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Sa le s f or ce HEROKU-ARCHI T ECT URE-DESI GNER Ex am Sa le sforc e Ce rtifie d He rok u Arc hitec t ure De s igne r ( WI2 0) Ex am
Ve rs ion: 8 .0 Q uesti on:1 U ni v e rs al C ontai ne rs ne eds to w ri te thei r H e roku appl i cati on's l og s to tw o de sti nati ons: an on-pre m i se Sy sl og l og se rv er and a cl oud anal yti cs prov i de r that i ng e sts l og s usi ng an HT TP S endpoi nt. W hat shoul d an A rchi te ct re com me nd in thi s sce nari o? A . P ubl i sh al l l og s to A pa che Ka fk a on H e roku, and cre ate a se pa ra te app that cons um es and di stri butes l og m essag es. B. Wri te al l l og s to H e roku Re di s as a buffe r and use an add-on to se nd the m to both de sti nati ons. C . A dd a l og gi ng li brary to the appl i cati on source that sends al l l og s di rectl y to both desti nati ons. D. Wri te al l l og s to stdout, and config ure a se parate l og drai n for each de sti nati on. Answer :D Q uesti on:2 A hos pi talis pl anni ng to re w ri te i ts on-pre mi se pati ent re gi strati on sy ste m. H I PA A -com pl i ant as we ll as I SO 27018-com pl i ant. They ne ed to m ai ntai n these sam e ce rti ficati on le ve ls afte r the re w ri te. The i r ne w app al so ne e ds to sy nc PII (pe rs onal l y i de nti fia bl e i nform ati on) da ta w i th the i r Sal esforce org. W hat H e roku E nte rpri se sol uti ons shoul d an A rchi te ct propose? The ir curre nt sy ste m is A . Bui ld the app in a Shi el d P ri vate Space , wi th a Shi el d H e roku Postg re s database , and use A pache Kafka on H e roku to stre am from the Sa l es force org. B . Bui ld the app in the C om m on Runti m e, us e a H e roku Postg re s da ta ba se , and us e H e roku C onne ct to sy nc to Sal esforce. C . Bui ld the app in a Shi el d P ri vate Space , wi th a Shi el d H e roku Postg re s database , and use Shi el d H e roku C onnect to sy nc to Sal esforce. D. Bui ld the app in a P ri va te Space wi th a P ri va te H e roku Postg re s da ta ba se , and us e H e roku C onne ct to sy nc to Sal esforce. Answer :C Q uesti on:4 A cl ie nt is cre ati ng a ne w AP I appl i cati on. The app shoul d onl y be acce ssi bl e from othe r apps that they de pl oy to H e roku. Al so, tra ffic be tw ee n the othe r apps and the AP I shoul d not tra ns i t the publ ic i nte rne t. W hi ch sol uti on shoul d an A rchi te ct re com me nd to me et these re qui re me nts? A . C re ate the appl i cati on in a P ri vate Space wi th de faul t opti ons. B. C re ate the appl i cati on in a P ri vate Space and re stri ct the appl i cati on's se t of truste d IP rang es.
Q uesti ons & A nswers P DF Pa g e3 C . C re ate the appl i cati on wi th I nte rnal Routi ng enabl ed, in a P ri vate Space. D. C re ate the appl i cati on in a Shi el d P ri vate Space to enforce stri cte r re qui re m ents for TLS te rm i nati on. Answer :B Q uesti on:5 A cl i e nt has data in a producti on H e roku Postg re s database , and ne e ds to qui ck l y g et a cce ss to a subset of that da ta for re porti ng ne e ds. W hi ch tw o fe ature s doe s H e roku Datacl i ps prov i de to enabl e thi s? (C hoose tw o.) A . J SON export of que ry resul ts, wi th C ORS support B. C SV export of que ry re sul ts C . A si m pl e RE ST AP I access to query resul ts D. Postg res dum p fil e of que ry resul ts Answer : A ,B