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Short Course Begin to Understand Qur’an & Salah – The Easy Way Lesson No. 2 (Introduction) www.understandquran.com. Make sure you download the fonts sent with the email or visit the website and download them. In this lesson…. Qur ’ an: 1 Ayah; 2 Ahadeeth
Short Course Begin to Understand Qur’an & Salah – The Easy Way Lesson No. 2 (Introduction) www.understandquran.com Make sure you download the fonts sent with the email or visit the website and download them.
In this lesson… • Qur’an: 1 Ayah; 2 Ahadeeth • Grammar: he, they, you, you all… • Educational tip:You have a powerful brain!
Purpose of Revelation Pondering over its verses.. i.e., Arabic verses. Necessary to understand Quranic Arabic And it is easy too…
Qur’an can not be translated Example (I have to pick another langauge! So, I take Urdu here): Kaise kaise aise waise hogaye Aise waise kaise kaise hogaye If this can not be translated, how can Qur’an be?
Meaning what? Even if you have read 100 translations of the Holy Qur’an, in simple terms you have not read it at all !!! Qur’an is Arabic Qur’an only!
Please note that… • We are not negating the rewards (10 rewards for each letter recited) • Not decreasing the value of translation • We will learn Arabic through the translation only. But translation is not the destination!
Special effects of Arabic verses • 10 rewards for each letter • Many spiritual affects of the verses and surahs. • “Spiritual voltage” of the Qur'an that penetrates deep into the heart.
Check DPPR Propagate Ask Get the Message I + C Plan Evaluate Easy understanding 1
لَقَدْ = لَ + قَدْ لَ: indeed (for emphasis) قَدْ: already To show the complete of a task when it comes with a past tense
لَ: Indeed(ولقد يسرنا القرآن) لِ: so that(لِيدّبَّرُوا آياتہ و لِيتذكر)
Indeed So that لَ لِ وَلَقَدْيَسَّرْنَاالْقُرْآنَلِلذِّكْرِ لِّيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ..
DPPR دعاء تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا احتساب پلان Check Easy for what? For Zikr وَلَقَدْيَسَّرْنَاالْقُرْآنَلِلذِّكْرِ Zikr: (1) by- hearting Qur’an ، (2) understanding and learning lessons مفتی محمد شفيع (معارف القرآن)
DPPR دعاء تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا احتساب پلان Check Easy to understand وَلَقَدْيَسَّرْنَاالْقُرْآنَلِلذِّكْرِ Instant Dua ... - Example of Ukasha (R). In fact, Allah is calling us… فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ
DPPR دعاء تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا احتساب پلان Check 2 Not Only Easy but Excellent Work
Meanings of مَنْ مَنْ who Who are you? I am the one who …
Meanings of مَنْ مَنْ who مَنْ رَبُّكَ؟ خَيركُمْ مَّنْ تَعَلَّمَ القرآن وعلّمه سَمِعَ اللهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَه،
DPPR دعاء تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا احتساب پلان Check 3 Most Important: Intention
DPPR دعاء تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا احتساب پلان Check 3 Important Words إنْ، إِنّ، إنَّمَا We will learn these 3 words through examples. If you remember through examples then, • You can easily remember the meanings • You can easily recall the meaning • You will not mix between the meanings of one word with another
If 628* إن شَاءَ الله Allah wills. َ
Indeed 1297 Allah is with those who are patient. إن الله َمَعَ الصَّابِرِين َّ َ
Only 146* َّ إنَّمَاالْأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ َ Actions (are based) only on intentions.
إن، إنّ، إنّمَا إِنْif إِنْ شَاءَ الله ُ إِنَّindeed إِنَّ اللهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرين إِنَّمَاonlyإِنَّمَا الْأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ 2071*
Follow TPI !!! • List of 100 words is there, but I want to help you learn. • Please follow the way I say... • Even if you know, use it for…
Follow TPI !!! • Use your whole. • No ‘joke’. • It is a full system • Follow it from now… for 20,000 • Don’t let Shaitaan … • Easy! I will do that at home.
10 GOLDEN SETS • هُوَ، هُمْ، أنْتَ، أَنْتُم، أَنَا، نَحْنُ • -هُ، -هُم، -كَ، -كُمْ، -ي، -نَا، -هَا • لَِ، مِنْ، عَنْ، مَعَ، بِ، فِي، عَلَى، إِلَى • هذَا، هؤلآءِ، ذلِكَ، أُولئِكَ، الَّذِي، الَّذِينَ • إنْ، إنَّ، أنْ، أنَّ، قَدْ • لاَ، مَا، لَمْ، إِلاَّ • مَا؟، مَنْ،كَيْفَ • إذ، إذا، بعد، ثُمَّ • الله، رَبّ، رَسُول، كِتاب، حقّ، دنيا، آخرة، أرض، سماء، عذاب، قوم • فَعَل، جَعَل، خَلَق، كَفَر، ظَلَمَ، عَلِمَ، عَمِلَ، قَالَ، كَانَ، شَاءَ، جَاءَ 35,000 or 45% TPI related: 20,000 or 25%
سبق - 8 Traffic Light
Practice in 4 Cycles A+Tr A+Tr A – Tr A – A ? – A The rule for repetition is: Teacher reads Arabic+Translation (A+Tr); Student repeats it (A+Tr). Teacher reads Arabic (A); Student translates (Tr) Teacher reads Arabic (A); Student repeats Arabic (A) Teacher shows signs; Student says it in Arabic (A)
1295 times Explain to Arabs
We will learn dual and feminine gender later on. Just 6 instead of the 14 below. • هُوَ، هُمَا، هُمْ، هِيَ، هُمَا، هُنَّ • أنْتَ، أنْتُمَا، أَنْتُمْ ، أَنْتِ، أَنْتُمَا، أَنْتُنَّ • أَنَا، نَحْنُ
We will learn dual and feminine gender later on. 6 forms only instead of 14 • يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواmeans both males and females • Dual forms come very rarely • When it comes, we can learn it quickly.
Educational TipYou can Learn! You have to use brain to learn the Qur’an! And you have got an extremely powerful one!!!!
Tip No. 1 • 1000 cells , neurons • For each of these cells, we have 20,000 dendrites • 1,00,000,000,000,000 Connections • 500 times/sec We have toooooo much CAPACITY.
Tip No. 2 • We use hardly 5% of our brain! • It is empty……!
Tip No. 3 • Only up to 3% of brain cells die when you reach 60 years of age! • If you forget things at this age, it is due to lack of using the rules of memory.
Tip No. 4 • For brain and muscles – Exercise is a must. • More important for aged people • Use it or lose it!!! • Why not use it for Qur’an • Learning Qur’an has special blessings too.
What did we learn in this lesson? The 11 words below which come in the Qur’an almost 4500 times!!! • Qur’an/Hadithقَدْ، إِنْ، إنَّ، إِنَّمَا، مَنْ • Grammarهُوَ، هُمْ، أَنْتَ، أَنْتُمْ، أَناَ، نَحْنُ • Educational tipPresence of a powerful brain
Be ready for the next lesson! Allah has chosen you to be the ‘student’ of Qur’an. So, thank Allah for this selections and don’t discontinue. سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَكَ اللهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ نَشْهَدُ أَن لاَّ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ نَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَنَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ