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JUSTICE. The people in your country are very concerned about crime. They hear constantly in the news about violent crimes, especially violent crime committed by young offenders. What should be done about this? Get tough. OR Deal with the causes of crime. HEALTH.
JUSTICE • The people in your country are very concerned about crime. They hear constantly in the news about violent crimes, especially violent crime committed by young offenders. • What should be done about this? • Get tough. OR • Deal with the causes of crime.
HEALTH • With an aging population and limited money the voters are concerned about who should get health care when money is always going to be tight. • Should those who make themselves sick, like smokers, drug abusers and alcoholics pay for their health care costs. OR • Addiction is a disease like any other disease and should be fully covered by OHIP.
EDUCATION • Voters are concerned that students graduate without having even the basic math and literacy skills to be successful in society. • Invest more money in schools, provide support for breakfast clubs, social services, extra help for struggling students. Some testing. • Create a tougher curriculum with much more testing. Students must be successful before graduation. OR
TRANSPORTATION • Voters are concerned about the rising pollution cause by car travel but also demand that their own car travel be easier and more efficient. • Widen and expand the 401 and the other 400 series highways so more cars can travel easier. OR • Leave the 401 as it is and expand rail service from the Quebec border to Windsor, Sarnia and North Bay.
Defence • Voters are giving mixed signals on defence. They are concerned about our involvement in wars that don’t seem to involve Canada but 9/11 still has a major impact on Canadian society. Voters want to be protected. • Use our military for peacekeeping. Need better trained troops not more and bigger guns. • Increase spending on military, more troops and bigger and better weapons. OR
FINNANCE • Voters look at their pay cheques and are concerned about the high rate of taxes they pay. Voters also get very concerned when services are cut, especially in education, health, and justice. • Increase spending in essential services, even if it means higher taxes. A well educated, healthy and safe society will create more wealth. • Cut taxes and unnecessary services, this will increase personal spending and generate new sources of tax revenue.
FORGIEN AFFAIRS • Voters are questing Canada’s aid to third world countries, yet whenever there is a serious disaster or human rights violation around the world Canadian’s want action. • Cut aid spending and just encourage other countries to share in times of internaional disater. • Increase aid spending to .07% of Gross Domestic Production (GDP), or the total of all economic activity in your country. Is now .01%.
SOCIAL SERVICES • Voters are concerned with stories of people cheating the welfare system. Also Canadians demand that no one be in poverty. • Take a more helpful approach with those who need assistance. Provide benefits that keep people out of poverty and pay for training and skill development. • Decrease welfare benefits by 30% and make those who need assistance work for it. OR