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IMPACT ASSESSMENT. IMPACT ASSESSMENT General Principles. Impact Assessment is an aid to decision-making, not a substitute for political judgement The Assessment Report will justify the chosen policy option after having examined the alternatives. IMPACT ASSESSMENT Focus. Economic impact

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  2. IMPACT ASSESSMENTGeneral Principles • Impact Assessment is an aid to decision-making, not a substitute for political judgement • The Assessment Report will justify the chosen policy option after having examined the alternatives

  3. IMPACT ASSESSMENTFocus • Economic impact • Social impact • Environmental impact

  4. IMPACT ASSESSMENTProcess • Preliminary Assessment • Extended Assessment

  5. IMPACT ASSESSMENTPreliminary Assessment Statement • Problem identification • Objective of the proposal • Policy options • Impacts – positive and negative • Follow-up • Is an Extended Assessment recommended ?

  6. IMPACT ASSESSMENTExtended Impact Assessment • Analysing the issue • Identifying the policy objective • Identifying policy options and alternative instruments • Analysing the impact: economic, social and environmental • Implementing, monitoring and evaluating ex-post

  7. Who Uses Spatially Organised Environmental Data ? • Governments & Administrations • Other Large Public Sector Bodies • Academics & Researchers • Commercial & Professional End Users • Value-added Resellers • Application Developers • NGOs & NFPs • Citizens

  8. So how much will INSPIRE cost? • € 2-3bn total over 10 years • € 200-300m per year • € 50 cents per person • As in any infrastructure project, it is an investment rather than a cost

  9. Costs of Hazards • The 2002 Floods cost: • €15bn in Germany • €2bn in Austria • €2-3bn in the Czech Republic • €35m in Slovakia If 10% of these costs could have been saved by being better prepared . . .

  10. Natural Hazards in EU $ 80-100 bn over 20 years, 5000 killed, 12m people affected


  12. Costs of Research • Some 20,000 EIA/SEAs are undertaken every year at an average cost of €75,000 each. • Approximately 13% of the cost and 15% of the time is finding the data needed. • If these costs were removed . . .


  14. Costs of Environmental Monitoring • Cost of monitoring the environment in England and Wales is approximately €160m per annum • Most EU countries undertake similar functions although the organisational arrangements are different (centralised federated, decentralised) • The approximate cost across EU(15) is €1bn. • If greater efficiency from both well organised metadata, harmonised data, and improved data management can add up to 10% of total cost . . .


  16. Costs of Technology • The know-how is largely in place already • The resources may have to be found, which may not be easy where other priorities compete • Where there’s a will there’s a way !

  17. MasterMapping Westminster


  19. IMPACT ASSESSMENTOPTIONS for INSPIRE • Do nothing • Voluntary co-operation among Member States • A broad Framework Directive, based on the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, devolving management to Member State level where obstacles are addressed in a step by step manner • A comprehensive Framework Directive backed by additional legal instruments that address all of the obstacles in a comprehensive way • A Regulation stipulating how Member States must implement INSPIRE standards and infrastructure

  20. Environment 2010: Our Future, Our Choice The Sixth Environment Action Programme • a strategic approach to meeting environmental objectives • policy-making based on participation and sound knowledge • the reinforcement of geographical information systems and applications

  21. Applied SDI

  22. Components of Reference Data • Geodetic reference system • Units of administration • Units of property rights (parcels, buildings) • Addresses • Selected topographic themes • Hydrography • Transport • Height • Orthoimagery • Geographical names

  23. The INSPIRE Geo-portal http://eu-geoportal.jrc.it/

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