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UNCLASSIFIED. TRAINING MEETING. FALL 2013. Training Week 6(T6). 03 October 2013. AGENDA. Role Call Assessment of Completed Training Review Long Range Training Calendar (90 Days) Near Term Training (Next 2 Weeks) Short Range Training (Between 2-4 Weeks)
AGENDA • Role Call • Assessment of Completed Training • Review Long Range Training Calendar (90 Days) • Near Term Training (Next 2 Weeks) • Short Range Training (Between 2-4 Weeks) • FTX & Ceremony Milestones for SY 13-14 • Leadership Development Program • Miscellaneous • Feedback UNCLASSIFIED
ROLE CALL • Company Commander • Executive Officer • First Sergeant • Cadet Platoon Leader • Cadet Platoon Sergeant • Recruit Platoon Leader • Recruit Platoon Sergeant • Zeh most majestic, Zeh TAC • Ranger Challenge Chief • CadreRepresentative UNCLASSIFIED
Assessment of Completed Trng UNCLASSIFIED
Assessment of Completed Trng UNCLASSIFIED
Assessment of Completed Trng UNCLASSIFIED
Assessment of Completed Trng UNCLASSIFIED
Assessment of Completed Trng UNCLASSIFIED
Lab#6 , React to Contact, 03 OCT Cadet Platoon ATU LAB #4 RECON Mission ATU Cadet PLT Conducts Squad STX training on RTC IOT to prepare MS IIIs for Warrior Forge 2014. Commander’s Intent “Conduct a practical exercise to increase proficiency and identify weaknesses for all LDAC 2013 bound cadets.” N Training Objectives Concept of Operation Phase 1: Accountability/PCI’s Phase 2: Move to start point, conduct safety/training area orientation brief. Phase 3: Start Action on OBJ Phase 4: Conduct step by step through all necessary RTC Drills. Phase 5: Return to start point, AAR, recover all equipment OBJ AA Parking UNCLASSIFIED
Lab#7 , Break Contact, 10 OCT Cadet Platoon ATU LAB #4 RECON Mission ATU Cadet PLT Conducts Break Contact Drills IOT to prepare them for Tactical Movements in the STX Lanes. Commander’s Intent “Conduct a practical exercise to increase proficiency and identify weaknesses for all LDAC 2013 bound cadets.” N Training Objectives Concept of Operation Phase 1: Accountability/PCI’s Phase 2: Move to start point, conduct safety/training area orientation brief. Phase 3: Start Action on OBJ Phase 4: Conduct step by step through all necessary Breaking Contact Drills Phase 5: Return to start point, AAR, recover all equipment OBJ AA UNCLASSIFIED
Lab#8 , Knock Out a Bunker , 17 OCT Cadet Platoon ATU LAB #4 RECON Mission ATU Cadet PLT Conducts Squad attack in order to clear an identified bunker in AO Old Post. Commander’s Intent “Conduct a practical exercise to increase proficiency and identify weaknesses for all LDAC 2013 bound cadets.” N Training Objectives Concept of Operation Phase 1: Accountability/PCI’s Phase 2: Move to start point, conduct safety/training area orientation brief. Phase 3: Start Action on OBJ Phase 4: Conduct step by step through all necessary Breaking Contact Drills Phase 5: Return to start point, AAR, recover all equipment OBJ AA UNCLASSIFIED
Assessment of Completed Trng UNCLASSIFIED
Assessment of Completed Trng UNCLASSIFIED
Assessment of Completed Trng Assessment of Completed Trng UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED KELLEY250607SEP2013
Assessment of Completed Trng KELLEY250607SEP2013 UNCLASSIFIED
Assessment of Completed Trng KELLEY250607SEP2013 UNCLASSIFIED
Assessment of Completed Trng KELLEY250607SEP2013 UNCLASSIFIED
KELLEY250607SEP2013 Assessment of Completed Trng Assessment of Completed Trng UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED
Lab# 3, Basic Land Navigation Recruit Platoon Recruit Platoon Lab #6 Make-up WTT Evaluations ATU LAB #4 RECON ATU LAB #4 RECON Mission ATU Recruit platoon conducts Basic Land Navigation at Rothwell Hall NLT 061445SEP12 IOT demonstrate proficiency at Basic Land Navigation skills. Mission ATU Recruit platoon conducts WTT Round Robin training at Old Post Park NLT 031445OCT2013 in order to complete WTT evaluations and train Cadets to be tactically and technically sound for SSTX training. Commander’s Intent Train and evaluate Basic Land Navigation to ensure RP cadets understand how to Navigate using a map, protractor, and map. Commander’s Intent It is my intent for the Recruit Platoon cadets to gain a basic understanding of performing voice communications and complete WTT in order to progress as leaders and members of a squad. Training Objectives 071-329-1011 071-329-1002 071-329-1003 017-329-1005 017-329-1006 017-329-1012 Concept of Operation Phase 1: Accountability/PCI’s at Brian Hall Phase 2: Training Brief Phase 3: Movement to Rothwell Phase 4: Basic Navigation Training Phase 5: AAR, Information for next PT Session, Release • Training Objectives • Train and Evaluate Cadets on voice communication skills & Make up evaluations: • Any WTT’s not trained or evaluated. • Concept of Operation • Phase 3: Train • Phase 4: Evaluate • Phase 5: Make ups • Phase 6: AAR/Recovery Instruction Standridge 242000SEP13
Recruit Platoon Lab # 6 Make up WTT UNCLASSIFIED Standridge 242000SEP13
Key AUGUST2013 Training Event Rec/Ret Event PT Event Campus Event Cadre Only Event UCA Battle Rhythm Color Guard Bayonet BN -T1 MS III-IV Train up Cadre Train up T0 CMD & Staff 1030 CMD & Staff/ROO 1030 T1 Lab 1: Icebreaker & Welcome As of 23JUL2013
Key SEPTEMBER2013 Training Event Rec/Ret Event PT Event Campus Event Cadre Only Event UCA Battle Rhythm Color Guard Bayonet BN RC TRNG PT Event (Company Run) LABOR DAY NO SCHOOL T2 RC TRNG LAB 2: CP-LN PE RP-DC/Round Robin Test HT/WT CMD & Staff/TNG 1030 TRNG MTG T3 RC TRNG PT Event Swim Test-Hendrix CWST -Hendrix RC TRNG IPR: Terrain Walk 1030 CMD & Staff/ROO 1030 Range Brief 0900 PT Event PT Event LAB 3: CP-OPORD Training RP-Round Robin Test TRNG MTG PT Event RC TRNG T4 RC TRNG PT Event PT Event CMD & Staff/TNG 1030 LAB 4: CP-Intro to STX/TLPs OPORD; RP-Land Nav TRNG MTG MS I-IV Fall FTX (Camp Robinson) RC TRNG T5 PT Event HT/WT ALL RC TRNG APFT MS I-III APFT MS IV-V CMD & Staff/ROO 1030 LAB 5: CP-Actions on OBJ RP-IMT/ Squad Mvmt Tactical Mvmt TRNG MTG MS I-IV Fall FTX T6 PT Event As of 23JUL2013
Key OCTOBER2013 Training Event Rec/Ret Event PT Event Campus Event Cadre Only Event ATU Battle Rhythm Color Guard Bayonet BN T6 Remedial PT PT Event Remedial PT PT Event IPR: Terrain Walk 1030 RC TRNG RC TRNG Range Brief 0900 CMD & Staff/TNG 1030 Lab 6: React to Contact TRNG MTG T7 RC/Remedial PT Event RC TRNG PT Event PT Event CMD & Staff/ROO 1030 Remedial PT Lab 7: Break Contact RANGER CHALLENGE, Camp Robinson TRNG MTG T8 Remedial PT PT Event Remedial PT PT Event PT Event CMD & Staff/TNG 1030 Lab 8: Knock Out Bunker TRNG MTG T9 Lab 9: Ambush Remedial PT PT Event PT Event CMD & Staff/ROO 1030 Homecoming TRNG MTG HT/WT ALL PT Event T10 APFT MS I-III Remedial PT CMD & Staff/TNG 1030 APFT MS IV-V Lab 10: Sqd Attack TRNG MTG As of 23JUL2013
Key NOVEMBER2013 Training Event Rec/Ret Event PT Event Campus Event Cadre Only Event UCA Battle Rhythm Color Guard Bayonet BN T10 PT Event PT Event Remedial PT PT Event Remedial PT PT Event T11 Range Brief CMD & Staff/ROO 1030 Lab 11: Recon TRNG MTG PT Event Remedial PT PT Event Remedial PT PT Event CMD & Staff/TNG 1030 Lab 12: COB/MOB T12 TRNG MTG LN #2 (CJTR) (ATU) PT Event Remedial PT Remedial PT RECORD APFT RECORD APFT CMD & Staff/ROO 1030 Lab 13: Flex/Variable T13 TRNG MTG Remedial PT PT Event 4TH Annual PMS Turkey Shoot Final POV Inspection CMD & Staff/TNG 1030 T14 TRNG MTG Thanksgiving Holiday Break (27-30 Nov) As of 23JUL2013
Key DECEMBER2013 Training Event Rec/Ret Event PT Event ATU Event Cadre Only Event UCA Battle Rhythm Color Guard Bayonet BN HT/WT Lab: AWARDS CEREMONY T15 CMD & Staff/ROO 1030 TRNG MTG CMD & Staff/TNG 1030 T16 TRNG MTG ATU Final Exams T17 ATU Final Exams 4 DAY PASS 4 DAY PASS As of 23JUL2013
Leader Development Program OLD FALL GARRISON ROTATION
Leader Development Program NEW FALL GARRISON ROTATION
Leader Development Program Alt. FALL GARRISON ROTATION
Leader Development Program STX Leadership Rotation
Leader Development Program Alternate STX Leadership Rotation
Leader Development Program STX Leadership Rotation