3. Ovipositor and Sting

  4. Acute Management Type of reaction Treatment Antihistamines (oral) Local Systemic Mild Antihistamines (oral or intramuscular) Moderate Antihistamines (intramuscular) Hydrocortisone (intramuscular) Inhaled β2 agonist (if asthma) Inhaled adrenaline (if laryngeal oedema) Severe Adrenaline (intramuscular) Chlorpheniramine (intramuscular or slow intravenous) Hydrocortisone (intramuscular or slow intravenous)

  5. Solitary Wasp Solitary Wasp Solitary Subsocial Predatory Parasitic Pollination Killer Collector

  6. Eumenidae호리병벌과 AnterhynchiumflavomarginatumSmith 10-21 mm

  7. Eumenidae호리병벌과 OrancistrocerusdrewseniSaussure, 1857

  8. Subsocial Eumenidae

  9. Solitary Eumenidae

  10. Subsocial vs. Solitary Wasp • Subsocail Wasp • Begins provisioning just before egg hatching • Continues until the larva grows to instars 3-5, for about one week. • Solitary Wasp • Lays an egg and then provisions for 1-2 days • After sealing with a mud wall, starts the second oviposition

  11. Subsocial vs. Solitary Wasp Subsocial - 줄무늬감탕벌 Solitary -황슭감탕벌 • Emerge from mid to late Jun • Oviposition begins ca. 4 days • after emergence until late Aug • 2nd generation emerge in Aug, • oviposit until mid Oct • 4. Prepupaediapause in cells • Females: 1st (2-2.5 months) • 2nd (1-1.5 months) • 6. One female lays 6-8 eggs • Emerge from Jun to Jul • 2. Mate soon after emergency • 3. Oviposit from mid Aug to late Oct • 4. Prepupaediapause in cells • 5. Females: 2-3 months • 6. One female lays 20-30 eggs

  12. Egg 3-4 days Larva 5-9 days Overwintering Prepupa 8-9 months Pupa 5-10 days Prepupa 20-30 days Egg 3-4 days Larva 5-9 days Pupa 5-10 days Subsocial vs. Solitary Wasp Life Cycle Solitary Subsocial

  13. Vespoidea • Masaridae • Feed on plants • Feed their offspring with nectar and pollen • Vespidae– Venom studies • The true vespid wasps kill their prey • Feed their offspring with flesh of the killed prey • Eumenidae • Long-term, non-lethal paralysis Venom of Wasp

  14. Components of Venom Honey Bee Peptides and Amines - Mellittin - Apamin - MCD-Peptide - Histamin - Dopamin - Serotonin - Norepinphrin Enzymes- Phospholipase A- Hyaluronidase - Acidic phosphatase - 58 enzymes Hornet, Yellow jacket and Wasp • Mellittin-like peptides • Bombolitin: Bumblebee venom • (17 amino acid amphiphilic alpha-helix) • Mastoparan: Wasp venom • (14 amino acid amphiphilic alpha-helix) • crabrolin: Hornet venom (13 amino acid amphiphilic alpha-helix) • Antigen 5

  15. Clinical Effects of Venom http://www.insectstings.co.uk/

  16. Mellitin의 작용기작 Mellitin is the chief toxin with a helical structure by virtue of which it can form pores within cell membranes causing structural disruption. Toxin dispersion is facilitated by hyaluronidase which is known to increase capillary permeability. Corneal avascularity results in a high concentration of toxins with delayed washout

  17. Active Amines • Serotonin, Histamine, Tyramine and Catecholamine • Major pain-producing principles • Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) • - spider and scorpion venom • Kinins(혈관 확장, 평활근의 수축 또는 저혈압 등을 일으키는 내외성 펩티드) • Pain-producing wasp peptides • Bradykinin-like peptides (snake) • Release histamine from mast cells • Mastoparan • Mast cell degranulating peptides • Granule- and Histamine-releasing peptides • Allergens • Acid phosphatas, Hyaluronidase and Phospholipase • Nonenzymatic protein (Antigens 5) – The most active allergen Venom of Vespid

  18. Neurotoxins Mandaratoxin (Vespid neurotoxin) Venom of Vespid

  19. Antibiotics Philanthustriangulum, Fabricius1775 (Hymenoptera: Specidae), Bee-Wolf

  20. Kaltenpoth et al., 2005. Current Biology, 15, pp. 475-479 Secretion of White Substance by a Beewolf Female in the Brood Cell After entering the brood cell, the beewolf female moves its body laterally and secretes massive amounts of white substance from its specialized antennal glands. The particles are smeared to the ceiling of the cell. The whole process takes about 30 s. Uptake of White Substance by a Beewolf Larva in the Brood CellThe larva is apparently searching for the white substance and ingests parts of it.

  21. Antibiotics

  22. Application of Venom New Insecticide Quistad, G.B., Reuter, C.G., Skinner, W.S., Dennis, P.A., Suwanrumpha, S., Fu, E.W., 1991. Paralytic and insecticidal toxins from the funnel web spider, iHololenacurta. iToxicon 29, 329-336. Bloomquist, J.R., Kinne, L.P., Deutsch, V., Simpson, S.F., 1996. Mode of action of an insecticidal peptide toxin from the venom of a weaving spider (iDiguetiacanities). Toxicon 34, 1072-1075. Drug Harvey, A.L., Bradley, K.N., Cochran, S.A., Rowan, E.G., Pratt, J.A., Quillfeldt, J.A., Jerusalinsky, D.A., 1998. What can toxins tell us for drug discovery? Toxicon 36, 1635-1640. Heading, C.E., 2002. Conus peptides and neuroprotection. Curr. Opin. Invest. Drugs 3, 915-920. Molecular Mechanism of Neurotransmission

  23. Pain Killer Anesthetic • Antibiotics • Medical • Industrial Related Documents New Insecticides Wasp Venom Immuno-therapy

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