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光纤激光器用的特种光纤材料 光纤激光器的关键技术

光纤激光器用的特种光纤材料 光纤激光器的关键技术. 闫大鹏 博士 dyan@raycuslaser.com. 武汉锐科光纤激光器技术有限责任公司. 一,光纤激光器用的特种光纤材料. Yb fiber absorption spectrum. Fiber slop efficiency testing. Fiber parameter from different company. Yb Ion ratio. Yb Fiber PER test.

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光纤激光器用的特种光纤材料 光纤激光器的关键技术

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  1. 光纤激光器用的特种光纤材料 光纤激光器的关键技术 闫大鹏 博士 dyan@raycuslaser.com 武汉锐科光纤激光器技术有限责任公司

  2. 一,光纤激光器用的特种光纤材料

  3. Yb fiber absorption spectrum

  4. Fiber slop efficiency testing

  5. Fiber parameter from different company

  6. Yb Ion ratio

  7. Yb Fiber PER test PER=10*log(Max. power from detector/Min. power from detector) With the beam splitter 4, coupling the polarization 1047nm signal into the core of 04-B0182 fiber 5, and coupling the 915 nm pump power into the cladding of the fiber 5 to amplify the 1047 nm signal. Cleave the two ends of the fiber with 8 degree to prevent from lasing.

  8. Fiber Photodarkening Testing Set Up 81520A light wave optical head 450 nm-1020 nm YDF fiber to be tested 976 nm block filter 1064 nm block filter Mirror for reflecting 635 nm and transmitting 976nm Mirror for reflecting 1064 nm and transmitting 976nm 6x1 combiner 635 nm narrow band filter nm block filter 5 mW of 635 laser diode 6 of 3W 976nm pump diode 8153A light wave multimeter

  9. He-Ne Test Summary

  10. 二,光纤激光器的关键技术

  11. 实现大功率光纤激光器的产业化国产化的关键技术实现大功率光纤激光器的产业化国产化的关键技术 1. Side coupler for coupling pump diode laser to double cladding fiber Coupling efficiency Insertion loss Core isolation Cladding isolation 2. Pump dump 3. End capping 4. Mode field adapter 5. Fiber coiling 6. Fiber coupled isolator 7. No-linear affection control 8. Pulse shaping

  12. Core and cladding isolation test on side coupler Input with and without pump dump 8/130 GDF 30/250 GDF 1064nm 0.46NA 7/210 Output with and without pump dump Core isolation = 10*log (Input with pump dump/Output with pump dump) Cladding isolation = 10*log {(Input without pump dump-Input with pump dump)/(Output without pump dump-Output with pump dump)}

  13. Insertion loss testing for side coupler Input 8/130 GDF 30/250 GDF 1064nm Output 0.46NA 7/210 Insertion loss = 10*log(Input/Output)

  14. 光纤盘绕技术的研究 通过M^2 分析仪,对不同的光纤盘绕形状和匝数来研究输出光束质量 25W脉冲光纤激光器M^2 100W连续光纤激光器M^2

  15. 光纤end cap技术的研究 L End cap DC fiber • Calculate the end cap length • Angle polishing • AR coating • Protecting the fiber end damaged by high peak power

  16. 抑制非线性效应 • 对于25瓦脉冲光纤激光器,峰值功率达1.8万瓦,光纤内诸多的非线性效应: • 受激布里渊散射 • 受激拉曼散射 • 自相位调制 • 造成激光器激光输出不稳定、转换效率下降。 • 处理方法: • 采用大纤芯的光纤降低芯内功率密度 • 优化光纤的长度 • 腔内插入窄带滤波器 • 来抑制非线性效应。

  17. 大功率光纤耦合声光调制器 Low cost High power handling: >5W Low insertion loss: <2dB RF rising time: adjustable • 大纤芯单包层光纤 • End capping • Angle polished • Narrow band filter

  18. Fiber coupled isolator Low cost Wavelength: 1064nm Insertion loss: <0.3dB Return loss: >50dB Isolation: >30dB Beam size: 0.6mm 10W /1064nm-high power fiber coupled isolator 25W /1064nm-high power fiber coupled isolator

  19. Fiber grating Wavelength: 1064nm HR: 99% OC: Depended on requirements Phase mark With 193 nm laser to write gratings Photosensitive fiber

  20. Fiber collimator Power: 1W to 100W Wavelength: 1064nm Beam size: 8mm, 10mm, 15mm

  21. 脉冲形状整形技术 Raycus脉冲形状,脉宽为70ns IPG公司脉冲形状,脉宽为118ns Raycus公司与IPG公司10W脉冲光纤激光器输出脉冲形状比较图

  22. Effect of rise time of Q-switch: output of MO 脉冲形状整形技术 • This confirms that smooth pulse profiles are obtained over a wide range of tRise, as long as tRise>tR

  23. 脉冲形状整形技术 Effect of repetition rate: Model vs measurements Basic trends: if frequency increases, build-up time increase and pulse duration increase.Pulse shape modulations are sharper at lower frequency. Given the difference in parameters (L, losses, tRise, tON-aom, Pout), model gives fairly good description

  24. Effect of repetition rate: case of longer rise time Using a longer rise time to obtain smooth output pulses is applicable whatever the repetition rate

  25. Mode field adapter 20/125 25/250 10/125 Tape

  26. Pump dump High index material

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