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Chapter 14

Chapter 14. The Roman Republic. 753 B.C. 753-715 B.C. 745-612 B.C. That just happened!. Founding of Rome by Romulus. Romulus is King of Rome. Assyrian Empire. Time of Jewish Prophet Isaiah. By: Michelangelo. 722 B.C. 724 B.C. 718 B.C. Diaulos (foot Race) added

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Chapter 14

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  1. Chapter 14 The Roman Republic

  2. 753 B.C. 753-715 B.C. 745-612 B.C. That just happened! Founding of Rome by Romulus Romulus is King of Rome Assyrian Empire Time of Jewish Prophet Isaiah By: Michelangelo

  3. 722 B.C. 724 B.C. 718 B.C. Diaulos (foot Race) added to Olympics Samaria, Israel Capital, falls to Sargon The Eternal Flame of Rome is ignited    718 BC - The Eternal Flame of Rome is ignited, tended by the Vestal Virgins.  It was the longest lasting fire, continuing to burn for 1112 years until it was allowed to die-out in 394 AD

  4. 715-663 B.C. 708 B.C. 705 B.C. Numa  Pompilius- King of Rome Pentathlon added to Olympics Death of Sargon II, King Of Assyria

  5. 700 B.C. 690-630 B.C. 689 B.C. Early Rome at odds with neighbors “Sabines” Roman & Sabine Kings rule over Roman Territories Babylon destroyed by Assyrians

  6. 688 B.C. 680 B.C. 673-642 B.C. Boxing added to Olympics Etruscan Tarquins take control of Rome Tullus Hostilius, King of Rome Four-horse chariot race added to Olympics

  7. 670 B.C. 669 B.C. 666 B.C. First major bridge "Pons Sublicius" (wood piles) built across the Tiber River to the Temple to Jupiter Ashurbanipal becomes King of Assyria Ashurbanipal establishes world’s 1st library

  8. 648 B.C. 642-617 B.C. 627 B.C. Pankration (boxing/wrestling) added to Olympics Ancus Martius, King of Rome Ashurbanipal dies

  9. 616-510 B.C. 616-579 B.C. 612 B.C. Rome dominated by Etruscan culture Lucius Tarquinius (Tarquin I), 1st Etruscan King of Rome, takes peaceful control of Rome Ninevah is captured; end of Assyria

  10. 605-562 B.C. 600 B.C. 586 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylonia Public Square “The Forum Romanum” is created in Rome Destruction of Jerusalem and Temple of Solomon

  11. 580 B.C. 578-535 B.C. 570 B.C. Birth of Cyrus the Great of Persia Servius Tarquinius Tullius, Latin King of Rome Tower of Babel built in Babylon

  12. 562 B.C. 559 B.C. 550 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, dies (age 84) Cyrus the Great comes to power in Persia Temple of Artemis built

  13. 549 B.C. 538 B.C. 526 B.C. Belshazzar comes to power in Babylonia Cyrus the Great of Persia conquers Babylonia Cyrus allows Jews to return to Jerusalem and begin rebuilding temple

  14. 535 B.C. 535-510 B.C. 529 B.C. Construction on Isle of Samos (oldest tunnel still in use: originally for water now used by pedestrians b/w Greece & Turkey Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, “The Proud” (Tarquin II) – last Etruscan King of Rome Cyrus the Great dies

  15. 525 B.C. 525 B.C. 522-484 B.C. Persia conquers Egypt Foot race (in armor) added to Olympics Darius I “The Great” rules Persia

  16. 515 B.C. 510 B.C. Temple completed in Jerusalem (only “Western Wall” remains today) Tarquinius Superbus & other “Tarquins” expelled from Rome

  17. Section 1 The Government

  18. What’s happening now??? • 509 B.C. – Romans overthrew Tarquin the Proud (Etruscan King) • Set up a republic

  19. The Republic Form of government where citizens choose their rulers

  20. However, not everyone had a say in the choice • Patricians • Plebians

  21. Patricians • Oldest and richest families • Only ones who could hold office • Only ones who performed certain rituals

  22. Plebians • Poorer citizens: merchants, farmers, artisans • Paid taxes • Served in army • Could not hold office • Could not marry patricians • Could be sold into slavery

  23. Provincials • Inhabitants of Roman Empire (conquered territories) • Some moved to Italian peninsula • Not a Roman citizen • Few rights • Heavily taxed

  24. Slaves • Not citizens • Slaves grew as empire grew • Racial and ethnic diversity • Could obtain freedom and citizenship

  25. Freedmen • Ex-slaves • Could be granted citizenship • Children were Roman citizens

  26. Organization of early Roman Republic

  27. Consuls • At the head was 2 consuls • Chosen yearly • Administrators and military leaders • Had power to veto the acts of the other • Both had to agree before laws could be passed

  28. The Senate • Made up of 300 senators • Chosen for life • Handled daily problems of the government • Advised consuls • Handled problems with other countries • Proposed laws • Approved public contracts

  29. Government Officials Protected the rights of plebians • Judges • Assemblies • Tribunes

  30. Plebians were Part of Government • Belonged to assemblies • Could declare war & settle on peace terms

  31. Roman Law • Not written until 450 B.C. • Laws were carved on 12 bronze tablets known as The Twelve Tables. • Became foundation for future Roman law

  32. Reforms • Reforms will be made continuously • Eventually tribunes will be elected • By 250 B.C. no one could be sold into slavery because of debt • Plebians will eventually hold office

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