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CUAHSI HIS Service Oriented Architecture. Ilya Zaslavsky, David R. Maidment, David G. Tarboton, Michael Piasecki, Jon Goodall , David Valentine, Thomas Whitenack, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Tim Whiteaker and the entire CUAHSI HIS Team. http://his.cuahsi.org/. CUAHSI HIS
CUAHSI HIS Service Oriented Architecture Ilya Zaslavsky, David R. Maidment, David G. Tarboton, Michael Piasecki, Jon Goodall, David Valentine, Thomas Whitenack, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Tim Whiteaker and the entire CUAHSI HIS Team http://his.cuahsi.org/ CUAHSI HIS Sharing hydrologic data Support EAR 0622374
CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System Services-Oriented Architecture Data Discovery and Integration HydroCatalog Search Services Metadata Services WaterML, Other OGC Standards HydroServer HydroDesktop Data Analysis and Synthesis Data Publication Data Services ODM Geo Data Information Model and Community Support Infrastructure
What is a “service oriented architecture”? "Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." • A design strategy for informationsystems that enables loose coupling among components • Essential relationships and dependencies shall be preserved, non-essential can be discarded • Service == unit of work, performed based on a contract between service provider and service consumer • Hides the internal workings of service • Implementation/platform-independent • Presents a relatively simple interface • Can be published, discovered and invoked using this interface • Everything is a service: data, models, visualization, ……
What makes an open community-driven hydrologic information system • Agreeing on standards for information models and services: WaterML, WaterOneFlow services, OGC specs • Making the services easily discoverable, sharing and indexing a lot of quality data: HISCentral • Reliable core services: monitoring; logging/reporting; user support; high availability • Sharing code: Codeplex, etc.
WaterML as a Web Language Discharge of the San Marcos River at Luling, June 28 - July 18, 2002 Streamflow data in WaterML language First presented as an OGC Discussion Paper in 2007 Adopted by USGS, NCDC, multiple academic groups, internationally
M-WRIIMs System Implementation • Feng-Chia University, Taiwan– Presented 6/16/2011, HydroDWG WRIIMs requesting responding WaterML (Water Markup Language) Site n water quality, real time and historic data On site sensor query interface and results
HIS Central Catalog Service Registry Hydrotagger • Integrates data services from multiple sources • Supports concept based data discovery WaterML Harvester Water Metadata Catalog GetSites GetSiteInfo GetVariableInfo GetValues WaterOneFlow Web Service Search Services CUAHSI Data Server 3rd Party Server e.g. USGS Discovery and Access Hydro Desktop http://hiscentral.cuahsi.org
HIS Central Content Map integrating NWIS, STORET, & Climatic Sites 69 public services 18,000+ variables 1.96+ million sites 23.3 million series Referencing 5.2 billion data values Available via HISCentraldiscovery services Available via GetValues requests
Growth in GetValues calls for all services reporting to HIS Central May-June 2011
Federal Agency Water Data Services at HISCentral * Estimated
Hydrologic Ontology http://hiscentral.cuahsi.org/startree.aspx Semantic heterogeneity: water data source use their own vocabularies, which makes it difficult to discover and interpret data Solutions: controlled vocabularies community vocabulary of hydrologic parameters, semantic tagging, and semantic query rewriting Disslovedoxygen
HydroTagger Each Variableis connected to a corresponding Concept http://water.sdsc.edu/hiscentral/startree.aspx
HISCentral Hosting Facility • Redundant • Continuously monitored (R-U-On) • Synchronized databases • Fail over management • Monitoring of external servers • Usage reporting
CZO Data Publication System Local CZO DB Local CZO DB Local CZO DB CZO Data Repository and Indexing (CZO Central) External cross-project registries CZOData Products Standard CZO Services DataNet CZO Desktop Applications Harvester Ontology Archive Shared vocabularies CZO Metadata CZO Web-based Data Discovery System CZO Desktop Matlab R Standard CZO data display formats Excel Web site Web site Web site ArcGIS Modeling Spatial, hydrologic, geophysical, geochemical, imagery, spectral…
International Standardization of WaterML Hydrology Domain Working Group - working on WaterML 2.0 - organizing Interoperability Experiments focused on different sub-domains of water - towards an agreed upon feature model, observation model, semantics and service stack Iterative Development Timeline WaterML 2 SWG (Mar 2011) Groundwater IE • GSC+USGS • Dec 09 – Dec 10 Surface Water IE • CSIRO+many • Jun 10 – Sep 11 Forecasting IE • NWS+Deltares? • Sep 11 – Sep 12? Water Quality IE Water Use IE June’11 http://external.opengis.org/twiki_public/bin/view/HydrologyDWG/WebHome
New requirements, and the path forward • Transition to OGC model – for better interoperability, including international: what are new service interfaces; how we transition an operational system? • Federation of catalogs – since many data providers stand up catalogs, also better scalability: what is the suggested combination of catalog technologies and interfaces? • Recognition that we don’t need to search over all services: what are the better search patterns(e.g. 3-step data access: identify services, then extract time series metadata, and then request data content for the time series)? • Recognition that we can (and need to) rely on common implementations of mature, modular standard specifications: what is an appropriate operational governance modelfor distribution of roles and responsibilities within such a modular system?
The Migration Path (1) Goal: smooth transition of the operational HIS • Step 1: Prototyping a new infrastructure and assimilating results of international validation of new OGC specifications: A client developed at UT-Austin that implements the Who (data service providers) – What (variables) - Where (locations) search pattern using OGC CSW and WFS services. The CSW interface provides federation of catalog services, while WFS is used to relay time series catalogs A Kisters WISKI-based client demonstrating access to WFS (for locations of sampling features) and SOS (for observational data encoded in WaterML 2.0), developed as part of Hydrology DWG’s Surface Water IE The Groundwater (2009-2010) and Surface Water (2010-2011) Interoperability Experiments of the OGC/WMO Hydrology Domain Working Group have demonstrated serving water data encoded in WaterML2 using SOS1 and SOS2 services.
The Migration Path (2) • Step 2: Settle on a time series catalog information model that can be relayed via common WFS implementations • Step 3: Create WFS interfaces over observation networks in the HIS Central catalog, integrated with HIS Central administration interface An observation network page in HISCentral administration interface for network #52 (Little Bear River) http://hiscentral.cuahsi.org/pub_network.aspx?n=52 http://hiscentral.cuahsi.org/wfs/52/cuahsi.wfs?request=getCapabilities An additional WFS endpoint for this network
The Migration Path (3) • Step 4: Make the networks registry in HISCentral CSW compatible • Step 5: Establish a distributed system of federated hydrologic catalogs, using the CSW standard
The Migration Path (4) • Step 6: Create WaterML2/SOS endpoints, initially for networks already registered in the HIS Central Metadata Catalog at SDSC:
The Migration Path (5) • Step 7: Integrate the WaterML2/SOS2 endpoints in HydroServer software stack • Step 8: Integrate WFS-based series catalog in HydroServer software stack • Step 9: Update HISCentral harvesting routines to rely on WFS services • Step 10: Update HydroDesktop client to interact with CSW and WFS services • These are to be completed
Conclusions • HISCentral maintains a large collection of hydrologic time series from distributed data sources, both academic and government • Supports data discovery queries and vocabulary queries • Monitors and validates services • Regular harvesting of registered services • Supports variety of clients • High-availability setup • Water data exchange standards are the backbone of HIS SOA: • The specifications have seen wide adoption • One of the benefits of SOA: smooth migration to a new set of standards (OGC) • Building a community hydrologic information system: • Sharing data and code; reliable core services; access to large volumes of quality data Catalog Catalog Services Metadata Services Data Services Server Desktop