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Faculty Meeting August 8, 2012. Survival Kit 2012-2013. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle. Meeting Norms. Do what is right for students. Be prepared, honest, open-minded, and stay on task. Be positive in all that we do.
Faculty MeetingAugust 8, 2012 Survival Kit 2012-2013
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle
Meeting Norms • Do what is right for students. • Be prepared, honest, open-minded, and stay on task. • Be positive in all that we do. • Listen thoughtfully and for understanding. • Celebrate success and encourage effort.
New Family Members • Carol Turner, Assistant Principal • Karen Howson, Pre-K • Betsy Jarrett, Counselor (M,W, every other Friday) • Eston Jennings, ISC • Lindsay Naramore McGuffey, 2nd Grade • Suzanne Rice, SPED • Heather Scott, 3rd Grade
What do people say? • Take 2 separate Post-It notes and write down the first words that come to your mind for the answers to the following questions: • What do people say about WES? • What do you want people to say about WES 5 years from now?
Standard- Provide Quality to ALL Stakeholders of WES • QUALITY (def.) • degree of excellence • the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind Essential Question – How can we provide quality to WES stakeholders? • Four Areas of Concentration • Performance • Consistent, reliable, improving • Services • Consistent, timely, complete, courteous, responsive, accurate • Processes • Consistent, timely, reliable, accurate, aligned • People • Consistent, reliable, focused on improvement, perform, knowledgeable, aligned
We all desire to be G.R.E.A.T. G-- Greet always R-- Respect E-- Engage A-- Assist T-- Thank
Activating Strategy At your table, take 2 minutes to work with your colleagues to create a list of 5 specific areas we can work to improve the “quality” of what we offer to the stakeholders of WES.
Teaching Task • Where have we been? • Where are we going? • How are we going to get there?
Celebrations • 3rd Grade • Math- 32% Exceeds • Social Studies- 84% M+E, 23% Exceeds • 4th Grade • Reading- 4% inc. M+E,19% inc. in SWD M+E • Social Studies- 85% in M+E • 5th Grade • Reading-17% inc. African American M+E • Science- 5% inc in M+E
Teacher/Staff Attendance • WES will be fobbing • Swipe your fob in the main office when you arrive and leave. • When leaving during the day, notify your administrator prior to departing campus and sign out in the front office. • Work hours are 7:05am - 3:05pm. Please adhere to the set hours and let us know when problems arise. • Teachers are expected to attend any school wide meetings outside of the school day.
Absences Please secure a sub when absent. The sub list will be provided in Google Docs. The secretaries are not responsible for finding subs. Do not misrepresent reasons for absences Each person has 3 personal days per year - 2 can carry over Each teacher must prepare 3 days of emergency lesson plans. These should be turned in to Penny Long by 8-17-12. Very little learning takes place when you are not here.
ATTENDANCE INCENTIVES • At the beginning of each semester, you will receive one “Early Leave Pass.” This pass will allow you to leave 1 hour early on one day of the semester. You must get prior administrative approval and sign out in the front office. • At the end of each month, the grade level or department with the best attendance for that month will be awarded a week of wearing jeans during the proceeding month.
Teaching in the 21st Century • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTIBDR4Dn2g&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Instruction Quality is more important than quantity, Teach the CCGPS units with fidelity. Teach using performance tasks. Teach bell to bell. Adhere to the SEATS instructional model. Teachers should move around the room to monitor students. Lessons should be engaging, captivating, stimulating, motivating, and relevant to the students. Assessments need to formative, summative, and performance-based. Vocabulary should be taught in the context of the lessons and not by writing and memorization. Utilize collaborative teams and partners (plan together and share instructional ideas) All videos must be approved by administration (no PG-13 or R rated movies) Be GREAT!
Collaborative Planning Meet 3 times per week Record focus of Collaborative Planning time on the PLC Meeting Minutes form Identify key vocabulary Create grade-appropriate assignments that assess mastery of the standards Focus on formative assessments to be used to gauge understanding and to alter instruction Focus on implementation of CCGPS Minutes are to be filed in conference room filing cabinet (due on Fridays) Lesson Plans in the SEATS format are to be submitted via Google Docs on Friday for the upcoming week.
Grade Level Improvement Plan Aligns with School Improvement Plan (SIP) Identifies areas for growth Sets measurable performance goals Includes a plan of actions for reaching performance goals The Grade Level Improvement Plan will be used to evaluate the progress of each department annually.
Grade books and Grades • Grades are to be posted weekly in Infinite Campus • Grades are to be a representation of what a student has mastered and not a reflection of the quantity of work completed.
Morning Procedures • Students will be given a car rider or bus rider (with the bus #) sticker when they arrive at school the first week of school. If a parent walks the child in without a sticker, please ask how the child will be going home and record it on the transportation form. • Know how every child in your room is going home by the end of lunch. Turn in a copy of the transportation form to Carol Turner. • Grab and Go Breakfast will be continuing. PreK-2nd grade students who are eating will grab a breakfast and head to the cafeteria. 3rd-5th grade students will eat in their classrooms. • K-2 teachers will have one team member on duty in the cafeteria 7:05-7:30 to assist with breakfast eaters. • Each teacher is responsible for his/her own homeroom. (Exception:K-2)
TRANSPORTATION • At Open House, parents should complete the required information on the “Universal Transportation Form.” • On the mornings of the first 3 school days, as students exit the bus or car, a sticker will be placed on their shirts. • Upon students’ arrival to the room, teachers will be asked to complete the “Daily Transportation Form” for the 1st week of school.
Afternoon Dismissal • During the first week of school prior to dismissal, teachers will make sure that each student has a sticker indicating his/her correct mode of afternoon transportation. • Teachers that have afternoon hall duty will be posted in their assigned locations. Their job is to ensure that the students walk through the halls on the second tile from the wall in an appropriate manner. • Students will be dismissed to buses as their bus numbers are called. Classroom teachers will stand in the room doorway to monitor inside and outside of the room during this time. Two bus numbers will be called at a time. • Mrs. Turner, Eston Jennings, and Patti Braswell will meet the students at the buses to assist the student bus riders. • After all buses have been called car riders will be called. Classroom teachers need to escort their students to the car rider line. • Those teachers that have car duty will remain until all students have been picked up.
School-Wide Procedures Take attendance before 8:15 am Students leaving class Students must have a written pass with time, date and destination. Students are not allowed to get teachers coffee, drinks, mail, etc. The students should be on classroom business when running errands. Students need to remain in class as much as possible. Please limit passes out.
School-Wide Procedures Cont. Hallway Transitions Students should move on the right side of the hall quietly in a single file on second tile from the wall. Restroom Teachers should monitor students Recess Teachers are to supervise their students Recess is at an assigned time and place Maximum of 20 minutes
LUNCHROOM PROCEDURES GOAL: Establish consistent lunchroom procedures • During the first week of school, all teachers will have lunch with their students in the lunchroom. • As an entire class is seated, the sign on the table will be turned to red. This indicates quiet, eating time. The sign will remain red for 10 minutes. (Monitors may use assigned lunch times to check sign change.) • After 10 minutes, the sign will be turned to green. This indicates that the students may talk with their fellow classmates. UNIVERSAL RULES: (Remember: Consistency counts.) • Once seated, students may not get up without permission. • Keep hands, feet, objects, and your food to yourself. • No shouting. • Teachers will be on time to pick up their class.
DISCIPLINE NOTES • Discipline is a learning process. • Students should not be sent out of class to the office without the office being notified. • Students should not be sent to stand or sit in the hall. They must be visible to the teacher at all times. • There is no substitute for appropriate supervision and planning engaging lessons for students.
WES School Discipline Plan • Expectations • Every child is different. • Reinforce positive behavior. e.g. "John, I notice you are working well with your partner. Thank you.“ • Spend the first month of school teaching and reviewing classroom and school procedures. It takes 21 days to create a habit. • All teachers must have a classroom plan. A “Clip Chart” or similar instrument must be posted in the classroom. • Our job is to teach, not punish.
Discipline Plan cont. • Consequences for repetitive negative student behaviors • 1st offense- warning, redirection • 2nd offense- warning, redirection (note in the agenda) • 3rd offense- time out no longer than 15 minutes. (call the parent) • 4th offense- timeout at intervention station in another room (20-30 minutes, work must be sent with the student, call the parent) • 5th offense- office referral or further teacher consequence (call the parent)
Parent Contacts • Make one call home to each student before Friday, August 17. • Start all conversations with positive comments. Maintain professional etiquette at all times. • The parent of any failing student must be contacted at the end of the 3rd and 7th weeks of the nine weeks. • Record all parent contacts on one of the Parent Contact Log examples provided with the Employee Handbook in Google Docs. • Contact Logs are due to grade/department chairpersons at the end of each 9 weeks. • Grade/dept. chairs will turn the logs into an assigned administrator.
Facebook and Cell Phones Friends and Friending Do not accept students as friends on personal social networking sites. (Decline any student-initiated friend requests). Do not initiate friendships with students. Remember that people classified as “friends” have the ability to download and share your information with others. If you wish to use networking protocols as a part of the educational process, please work with your administrators and technology staff to identify and use a restricted, school-endorsed networking platform. -from the Carroll County Employee Handbook Cell Phones Cell phones should not be used for texting or personal calls in the presence of students or in meetings. Social network status updates are not permissible during standard working hours.
Master WES Calendar Each administrator approved event involving WES students should be placed on the master calendar. This includes clubs, fine arts, and everything else. Include time, date, and location for each event. Send this information to Lindsay Godbee.
PARKING Visitor Parking in the front row should be left for visitors to the school. The bus and car rider lanes remain a no parking area, as do sidewalks and grass. Remember: If you were a customer, where would you want to park.
Safety and Security Reminders Student safety is the responsibility of all of us. Doors should be secure at ALL times. No child will be released to any person not listed on the student information card. Only share student information with legal guardians. Supervise and monitor all student activities. Report safety concerns to an administrator. Escort visitors without badges to the front office.
Parental Involvement • FERPA prevents the sharing of student information with anyone outside of school personnel other than the parents/guardians of a student. • Parents or volunteers may NOT grade papers, enter grades into IC, or access student information of children other than their own. • Volunteers should not be asked to watch classes at recess. • Volunteers should schedule with a teacher ahead of time and not drop in. • Parent-Teacher conferences will be scheduled in advance and will not be impromptu. • After the first week of school, parents will not be allowed to walk their children to class. • Parents will not be allowed to retrieve their child from the classrooms during dismissal. • All volunteers will be required wear a visitor’s badge.
Teacher Dress Code Look professional No jeans (unless specified) No T-shirts Must have sleeves No sneakers No flip-flops (plastic/ foam) Collared shirts for men No shorts (except PE) Please no short skirts or low cut tops No hats in the building
Meeting Schedules • Wednesdays(2:45-3:30 pm) • 1st- School Leadership Team • 2nd- School Improvement Team • 3rd- Faculty Meetings (as needed) • Tuesdays • 1stand 3rd- RTI Team meetings during common planning times. • All progress monitoring data should be brought to the meeting.
MISCELLANEOUS INFORMAITON • Adhere to the energy management guidelines. • When a teacher receives a request for records from the front office, the records must be sent to Penny Long within 24 hours. All permanent records must be stored in the front office. • All parent phone calls or emails need to be returned within 24 hours. Read an email twice before sending it. (Check the grammar, spelling, and tone of email.) • The agenda will be used as an open line of communication with parents. • Due to safety and health concerns, no pets will be allowed at school.
Summarizer • Ticket out the Door • Write down any questions that you have that were not answered and place them on the “Parking Lot.” • An email will be sent with answers to the questions.
CCGPS Rollout Sessions • Both sessions are at Central ES • ELA 8:30-11:30 • Math 1:00-4:00
What does it take to be a champion? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX39J_YyKbs&feature=youtube_gdata_player
We Expect Success 2012-2013 will be a GREAT year at WES! We are glad you are here with us to be a part of it.