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International care research conference, Bergen, 14 th of May 2014 Re-directing the gaze: an international quest for promising practices in long-term residential care Panel III: Cooperation between professional and non-professionals.
International care research conference, Bergen, 14th of May 2014 Re-directing the gaze: an international quest for promising practices in long-term residential care Panel III: Cooperation between professional and non-professionals Non-professionalagents as activeorganizationalcitizens Sanna Laulainen, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer University of Eastern Finland, Department of Health and Social Management Correspondence to: sanna.laulainen@uef.fi http://www.uef.fi/en/stj/sanna-laulainen
In Finland • health and social care sectors are strict regulated=> only limited role for non-educated actors • thediscourse of thesignificancy of non-professional (orvoluntary) workhasincreasedduethedeepeconomicrecession and agingof population Cooperationbetweenprofessionals and non-professionals - couldtheybeequalpartners in workcommunity? • task division (helpingwithnutrition, takingtheelderly out etc.), responsibility, involvement, attitudes etc. • organizations demand for active agency of professionals (e.g. to widen the boundaries of professionals’ basic task) => non-professionals? => Whatkind of basicassumptionsareintertwined in cooperation? => Whatkind of expectations and constraintsarerelated to agency of non-professionals?
Organizationalcitizenship (behavior, OCB)- concept of good workers/members of a work organization • Traditionally psychology-based concept which emphasizes kind, obedient, helpful and compliant behavior that is discretionary and promotes the effective functioning of an organization and well-being without reciprocal benefits (like rewards) (e.g. Organ, Podsakoff & MacKenzie 2006) • Focus in work organization (professionals’ side) ….similarities to voluntary work How the organizational citizenship is constructed among actors in elderly care? What is self-evident, expected, possible, missing or forbidden? Basedon…Laulainen, Sanna (2010) “If you don’t give anything you don’t get anything” – Strategic agency and organizational citizenship behavior in elderly care. Academic dissertation. (in Finnish)
TRADITIONAL COMMON VIRTUES Courtesy Civic virtue Organizational loyalty Conscientiousness Sportsmanship Obedience Professionality Culture Structures Positions of actors Sex Age Helpingbehavior CURRENT SPECIAL VIRTUES Activity Individuality Boldness Involvement Initiativeness Self-development Criticality Cheerleading Responsibility ”Backbone” FigureOCB in elderlycare (especially in a context of strategicdevelopment)
The idea of organizational citizenship • novel approach to study non-professionals • critically question the stable positions and identities of actors (professionals and non-professionals) • provide unconventional theoretical lens to deconstruct and reconstruct the image of an appropriate elderly care worker (also as non-professional) and determinants thereof It may reveal • hiddenobstacles of cooperation and partnership => is there a ”space” for activeorganizationalcitizenshipamongnon-professionals
Thank you! www.uef.fi