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Proposed 2014-2015 Biennial Budget

Proposed 2014-2015 Biennial Budget. July 1, 2013 Through June 30, 2015. West Linn At A Crossroads. Council Goals Are Fully Funded. Economic Development Projects Aquatic Community Center Next Steps Blue Heron Project Master Trails Plan/Transportation System Plan

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Proposed 2014-2015 Biennial Budget

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  1. Proposed 2014-2015 Biennial Budget July 1, 2013 Through June 30, 2015

  2. West Linn At A Crossroads

  3. Council Goals Are Fully Funded • Economic Development Projects • Aquatic Community Center Next Steps • Blue Heron Project • Master Trails Plan/Transportation System Plan • West Linn Centennial Birthday Party • Remember: • Budget is a snapshot in time • There are many moving parts in a municipal agency

  4. Many Important Items Are Not Funded • Adult Community Center addition • Robinwood Station upgrades • Infrastructure Resiliency Assessment • McLean House upgrades • Communications staff • Full-time Parks & Recreation Director • Full-time Human Resources Director • Full-time Chief Financial Officer • Full-time Adult Community Center Coordinator • City Hall safety improvements • Water Master Plan projects • Transportation System Plan projects • Municipal Court security • No assistance for Economic Development Director

  5. Financial Realities • PERS rates • Property tax receipts • Health care costs

  6. Inclusive Budget Process • Community Values Forum • Budget Evaluation & Efficiencies Task Force • Community survey • Online forum

  7. Budget Overview • Balanced budget at $89.9 million for biennium. • FY 2014: $56,483,000 • FY 2015: $46,027,000 • $18.6 million for capital projects. • Reduction to 124.33 FTEs. • A 6.4 percent reduction from current biennium. • Budgeted reserves at $10.3 million. • An increase of $646,000 from current biennium.

  8. Employee Costs • Strive to control rising employee costs: • All management positions pay 10 percent of health care costs. • All management and police positions have a reduced prescription component of health plans. • Ongoing negotiations on these items with other represented staff. • Staff allocation goals: • Voluntary attrition • Link staffing levels to requirements/tasks of the agency

  9. FTEs Per Capita (Per 1,000)

  10. Number of FTEs by City

  11. Staffing Levels Will Change • Positions eliminated: • Communications/Project Coordinator • GIS Specialist • Senior Planner • Senior Librarian • Police Captain • Police Officer • Positions reduced: • Half-time HR Director • Half-time Court Administrator • Half-time Parks & Recreation Director • Half-time Adult Community Center Coordinator

  12. Staffing Levels Will Change • Hours reduced: • Two Associate Planners • One Accounting Specialist • Layoff: • Civil Engineer • FTEs reduced: • 124.33 FTEs in proposed budget • Reduction of 8.5 FTE from current year (6.4 percent) • Reduction of 15.3 FTE from 2009-2011 budget (11.0 percent)

  13. Widespread Effect of FTE Reductions • Communications • Community events • Reorganizations • Focus only on City Council goals • Briefer reports • Streamlined codes and regulations • Reprioritized citizen requests

  14. General Fund • City Council • $200,000 reduction in outsourced legal fees • City Manager’s Office • Decreased emphasis on communications • Addition of Assistant City Attorney position • Economic Development • Full-time Economic Development Director and part-time intern • $200,000 for Arch Bridge Master Plan • Communications • Elimination of the department due to move to MACC

  15. General Fund • Human Resources • Half-time HR Director • Finance • Chief Financial Officer will continue in an advisory role to City of Milwaukie • Transfer of Payroll & Benefits Administrator to HR • Reduction in hours of Accounting Specialist to reflect updated payment software • Information Technology • $100,000 in savings for copier and telephone services • Outsourced IT leadership • Sharing Network Administrator position with City of Milwaukie

  16. General Fund • Municipal Court • Half-time Court Administrator position • Public Works Support Services • Layoff of a Civil Engineer • Moving to in-house project design, when possible • Non-Departmental • The only “discretionary” funding in the General Fund not tied to operations • $30,000 = Willamette Falls Heritage Area Coalition • $40,000 = Community grants • $22,000 = Neighborhood Associations • $10,000 = Sustainability plan update • $40,000 = Energy efficient facility work • $828,000 = FFCO debt service

  17. Public Safety Fund • Reduction in number of sworn officers • 1.0 Captain • 1.0 Police Officer • Police Station project completed this biennium

  18. Library Fund • Reduction in library management positions • 2.0 Senior Librarian positions • Capital projects funded from Library District capital grant funds

  19. Parks & Recreation Fund • Five percent rate increase for Parks Maintenance Fee • Half-time Parks & Recreation Director • Half-time Adult Community Center coordinator • Funding for the West Linn Centennial Birthday Party in August 2013

  20. Planning Fund • Reduction in hours for current planning staff • Two current planners reduced to 0.5 FTE status • Focus this biennium on long range planning: • Transportation System Plan • Blue Heron • An emphasis on economic development: • Assistance to Economic Development Department • Assistance with Arch Bridge Master Planning Project • And, streamlining development review process

  21. Transportation/Streets Fund • Five percent rate increase for Street Maintenance Fee • Intersection improvements at Rosemont/Salamo/Santa Anita • $200,000 in SDC Fund for bike and pedestrian improvements

  22. Water Fund • Five percent rate increase for Water • Still fall hundreds of thousands of dollars short to adequately maintain system

  23. Environmental Services Fund • Five percent rate increase for Storm and Sewer • Increased staffing to reflect need for more operations crew in the field • Moving street sweeping in-house

  24. Fiscal Policies & Reserves • No changes in fiscal policies • Budget includes sufficient reserves per these policies

  25. West Linn Pride

  26. Thank you • Community Values Forum • Jim Boyle • Thomas Griffith • Lewis McCoy • Jim Morton • Aalok Shah • Jerry Switzer • Bruce Tribken • Budget Evaluation & Efficiencies Task Force • Gill Bjerg • Jim Clark • Neil Hennelly • Sara Javoronok • Tyler Mowreader • Brad Painter • Elaine Spence • Jim Whynot • Tarra Wiencken • Teresa Zak

  27. Reminder: Upcoming Meetings • Monday, April 29 @ 6:00 p.m. • Monday, May 6 @ 6:00 p.m.

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