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On the Basis Learning Rule of Adaptive-Subspace SOM (ASSOM)

ICANN’06. On the Basis Learning Rule of Adaptive-Subspace SOM (ASSOM). Huicheng Zheng, Christophe Laurent and Grégoire Lefebvre 13th September 2006. Thanks to the MUSCLE Internal Fellowship ( http://www.muscle-noe.org ). Outline. Introduction Minimization of the ASSOM objective function

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On the Basis Learning Rule of Adaptive-Subspace SOM (ASSOM)

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  1. ICANN’06 On the Basis Learning Rule of Adaptive-Subspace SOM (ASSOM) Huicheng Zheng, Christophe Laurent and Grégoire Lefebvre 13th September 2006 Thanks to the MUSCLE Internal Fellowship (http://www.muscle-noe.org).

  2. Outline • Introduction • Minimization of the ASSOM objective function • Fast-learning methods • Insight on the basis vector rotation • Batch-mode basis vector updating • Experiments • Conclusions

  3. rectangles circles triangles …… Motivation of ASSOM • Learning “invariance classes” with subspace learning and SOM [Kohonen. T., et al., 1997] • For example: spatial-translation invariance

  4. Applications of ASSOM • Invariant feature formation[Kohonen, T., et al., 1997] • Speech processing[Hase, H., et al., 1996] • Texture segmentation[Ruiz del Solar, J., 1998] • Image retrieval[De Ridder, D., et al., 2000] • Image classification[Zhang, B., et al., 1999]

  5. j A module representing the subspace L(j) ASSOM Modules Representing Subspaces Rectangular topology Hexagonal topology The module arrays in ASSOM

  6. Competition and Adaptation • Repeatedly: • Competition: The winner • Adaptation: For the winner and the modules i in its neighborhood • Orthonormalize the basis vectors N×N matrix:

  7. Transformation Invariance • Episodes correspond to signal subspaces. • Example: • One episode, S, consists of 8 vectors. Each vectoris translated in time with respect to the others.

  8. Episode Learning • Episode winner • Adaptation: for each sample x(s) in the episode X={x(s), sS} • Rotate the basis vectors • Orthonormalize the basis vectors

  9. Deficiency of the Traditional Learning Rule • Rotation operator pc(i)(x(s),t) is an N×N matrix. • N: input vector dimension • Approximately:NOP (number of operations) ∝ MN2 • M: subspace dimension

  10. Efforts in the Literature • Adaptive Subspace Map (ASM) [De Ridder, D., et al., 2000]: • Drop topological ordering • Perform a batch-mode updating with PCA • Essentially not ASSOM. • Replace the basis updating rule [McGlinchey, S.J., Fyfe, C., 1998] • NOP ∝ M2N

  11. Outline • Introduction • Minimization of the ASSOM objective function • Fast-learning methods • Insight on the basis vector rotation • Batch-mode basis vector updating • Experiments • Conclusions

  12. Minimization of the ASSOMObjective Function where: (projection error) P(X): probability density function of X Solution: Stochastic gradient descent: : Learning rate function

  13. Minimization of the ASSOMObjective Function When is small: In practice, better stability has been observed by the modified form proposed in [Kohonen, T., et al., 1997]

  14. Minimization of the ASSOMObjective Function • corresponds to a modified objective function: • Solution to Em: • When is small:

  15. Outline • Introduction • Minimization of the ASSOM objective function • Fast-learning methods • Insight on the basis vector rotation • Batch-mode basis vector updating • Experiments • Conclusions

  16. Insight on the Basis Vector Rotation • Recall: traditional learning

  17. Insight on the Basis Vector Rotation scalar Scalar projection • For fast computing, calculate first, then scale x(s) with to get • NOP ∝MN • Referred to as FL-ASSOM (Fast-Learning ASSOM)

  18. Insight on the Basis Vector Rotation

  19. Outline • Introduction • Minimization of the ASSOM objective function • Fast-learning methods • Insight on the basis vector rotation • Batch-mode basis vector updating • Experiments • Conclusions

  20. Batch-mode Fast Learning(BFL-ASSOM) • Motivation: Re-use the previously calculated during module competition. • In the basic ASSOM, L(i) keeps changing with receiving of each component vector x(s). has to be re-calculated for each x(s).

  21. Batch-mode Rotation • Use the solution to the modified objective function Em: • Subspace remains the same for all the component vectors in the episode. We can now use calculated during module competition.

  22. Batch-mode Fast Learning where is a scalar defined by: • Correction is a linear combination of component vectors x(s) in the episode. • For each episode, one orthonormalization of basis vectors is enough.

  23. Outline • Introduction • Minimization of the ASSOM objective function • Fast-learning methods • Insight on the basis vector rotation • Batch-mode basis vector updating • Experiments • Conclusions

  24. Experimental Demonstration • Emergence of translation-invariant filters • Episodes are drawn from a colored noise image • Vectors in episodes are subject to translation white noise image colored noise image • Example episode (magnified):

  25. Resulted Filters FL-ASSOM BFL-ASSOM Decrease of the average projection error e with learning step t: t

  26. Timing Results Times given in seconds for 1,000 training steps. M: subspace dimension N: input vector dimension VU: Vector Updating time WL: Whole Learning time

  27. Timing Results Change of vector updating time (VU) with input dimension N: Change of vector updating time (VU) with subspace dimension M: Vertical scales of FL-ASSOM and BFL-ASSOM have been magnified 10 times for clarity.

  28. Outline • Introduction • Minimization of ASSOM objective function • Fast-learning methods • Insight on the basis vector rotation • Batch-mode basis vector updating • Experiments • Conclusions

  29. Conclusions • The basic ASSOM algorithm corresponds to a modified objective function. • Updating of basis vectors in the basic ASSOM correponds to a scaling of the component vectors in the input episode. • In batch-mode updating, the correction to the basis vectors is a linear combination of component vectors in the input episode. • Basis learning can be dramatically boosted with the previous understandings.

  30. References • De Ridder, D., et al., 2000: The adaptive subspace map for image description and image database retrieval. SSPR&SPR 2000. • Hase, H., et al., 1996: Speech signal processing using Adaptive Subspace SOM (ASSOM). Technical Report NC95-140, The Inst. of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Tottori University, Koyama, Japan. • Kohonen, T., et al., 1997: Self-Organized formation of various invariant-feature filters in the adaptive-subspace SOM. Neural Computation 9(6). • McGlinchey, S. J., Fyfe, C., 1998: Fast formation of invariant feature maps. EUSIPCO’98. • Ruiz del Solar, J., 1998: Texsom: texture segmentation using Self-Organizing Maps. Neurocomputing21(1–3). • Zhang, B., et al., 1999: Handwritten digit recognition by adaptive-subspace self-organizing map (ASSOM). IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks10:4.

  31. Thanks and questions?

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