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C.C.S. (Conduct) Rules, 1964

C.C.S. (Conduct) Rules, 1964. Objectives of Conduct Rules. To regulate general behavior of Govt Servants To secure full commitment of Govt servants in implementing Govt ’ s policies To set certain moral standards

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C.C.S. (Conduct) Rules, 1964

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  1. C.C.S. (Conduct) Rules, 1964

  2. Objectives of Conduct Rules • To regulate general behavior of Govt Servants • To secure full commitment of Govt servants in implementing Govt’s policies • To set certain moral standards • To eliminate all forms of immoral and immoderate behavior which are likely to impact on Govt servant’s capabilities to discharge his duties

  3. Objectives of Conduct Rules…. • To make Govt servant to learn to live within his means since he belongs to fixed income group • To prevent Govt servant from aligning against Govt or exercising undue influence or duress

  4. CCS CONDUCT RULES (1964) Every Govt. Servant shall at all times (i) Maintain absolute integrity (ii) Maintain absolute devotion to duty (iii)Do nothing, which is unbecoming of a Govt. servant Rule -3(1)

  5. OTHER DO’s • Maintain impartiality GID under rule 3 • Maintain proper decorum during working-hours, lunch hours. GID under rule 3 • Maintain standard conduct in private life GID under rule 3 • Maintain prompt and courteous service Rule-3-A

  6. OTHER DO’s…. • Report to superiors the fact of arrest or conviction GID(I) Rule 3 (c) • Keep away from demonstrations

  7. OTHER DO’s…. • Avoid any habitual indebtedness or insolvency Rule- 17 • Act in accordance with Govt. policies Rule- 3 (b)-i • Observe courtesy to Elected Representatives GID 17.(A) Rule 3. A

  8. Don’ts • Not to be a member of any political party Rule - 5 • Govt servant should not lease or otherwise allow occupation by any other person of Govt accommodation which has been allotted to him. Rule- 15. A. • Not to make joint representations in matters of common interest. GID 21Rule 3.C

  9. Don’ts • Govt. servant shall not be under the influence of any intoxicating drink or drug during the course of his duty Rule- 22 • Bigamous marriage. Rule- 21 • Dowry-- Neither give ; Nor take Rule 13 - A • Do not join or support any illegal strike Rule- 7 • Do not speculate in stock, share or other instrument. Rule- 16

  10. Don’ts • Do not undertake private consultancy work GID.8 under Rule 15. • Do not lend or borrow money from the person or firm having official dealings Rule - 16 • Do not bring any political influence in matters pertaining to his /her own service Rule – 20. • Do not adopt dilatory tactics in the dealings with the public GID under Rule- 3 • Do not approach his/her subordinates for standing surety for loans taken GID Under Rule- 16

  11. Activities requiring permission or sanction • To join educational institution (GID under Rule 15) • To join Civil Defence Service/Home guards Organization (GID under Rule 3) • To join foreign language class (GID under R. 5) • To own wholly or part or participate in the editing or management of newspaper or electronic media (Rule 8)

  12. Activities requiring permission or sanction… • To give evidence in any enquiry conducted by private person/committee/authority (Rule 10) • To ask for or accept contributions (Rule 12) • To accept gifts when value exceeds limits (limits discussed separately) (Rule 13) • To engage in any trade or business (Rule 15) • To accept fee for work done for any private or public body or person (Rule 15 (4)

  13. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS GROUP A RS.7000 GROUP B RS.4000 GROUP C RS.2000 MTSE RS.1000 This is the limit of gift which can be accepted from the nearest relatives & personal friends on occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals and religious functions. On other occasions the limits are as follows. Group A and B Rs. 1500 Group C and D Rs. 500

  14. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS… GIFTS INCLUDES • Free transport • Free boarding, lodging or • Any other pecuniary advantage • Any other service.

  15. Activities requiring permission or sanction… • To hold an elective office in Co-operative Societies and other bodies--- (Rule 15) • To acquire or dispose any immovable property (Rule 18) • To enter into transactions in movable property exceeding limits (Rule 18)

  16. Property Transactions • Any transaction in movable property by the govt. servant either in his/her own name or in the name of any family member (s) should be reported to the prescribed authority within one month of such transaction, if the value of such property exceeds two-month’s basic pay of the govt. servant. Rule- 18

  17. Property Transactions Movable property includes: - • Jewellery, • Insurance policies, the annual premia of which exceeds 2-month’s basic pay of the official, • Shares, securities & debentures, • Loans advanced or taken by an employee, • Motor cars, motor cycle, horses & other means of conveyance, • Radio, TV, Refrigerators, etc. Rule-18

  18. Government servants & politics A govt. servant should not be : - • A member of any political party/organization. • A member or otherwise associated with any banned organizations. • Acting as an election agent, polling agent or counting agent of a candidate at an election. • Displaying on his person, vehicle or residence of any electoral symbol in connection with an election.

  19. Unauthorized Absence • Wilful absence from duty not covered by grant of leave will be treated as “dies non” for all purposes, viz., increment, leave & pension. • A government servant is also liable for disciplinary action for such an act of misconduct.

  20. Late Attendance • Half day’s casual leave should be debited to the casual leave account for each late attendance • However ,late attendance up to an hour for not more than two occasions in a month can be condoned by the competent authority ,if convinced that it is due to unavoidable reasons • In cases where debiting half day’s CL does not ensure punctual attendance of the official, disciplinary action can be taken in addition to debiting half-day’s casual leave

  21. Dies-non • Circumstances under which a day can be marked as dies-non • When the official remains absent from duty without prior information. • When on duty in office, the official leaves the office without proper permission ; and  • The official remains in office, but refuses to perform duty assigned to him. • In any circumstances , dies non should not be issued without issuing show a cause notice.

  22. Dowry • A govt. servant shall not give or take Dowry. • A govt. servant shall not demand any dowry directly or indirectly from the parent/guardian of a bride/bridegroom. • Dowry means any property/valuable security given or agreed to be given.

  23. Sexual Harassment of working women It includes: - • Physical contact & advances, • Demand or request for sexual favours, • Passing sexually coloured remarks, • Showing pornography, • Any other physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature

  24. Sexual Harassment of working women • Any act of sexual harassment of woman employees attracts acts related to unbecoming of a Govt. servant and amounts to misconduct. • Circle Complaints Committee is set up in each Circle for redressal of such complaints. The report of the Committee shall be treated as an enquiry report.

  25. Restrictions regarding Marriage Before Appointment • Bigamous marriage is a disqualification for govt. service. • Following persons are ineligible for appointment under Govt.: - (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living (b) Who having a spouse living has entered in to or contracted a marriage with any person • Similar restrictions continue even after appointment

  26. Restrictions regarding Marriage • If an employee not governed by the Hindu Marriage Act desires to contract a marriage while spouse is living ,he has to apply to the Government for permission to marry either under the personal law applicable to him or on other grounds • Such applications will be scrutinized by the competent authority

  27. Restrictions regarding Marriage • A divorcee need not seek permission to contract a second marriage with a divorcee or a person having no spouse living • If a GS Marries a foreign national it should be intimated to Government

  28. Restrictions regarding Marriage • Prescribed declaration in this regard is required to be given by every new entrant to Government Service • A person will be exempted from the above restrictions only if government is satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such a person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing

  29. PLEASE STUDY THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS and comment ; (A) Is the action in compliance of the Conduct Rules Or Not (B) If not, tell, the action is in contravention of which Rule.

  30. 1.An employee joined Education Institution W/o Permission

  31. 2.Regularly speculates in Stocks.

  32. 3. A group C employee accepted a gift of Rs.4000 on transfer.

  33. 4. The stock clerk accepted a gift worth Rs 400 from the firm where Office Stationeries are purchased.

  34. 5. The Employee worked as an election agent for his father who contested for the Legislative Assembly.

  35. 6. Employee is in the habit of criticizing Govt. policies.

  36. 7.Employee has availed loan from all Departmental Co-Op. Societies and also from some private banks and is almost insolvent.

  37. 8.The Employee behaves courteously with the Local MLA.

  38. 9.The employee is a famous consultant on “ Vastu”.

  39. 10. The employee refused to pay Dowry in daughter’s marriage.

  40. Thank you

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