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La Classe d’Italiano. Professoressa Spinogatti Aula: A27. Contact Information. Email: cspinogatti@pdsd.org Phone: 610-497-6300 ext. 2127. Purpose of Course.
La Classed’Italiano ProfessoressaSpinogatti Aula: A27
Contact Information Email: cspinogatti@pdsd.org Phone: 610-497-6300 ext. 2127
Purpose of Course To foster Italian communication. Acquiring skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing through student participation in individual, pair and group work. Following the 5 C’s of learning a second language: Communication, Culture, Comparisons and Communities. Students will begin to develop vocabulary and grammatical structures needed to interact and create meaningful conversation.
Materials • Text book: Oggi in Italia – must be covered and brought daily!!! • Fines will be issued for damaged or lost books!!! • Notebook or Binder - • 1) vocabulario • 2) Appunti • 3) Lavorodellaclasse • 4) I compiti • Collins book - I will supply and keep in class • Pencils or Pens
Grading • Homework – will be given several times a week and always collected. Homework will be worth 20% of the marking period grade. • Quizzes– will be given at the end of each section of a chapter approximately 3 per month and will be worth 30% of the marking period grade. • Tests / Chapter assessments– will be given at the end of each chapter with a total of 1 to 2per month and will be worth 50% of the marking period grade.
Behavior / Discipline • Student’s are to remain seated from bell to bell. • Student’s are to respect one another and all property in the classroom. • Student’s are to raise their hand if they have a question or need assistance. • Student’s are to keep their electronic devices, i.e. cell phones, on silent and out of sight. • Student’s are to do their work to the best of their ability and on time. • Student’s are to follow the 6 basic rules of the school found in the student handbook. If any of the rules are broken, discipline will be awarded in the form of a teacher detention for less severe offenses and referrals for more severe offenses.
Advice for the Class • Be present both physically and mentally • Take all notes and review them daily/over the weekend. • Do all homework and class work • Keep up on the vocabulary by studying nightly and finding a study habit that works best for you • Ask questions both in and after class • Make a friend in class that you can rely on for missed work due to absence • Stay after school for additional assistance.