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Using Video Conferencing to Improve Middle Level Assessment Results

Using Video Conferencing to Improve Middle Level Assessment Results. Loren Smith, Panama Central School, lsmith@mx.pancent.org Barb Tordella, Falconer Central School, btordella@falcon.wnyric.org. Agenda. Introductions and polling the audience(5 minutes) history/background (10 minutes)

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Using Video Conferencing to Improve Middle Level Assessment Results

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Using Video Conferencing to Improve Middle Level Assessment Results Loren Smith, Panama Central School, lsmith@mx.pancent.org Barb Tordella, Falconer Central School, btordella@falcon.wnyric.org

  2. Agenda • Introductions and polling the audience(5 minutes) • history/background (10 minutes) • process (25 minutes) • questions (10 minutes) • connection to classrooms (10 minutes)

  3. Identification of areas to address • Utilizing the Data Warehouse, comparison of prior years grade level performance by standard • We identified our program areas of strength and weakness based on 3 year average of data by standard

  4. Scheduling • Panama sees the same students each time, and Loren reteaches the lesson to his other classes • Falconer’s students have a rotating schedule, so more of their students participate in the videoconferencing, but Barb then reteaches the lesson to her students that arrive later in the day

  5. Loren’s intro video

  6. Loren’s Exponent lesson

  7. Barb’s Coordinate Geometry Lesson

  8. Questions?

  9. Bloopers!!!

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