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Development of inclusion for children with special needs : Ukraine

Development of inclusion for children with special needs : Ukraine. Statistics by PMPC. Policy priorities to ensure the right of children with special needs for education. Change in public opinion Harmonisation with international standards Free compulsory secondary education

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Development of inclusion for children with special needs : Ukraine

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Development of inclusion forchildren with special needs: Ukraine

  2. Statistics by PMPC

  3. Policy prioritiesto ensure the right of children with special needs for education Change in public opinion Harmonisation with international standards Free compulsory secondary education Taking into account of individual needs Life long inclusive education Development of personality, talents, freedoms and versatility Training of specialists

  4. Promoting new philosophy in society Transforming educational paradigm Responsibility of families for ensuring the right of children with special needs foreducation and development Role of non-governmental organisations Overcoming stereotypes and prejudices Promoting tolerance

  5. Legal framework for inclusive education Constitution of Ukraine 6 laws, 2 presidential orders, 3 resolutions by Cabinet of Ministers State standard of primary secondary education State standard of basic and complete secondary education

  6. Measures to enhance inclusive education Law “On Amendments toLegislative Actson General Secondary andPreschool Education» Concept of Developing and Implementing IE Plan for 2009 -2015‘Ukraine without Barriers’ 129,000childrenintegrated into preschool and general educational institutions New Regulation on Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission Programme on Ukrainian sign language Programmes for 5th-9thgradesfor all kinds of nosology Position of‘Teacher’s Assistant’

  7. Training personnel for work with children in the context of IE 13 universities prepare specialists Professional development courses (19 institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education) Training and Methodological Centre for IE Training courses‘Basics of IE’and ‘Introduction to IE’ Methodological textbooks‘Teacher’s Guide’and ‘Parents’ Guide’ Training course‘Individual Assessment in the Context of IE’

  8. Challenges to providing inclusive education Legal framework fororganisational and financial support of IE Scientific and methodological support ofeducational process Training personnel Ensuring reasonable adaptation Educational and rehabilitation integration Providing modern tools of rehabilitation

  9. Interagency integration Coordination of work of ministries, bodies andsocial institutions in the sphere of IE Social partnership. Socially responsible business

  10. School Family Child Integration of children with special needs intogeneral educational environment NGO Authorities Rehabilitation centre Sponsors Institute of teachers’ professional development

  11. Thank you!

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