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An Overview of Dublin Core Metadata Schema Registry

An Overview of Dublin Core Metadata Schema Registry. Shigeo Sugimoto Research Center for Knowledge Communities Grad. School of Library, Information and Media Studies University of Tsukuba Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan sugimoto @ slis. tsukuba. ac. jp. Agenda/Outline.

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An Overview of Dublin Core Metadata Schema Registry

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  1. An Overview of Dublin Core Metadata Schema Registry Shigeo SugimotoResearch Center for Knowledge Communities Grad. School of Library, Information and Media StudiesUniversity of TsukubaTsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan sugimoto @ slis. tsukuba. ac. jp

  2. Agenda/Outline • Introduction to Dublin Core Registry • History • Functions • Multi-linguality Issues • Demo by Snapshots • Some New Features of Dublin Core • DC 15 elements in two namespaces • Dublin Core Abstract Model • Application Profiles • Summary

  3. History • Project started at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand under supervision of Thomas Baker in 1998 • DCMI Registry WG since 1999 • WG home: http://dublincore.org/groups/registry/ • The DCMI registry provides definitions of DCMI Terms • Registry was moved from OCLC to U.Tsukuba in February 2008 • http://dcmi.kc.tsukuba.ac.jp/dcregistry/

  4. Basic Functions • Search and Browse Dublin Core Terms • User Interface on the Web • Application Interfaces • Dublin Core Terms expressed in RDF • Application Interfaces that return RDF descriptions • Vocabulary Maintenance Tool • Used by Usage Board • Multilingual Feature • 25 languages

  5. Application Interface • Provides Registry application interface - a collection of Web services • SOAP and REST. • Return results in RDF/XML format • See Help page from DCMI Registry

  6. Application Interface • Services • listItemSummary • listSupportedLanguage • listItemDetail • getUpdates • listElements • listElementRefinements • listVocabularyTerms • listEncodingSchemes

  7. Multi-lingual Issues • Translation of the DCMI terms was recognized as an important issue for DCMI from very early stage of the development of DCMI terms. • Translations of DCMI terms have been done by volunteers • A few national standards • A few official local affiliates • Multi-lingual functions • Browse • Search • Translation Support

  8. Demo by Snapshots

  9. Link to DCMI Registry

  10. Browse | Search

  11. Pull Down Menu

  12. Summary of All Terms Properties Classes Vocabulary Encoding Schemes Syntax Encoding Schemes

  13. Click on “Browse” button to browse “Summary of All Terms”

  14. Click on “dc:contributor”

  15. Scroll Down

  16. Language Preference

  17. Language Preference • 25 languages Select Japanese

  18. A Note on Translations Not all of translations are up to date.

  19. Display in Japanese

  20. Click on dc:contributor

  21. Display in Japanese

  22. Snap shots of multilingual output

  23. Snap shots of multilingual output

  24. Display in RDF/XML

  25. RDF/XML output

  26. Display in N-TRIPLE

  27. N triple

  28. Display in N3

  29. N3

  30. Contents of DCMI Registry

  31. Contents of DCMI Registry

  32. Contents of DCMI Registry

  33. Contents of DCMI Registry

  34. Contents of DCMI Registry

  35. Contents of DCMI Registry • 71 properties • 15 properties in “dc” namespace • 56 properties in “dcterms” namespace • 35 classes • 9 vocabulary encoding schemes • 11 syntax encoding schemes • 4 collections

  36. A New Feature of Dublin Core • Why two namespaces? • Each of the Dublin Core 15 elements appears two times in the list • “dc” namespace as a legacy namespace • “dcterms” namespace for all terms • Re-definition of Dublin Core 15 elements • Visible through the registry

  37. Go back to All Terms Page

  38. Two “Date” Elements

  39. “Date” element in different namespaces

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