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Sources of Islamic law or jurisdiction

Sources of Islamic law or jurisdiction. ( Sumber Hukum Islam). Sources in Islamic Law (Dalil Qat’ei). Al Quran Al Sunnah Ijmak Ulamak Al Qiyas

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Sources of Islamic law or jurisdiction

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  1. Sources of Islamic law or jurisdiction (Sumber Hukum Islam)

  2. Sources in Islamic Law (Dalil Qat’ei) • Al Quran • Al Sunnah • Ijmak Ulamak • Al Qiyas “ Alif, Laam, Mim, demikianlah kitab al Quran itu yang tidak ada lagi keraguan padanya, ia menjadi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang beriman.” (Al Baqarah 2;1)

  3. Al Quran dan Hadis • Al Quran-Kitab suci yang mengandungi pelbagai sumber ilmu, undang-undang syarak, adab peraturan, berita ghaib, sejarah, kisah sekarang dan akan datang. ( Ekonomi & Masyarakat - > 80 ayat, Hukum -> 53 ayat, Kekeluargaan - > 70 ayat, Negara -> 25 ayat) • Hadis- sumber daripada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w-perkataan, perbuatan, sifat, pengakuan dll. ( cara sembahyang, doa, puasa, cara hukuman, cara mendidik, cara memimpin dll)

  4. Ijmak Ulamak • Ijmak Ulamak – kesepakatan ulamak mujtahid dalam mengeluarkan hukum. • Ijma is considered the third proof of Shariah after the Quran and the Sunnah. • An Ijtihad or an Interpretation of one or a few scholars when becomes universal, becomes Ijma.  ( Apa-apa sahaja yg menurut pendapat muslimin itu baik, maka ia baik di sisi Allah, jika menurut pendapat muslimin itu buruk, maka ia buruk di sisi Allah).

  5. Al Qiyas Al Qiyas-perbandingan hukum yg baharu ada dgn yg telah ada hukumnya (comparison law). Al Qiyas- means measuring or ascertaining the length, weight or quality of something. It is a comparison to establish equality or similarity between two things. In the language of Usul, Qiyas is the extension of a Shariah ruling from an original case (Asl) to a new case (Far') because the new case has the same effective cause as the original case. ( Cth: Perkara memabukkan adalah haram. Arak memabukkan, sifat mabuk adalah sebab ia diharamkan)

  6. Sumber tambahan (Dalil Zanni) • Istishan • Masalih al- Mursalah • Uruf • Istishab

  7. Istishan • Mengubah suatu perkara yg berasal dari Al Qiyas kepada yg lebih baik. • Istihsan -means to deem something preferable. In its juristic sense, Istihsan is a method of exercising personal opinion (ray) in order to avoid any rigidity and unfairness that might result from literal application of law. • Istihsan - close to equity law in Western law. • Cth: harus akad jual beli bg barang yg tiada pada waktu akad - salam, sewa, upah, tempahan.

  8. Masalih al Mursalah • Suatu keadaan yg sesuai untuk diadakan hukum syarak yg boleh beri kebaikan, dan mencegah kemudaratan (benefit or interest). -unrestricted public interest. • Maslahah Mursalah=Istislah = Maslahah Mutlaqah. • Al Ghazali -Maslahah consists of considerations which secure a benefit or prevent a harm. Protection of life, religion, intellect, lineage and property is Maslahah.  • Cth;-lesen memandu kereta untuk melahirkan pemandu yg mahir dan mengelakkan kemalangan. • Cth; denda jika tidak menggunakan jejantas, supaya mengelakkan kemalangan jiwa.

  9. Uruf • Segi bahasa-Adat atau perkara yg senang dan diterima manusia. • Urf (custom)- as "recurring practices which are acceptable to people of sound nature”. • Segi syarak- Apa sahaja yg menjadi kebiasaan manusia dan diikuti dalam percakapan dan amalan yg tidak bertentangan dg nas/hukum. • Cth; dalam kes jenayah, wajib membayar diat terhadap ‘aqilah iaitu ahli keluarga pembunuh.

  10. Istishab • Hukum yg ditetapkan masa kini adalah berdasarkan hukum yg telah berlaku di masa lalu. • “ sesuatu yg kekal selama mana tiada sesuatu yg mengubahnya”. • Means courtship or companionship. In Usul-al-Fiqh, Istishab means presumption of existence or non-existence of facts. It can be used in the absence of other proofs (dalil).  • Istishab presumes continuation of a fact (marriage or a transfer of ownership) till the contrary is proved.

  11. Kaedah Fiqh • Setiap perkara dinilai berdasarkan niat. • Keyakinan tidak hilang dengan keraguan. • Kesukaran membawa kemudahan. • Bahaya mesti dihapuskan. • Adat menjadi hukum.

  12. Ijtihad • The root word Jahada - means striving or self-exertion. Ijtihad consists of intellectual exertion. Ijtihad is a very broad source of Islamic law and comes after the Quran and the Sunnah. • The Quran and the Sunnah were completed at the time of death of the Prophet (SM). Ijtihad, however, continues and this is the source or methodology which gives Islamic law, its adaptability to new situations and capacity to tackle all new issues and its harmony with the Quran and the Sunnah.

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