Mr. Attema (Teacher) DOES EXERCISE MAKE U SMARTER? Success is no accident. It is hard work.-Pele Class-Data Management 4U Creator - Omar Ali Zia
ABSTRACT Exercise can make you smarter. A study from Harvard University proves that repetitive physical activity has been shown to improve cognitive function in a variety of ways. Their study claims that exercise boosts blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain, which helps develop a process called neurogenesis for the formation of new neurons and strengthens neural connections. These processes are vital for learning, memory, and brain health. Aerobic exercise, which is light exercises such as jogging, swimming, and cycling, has a tendency to improve memory and learning abilities. This is because the study discovered that light exercises expand the hippocampus, the brain region which handles attention, focus, and mental health by lowering stress and anxiety.
IT'S STUDY TIME Exercise soothes stress, makes one feel good, and expands one’s hippocampus, which handles learning and memory. People have experienced the mental benefits of exercise, including increased focus, stress relief, and mental clarity. This is clear for people with attention disorders. They have seen great improvements in their ability to concentrate and focus when they exercise, so there is great potential for exercise to cure one’s ability to make someone smarter. So should students of CCS include light exercises to improve their school grades? I believe people should try exercises and look for improvements in school grades and overall brain activity and come to the conclusion that there is definitely a significant benefit. background And Significance
METHODS Binomial (Yes/No) a) This was a voluntary survey Aenean aliquam velit leo Lorem ipsum dolor sit Sed faucibus sodales ex mattis sagittis Viverra purus aliquet sed.
M Binomial METHODS Volunteers Response Survey THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION LET'S EAT TOGETHER Please join us for a thanksgiving Lunch at Rockbay Beach Restaurant On December 22, 2015 Time: 12.30 PM