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Forensic Toxicology. CHE 113 SUPA Chem Revenson. Math Algebra Graphing Measurements Ratios Word Problems Statistics Trigonometry. Language Arts Biographies Communication – oral, writing Fiction and nonfiction Research skills Technical reading skills. Life Science
Forensic Toxicology CHE 113 SUPA Chem Revenson SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Math Algebra Graphing Measurements Ratios Word Problems Statistics Trigonometry Language Arts Biographies Communication – oral, writing Fiction and nonfiction Research skills Technical reading skills Life Science Anatomy – fingerprints, hairs, bones, blood, teeth, saliva, semen Botany - plant ID Entomology - insects Serology - blood, DNA Zoology - animal hair and blood Chemistry Density Fiber analysis Fire and explosives Inorganic analysis Organic analysis Mixtures and separations Paints Toxicology - drugs SUPA Forensics Technology Chromatography Computers Electrophoresis Microscopy Photography Spectroscopy Earth Sciences Casts and molds Soil Studies Miscellaneous Cosmetics Toolmarks Forgery Typewriting Handwriting Paper and ink analysis Physics Ballistics Blood spatter and patterns Fracture patterns – bones and glass Light Refractive index Sound – voice patterns Trajectories Process Skills Comparative analysis Critical thinking Deductive reasoning Interviewing Observation skills Organizational skills Problem solving Intuitive hunch Social Studies Careers Constitutional rights Criminal justice Forensics history Law Psychology – Criminal mind Current events SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Toxicology • Students usually have a pretty good handle on this and can sometimes teach you a thing or two. • Just before prom time is when I try to get this one going. • Example – Methamphetamine to follow…But first - SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
What does someone under the influence look like? • A news reporter getting a bit too close to the story he’s covering.2 • Canadian Wildlife service in Ottawa. Spiders on drugs2 • Even the cops can get in trouble SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Types of Abused Drugs • Narcotics - relief from pain and bring sleep. (now generally means a socially unacceptable drug). • Narcotics are analgesic - relieve pain by depressing nervous system (opium, morphine, heroin, codeine, opiates - oxycontin, methadone). • Cocaine (stimulant), Marijuana (hallucinogen), etc are Not classified as narcotics even though they are frequently called that. • Most narcotics are opium derived. • Opium from Poppy plants (sap is 4 - 21% opium). Opium Poppy SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Hallucinogens • Hallucinogens - alter normal thoughts, perceptions and moods (PCP, LSD, mescaline, MDMA, ecstasy). • Marijuana most common (derived from Cannabis or “hemp” plant). (THC content) • Derive resin from plant secretions that is extracted with organic solvents. • In use for 1000’s of years. • Brought to the US ca. 1920. SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Types of Abused Drugs • Depressants - depress functions of central nervous system, cause calm and bring about sleep (alcohol, barbituates). Tranquilizers are depressants. • Stimulants - increase alertness and activity (cocaine, amphetamines). • Steroids - promote muscle growth (androgen, testosterone, anabolic steroids). SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Caffeine Amphetamine Cocaine Labrium Valium (mother’s little helper) Methaqualone Ethyl Alcohol Stimulants and Depressants SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Types of Abused Drugs • Opium and Poppies Opium Poppy SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Opium Family • Codeine, morphine, heroin, etc all present in opium, BUT morphine is by far the most abundant. • Most Heroin, Codeine made synthetically from Morphine. SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Heroin Morphine • Water Soluble - easy IV use. • Rapid onset but short term (2-3 hrs) effects. • Field test uses reagent called marquis; purple color indicative of positive test • Most common diluent (diluting agent) is quinine • Chemical derivative of morphine • Usually street drug 20-30% pure (w/ starch, quinine, novocain, lactose, etc..) Acetic anhydride Heroin SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Heroin Forms Black Tar Heroin Heroin Packages Heroin Powder SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Heroin Paraphenalia SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Hallucinogens • Hallucinogens - alter normal thoughts, perceptions and moods (PCP, LSD, mescaline, MDMA, ecstasy). • Marijuana most common (derived from Cannabis or “hemp” plant). • Derive resin from plant secretions that is extracted with organic solvents. • In use for 1000’s of years. • Brought to the US ca. 1920. SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Marijuana • Hallucinogen • Continued use results in low degree of psychological dependence • Prior to 1970, it was classified as a narcotic drug • Hashish is a concentrated preparation • Active ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol • Can tentatively be identified by the Duquenois-Levine color test • Is NOT synthesized from Canniabis sativa SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Marijuana SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
LSD • Derived from Ergot Fungus (on grasses/grains) • First described in 1943 after “accidental” lab ingestion (potent - 25mg for long lsating effects!) lysergic acid diethylamide SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
LSD Street Form SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Other Hallucinogens • Phencyclidine (PCP)- (phencyclidine)Street Names: Angel Dust, Crystal, Hog, Supergrass, Killer Joints, Ozone, Wack, Embalming Fluid, and Rocket Fuel. Easily Synthesized. • Mescaline • Psilocybin- Street Name: Shrooms, Mushies, and Mexican Magic Mushrooms • STP • LSD- Street Names: Acid, Boomers, Yellow Sunshines, Cid, Doses, and Trips • Ecstacy SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Drug Labs Often Inexperienced Chemists! Don’t try this at home! SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Steroids SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Rock Cocaine SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Crack Cocaine SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Cocaine Paraphenalia SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Club Drugs/Date Rape Drugs SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
What we consider in forensics • How can we test the drug itself? • How can we test for the drug in a body? • Immunoassays • GCMS SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Date Rape Drugs Ketamine Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) MDMA (Ecstacy) GHB SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Date Rape Drugs • Rohypnot, Ketamine, GHB, Ecstacy. • GHB (depressant) effects can be felt within 15 minutes after ingestion. Mixed with alcohol GHB can cause the central nervous system to shut down, lead to loss of consciousness, and possibly result in a coma or death. • Rohypnol (depressant) effects begin within 30 minutes, peak within 2 hours, and may persist for up to 8 hours or more, depending upon the dosage. • Ketamine (hallucinogen) causes the person to feel as if their mind is “separated” from the body. The drug causes a combination of amnesia and hallucinations. Also, it stops the feeling of pain and lowers the heart rate leading to oxygen starvation to the brain and muscles. Vet Medicnine. • Ecstatsy (hallucinogen)causes psychological difficulties, including confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, severe anxiety, and paranoia-during and sometimes weeks after taking Ecstatsy. SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Date Rape Drugs • Ketamine Ketamine Powder SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) • Street Names: Roofies, Rophies, Roche, Forget-me Pill, Circles, Mexican Valium, Rib, Roach-2, Roopies, Rope, Ropies, Ruffies, and Roaches SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) The "date rape" drug is the common name for Rohypnol, generically called flunitrazepam. Rohypnol is manufactured by Hoffman-La Roche and prescribed as a sleeping pill in countries outside of the US. It is used as a short-term treatment for insomnia, as a sedative hypnotic and a pre-anesthetic. It has physiological effects similar to Valium (diazepam), but is approximately ten times more potent. Rohypnol is a low-cost drug, less than $5.00 per tablet. Misconceptions may explain the drug's popularity : many erroneously believe that the drug is unadulterated because it comes in pre-sealed bubble packs -- and therefore tamper-proof and safe many mistakenly think its use cannot be detected by urinalysis testing. Rohypnol IS addictive (true) SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) • Rohypnol (a benzodiazepine), a very potent tranquilizer similar in nature to valium (diazepam), but many times stronger. • The drug produces a sedative effect, amnesia, muscle relaxation, and a slowing of psychomotor responses. • Sedation occurs 20-30 minutes after administration and lasts for hours. • The drug is not commonly used by physicians in the US. • The drug has been added to drinks at parties, where it is reportedly given to female party participants in hopes of lowered inhibitions. Police report that after ingestion of "Roofies" that women have reported waking up in frat houses with no clothes on. • Rohypnol, particularly when mixed with alcohol or other drugs may lead to respiratory depression, aspiration, and even death. An amnesia producing effect of "Roofies" prevents users from remembering how or why they took the drug or even that they were given it by others. This makes investigation of sexually related or other offenses very difficult and may account for repeated reports of "date rapes" involving the use of the drug. SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) • Rohypnol manufacturer recently reformulated the drug to make it more detectable. • When put in a light-colored drink, new Rohypnol will now turn the beverage bright blue. • Consumers of darker-colored beverages should be tipped off by a cloudy appearance. • Proponents claim risks associated with Ecstasy can be minimized by drinking lots of water. SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Ecstacy • Also known as MDMA and is called “Adam,” “XTC,” “Bean,” “E,” “M,” and “Roll” on the street • Ecstasy comes in a tablet that is often branded, just a few are shown below: SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Date Rape Drugs • Instant Testing Market DrinkSafe Date Rape Test Pack Date Rape Coaster SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Date Rape Drugs • What You Can Do to Protect Yourself? • Don't accept drinks that you did not open yourself. • Don't exchange or share drinks with anyone. • Don't drink anything out of a punch bowl. • Monitor the behavior of friends who seem more intoxicated than the amount of alcohol would warrant. • Never consume a drink that you have not mixed yourself, or have not watched someone else prepare. • Never accept a drink from someone you don't know and trust. • At parties or clubs with friends never leave your drink unattended. • Be aware of your surroundings - Listen for the street names of the drugs - Trust you instincts SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Date Rape Drugs Spring Breakers Beware! • The heaviest concentrations of GHB have been found in California, Texas, Georgia, and Florida. • Rohypnol has been encountered by U.S. law enforcement agencies in Southern States from California to Florida. • In the United States, Rohypnol is used widely in Texas. • Roypnol is reported to be readily available in the Miami area, and epidemiologists from that area have stated that it is South Florida’s fastest growing drug problem. • Two thirds of patients for GHB ingestion are aged 18-25 years · Ecstasy abuse as increased 500 percent over a five-year period. SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Date Rape Drugs SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Date Rape Drugs • PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS • Acting intoxicated. • Bloodshot or red eyes, droopy eyelids. • Imprecise eye movement. • Wearing sunglasses at inappropriate times. • Abnormally pale complexion. • Change in speech patterns and vocabulary patterns. • Repressed physical development. • Sudden appetite, especially for sweets. • Unexplained weight loss or loss of appetite. • Neglect of personal appearance, grooming. SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Drug Identification • Chromatography- used for separating and tentative identification • Spectrometry- IR, MS, NMR, etc… SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Forensic Analysis - GC SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
MethamphetamineMeth mouth - Rots your teeth and gums SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Faces of meth – over time SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
10 years of meth use SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Have the students take an on-line meth quiz http://teens.drugabuse.gov/sarasquest/meth1.asp SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Hieronymus Bosch1450-1516 an eccentric Dutch painter of religious visions who dealt in particular with the torments of hell. SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
St. John on Patmos, approx. 1485 SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Hieronymus Bosch1450-1516 an eccentric Dutch painter of religious visions who dealt in particular with the torments of hell. SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
St. Christopher Carrying the Christ Child through a Sinful World,Bosch, c1520 SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson
Temptation of St Anthony SUPA Forensics - CHE 113 - Revenson