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The NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System NOMADS CEOS-Grid Application Status Report. Glenn K. Rutledge NOAA NCDC CEOS WGISS-19 Cordoba, Argentina March 7, 2005. Overview. The NOMADS Project partners
The NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution SystemNOMADSCEOS-Grid Application Status Report Glenn K. Rutledge NOAA NCDC CEOS WGISS-19 Cordoba, Argentina March 7, 2005
Overview • The NOMADS Project partners • realized the need to extend its distributed data access methods into the existing grid technology efforts. • Even with the temporal and spatial sub-setting capabilities with NOMADS, larger channels could benefit the climate and weather research communities. • NOAA NESDIS is to explore these new technologies and provide a learning curve to reap potential rewards in the long-term.
The NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System NOMADS Goals • provide distributed access to models and associated data, • promote model evaluation and product development, • foster research within the geo-science • communities (ocean, weather, and climate) • to study multiple earth systems using • collections of distributed data, • develop institutional partnerships via distributed open technologies.
CEOS-Gird and NOMADS • Earth System Grid (ESG) co-PI Dean Williams also a • co-PI on NOMADS. • Suggested involvement of NOMADS and CEOS-Grid. • Pilot for high volume access thru both ESG and CEOS-Grid. • Advance understanding of grid technologies within NOAA. • CEOS-Grid server established at NCDC- Globus v4
The NCDC NOMADS System Multiple paths to format independent data access:
Unidata’s IDV & NOMADS Access
Enabling private sector value added access: An example NOMADS Ensemble Access NOMADS Ensemble Probabilities on the fly • No need for image generation of ensembles... OPeNDAP constraint expression URL is: http://nomad3.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/enshires/archive/ens20040809/ensc0_ 00z_1x1.ascii?pratesfc[3:3][125:125][277:277]
A NOMADS Next Step GO-ESSP • A grass roots effort has formed by data managers called the Global Organization for Earth Systems Science Portals GO-ESSP http://esportal.gfdl.noaa.gov • Unidata • ESG (NCAR, LLNL) • OPeNDAP • COLA • NOMADS (GFDL, PMEL, NCDC, NCEP, others) • NASA/GCMD • BADC, BODC • WMO
Advancing Collaborations GO-ESSP • The Global Organization for Earth System Science Portal (GO-ESSP) is a collaboration initiated by NOMADS to build the infrastructure needed to create web portals to provide access to observed and simulated data within the climate and weather communities. • The infrastructure created within GO-ESSP will provide a flexible framework that will allow interoperability between front-end and back-end software components. GO-ESSP is an international collaboration involving software developers from both Europe and the United States.
Collaborating Programs CAP Climate Action Partnership DOC DOE EPA State Dept CEOS Committee on EO Satellites NOAA Rep CEOP Coordinated Earth Obs Period NOAA Rep EPA Air Quality Models New Collaboration GO-ESSP Earth Science Portal Founding Member IEOS Integrated Earth Observation System DM Co-Chair GCMD User WG NERC DataGrid Advisory Committee NSF Cyberinfrastructure Member NSF LEAD & Geo-Science Tech Forum (GTF) Planning Committee NVODS / US GODAE / GOOS / GCOS Data Provider Unidata THREDDS, NSDL, DLESSE User Committee Member WCRP World Climate Research Program JSC/CLIVAR Briefings
NOMADS Grid Status • Committee of Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) CEOS-Grid • DOE Earth System Grid (ESG) • NERC DataGrid (e-Science) • European PRogram for Integrated Earth System Modeling (PRISM) • NOAA (NCDC, FSL), EPA, and UAlabama (Huntsville) initiates collaboration under CEOS-Grid. Rutledge proposal submitted to NOAA HPC : • ESML and OPenDAP-G for Radar • NetCDF OPenDAP-G for Satellite services.
For more information... • For NOMADS Model Data Access: NOAA NCDC Main Page Upper Air Model Resources http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov • Or contact: Glenn.Rutledge @ noaa.gov QUESTIONS ?