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Elements and Principles of Design: as seen throughout history

Art History and the Basics of Art and Design. Elements and Principles of Design: as seen throughout history. Art History and the Basics of Art and Design.

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Elements and Principles of Design: as seen throughout history

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  1. Art History and the Basics of Art and Design Elements and Principles of Design: as seen throughout history

  2. Art History and the Basics of Art and Design Elements of Design: Think of the elements as the ‘building blocks’ we use to create a piece of artwork.The elements can work individually or together. Elements of design are arranged using the Principles of Design to create a successful composition.

  3. Identify and Describe the use of LINE,an Element of Design • The Bath, Cassatt, 1891 Impressionism

  4. Identify and Describe the use of LINE,an Element of Design • Trio, Steve Magada, 1966

  5. Identify and Describe the use of Shape,an Element of Design • Madonna Enthroned, Cimabue, 1280-90 Late Gothic

  6. Identify and Describe the use of Shape,an Element of Design • Sketch 1 for Composition VII, Kandinsky, 1913 Expressionism

  7. Identify and Describe the use of Form,an Element of Design • Unique Forms of Continuity, Boccioni, 1913 Expressionism

  8. Identify and Describe the use of Form,an Element of Design • The Water Carrier of Seville, Velazquez, 1619 Baroque

  9. Identify and Describe the use of Space,an Element of Design • The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci, 1495-98 High Renaissance

  10. Identify and Describe the use of Space,an Element of Design • The Battle of Issus, Altdorfer, 1529 Age of Reformation

  11. Identify and Describe the use of Color,an Element of Design • Descent From the Cross, Weyden, 1435 Northern Renaissance

  12. Identify and Describe the use of Color,an Element of Design • The Dance, Andre Derain, 1906 German Expressionism

  13. Identify and Describe the use of Value,an Element of Design • Mona Lisa, Leonardo, 1503-05 High Renaissance

  14. Identify and Describe the use of Value,an Element of Design • The Calling of St. Matthew, Caravaggio, 1599-1602 Baroque

  15. Identify and Describe the use of Texture,an Element of Design • The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, Bernini, 1645-52 Baroque

  16. Identify and Describe the use of Texture,an Element of Design • The Stone Breakers, Courbet, 1849 Realism

  17. Art History and the Basics of Art and Design Principles of Design: The principles are ways to arrange the Elements of Design in order to fulfill the artist’s goal.Using the Elements and Principles of Design successfully together can help tell a story, create a mood or feeling and make the work appear ‘complete’.

  18. Identify and Describe Rhythmin this image,a Principle of Design • Sarcophagus of JuniusBassus, 359 CE Early Christian

  19. Identify and Describe Rhythmin this image,a Principle of Design • The School of Athens, Raphael, 1510-11 High Renaissance

  20. Identify and Describe Movementin this image,a Principle of Design • David, Bernini, 1598-1680 Renaissance

  21. Identify and Describe Movementin this image,a Principle of Design • Toreador Fresco, Aegean, Minoan, 1500 BCE

  22. Identify and Describe Balancein this image,a Principle of Design • Purse Cover from Sutton Hoo, Medieval, 625-633 BCE

  23. Identify and Describe Balancein this image,a Principle of Design • Emperor Justinian, Ravenna, Italy, Byzantine 547 CE

  24. Identify and Describe Proportionin this image,a Principle of Design • Madonna of Mercy, Pierodella Francesca, 1445-55

  25. Identify and Describe Proportionin this image,a Principle of Design • Temple of Ramses II, Egyptian, Abu Simbel, 1260 BCE

  26. Identify and Describe Harmonyin this image,a Principle of Design • Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, Picasso, 1906-07

  27. Identify and Describe Harmonyin this image,a Principle of Design • Eiso, Paul Manes, 1995

  28. Identify and Describe Varietyin this image,a Principle of Design • I’m Dancin’ as Fast as I Can,Miriam Schapiro, 1985 Postmodernism

  29. Identify and Describe Varietyin this image,a Principle of Design • Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, Seurat, 1884-86 Impressionism

  30. Identify and Describe Emphasisin this image,a Principle of Design • The Blinding of Samson, Rembrandt, 1636 Baroque

  31. Identify and Describe Emphasisin this image,a Principle of Design • Wheatfields, Jacob van Ruisdael, 1670 Early Dutch Landscapes

  32. Identify and Describe Unityin this image,a Principle of Design • Portrait of Henry VIII, Holbein, 1540 Northern Renaissance

  33. Identify and Describe Unityin this image,a Principle of Design • Starry Night, Van Gogh, 1889 Post-Impressionism

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