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Applied Symbolic Computation (CS 680/480) Lecture 6: Integer Multiplication, Interpolation, and the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Jeremy R. Johnson May 9, 2001. Introduction.
Applied Symbolic Computation (CS 680/480)Lecture 6: Integer Multiplication, Interpolation, and the Chinese Remainder Theorem Jeremy R. Johnson May 9, 2001 Applied Symbolic Computation
Introduction • Objective: To show the relationship between the Chinese Remainder Theorem and Interpolation. To derive a series of fast integer multiplication algorithms using interpolation. • Karatsuba’s Algorithm • Polynomial algebra • Polynomial version of the Chinese Remainder Theorem • Interpolation • Vandermonde Matrices • Toom-Cook algorithm • Polynomial multiplication using interpolation References: Lipson, Cormen et al. Applied Symbolic Computation
Karatsuba’s Algorithm • Using the classical pen and paper algorithm two n digit integers can be multiplied in O(n2) operations. Karatsuba came up with a faster algorithm. • Let A and B be two integers with • A = A110k + A0, A0 < 10k • B = B110k + B0, B0 < 10k • C = A*B = (A110k + A0)(B110k + B0) = A1B1102k + (A1B0 + A0 B1)10k + A0B0 Instead this can be computed with 3 multiplications • T0 = A0B0 • T1 = (A1 + A0)(B1 + B0) • T2 = A1B1 • C = T2102k + (T1 - T0 - T2)10k + T0 Applied Symbolic Computation
Complexity of Karatsuba’s Algorithm • Let T(n) be the time to compute the product of two n-digit numbers using Karatsuba’s algorithm. Assume n = 2k. T(n) = (nlg(3)), lg(3) 1.58 • T(n) 3T(n/2) + cn 3(3T(n/4) + c(n/2)) + cn = 32T(n/22) + cn(3/2 + 1) 32(3T(n/23) + c(n/4)) + cn(3/2 + 1) = 33T(n/23) + cn(32/22 + 3/2 + 1) … 3iT(n/2i) + cn(3i-1/2i-1 + … + 3/2 + 1) ... cn[((3/2)k - 1)/(3/2 -1)] --- Assuming T(1) c 2c(3k - 2k) 2c3lg(n) = 2cnlg(3) Applied Symbolic Computation
Divide & Conquer Recurrence Assume T(n) = aT(n/b) + (n) • T(n) = (n) [a < b] • T(n) = (nlog(n)) [a = b] • T(n) = (nlogb(a)) [a > b] Applied Symbolic Computation
Polynomial Algebra • Let F[x] denote the set of polynomials in the variable x whose coefficients are in the field F. • F[x] becomes an algebra where +, * are defined by polynomial addition and multiplication. Applied Symbolic Computation
Polynomial Algebra mod a Polynomial • A(x) B(x) (mod f(x)) f(x)|(A(x) - B(x)) • This equivalence relation partitions polynomials in F[x] into equivalence classes where the class [A(x)] consists of the set {A(x) + k(x)f(x), where k(x) and f(x) are in F[x]}. • Choose a representative for [A(x)] with degree < deg(f(x)). Can choose rem(A(x),f(x)). • Arithmetic • [A(x)] + [B(x)] = [A(x) + B(x)] • [A(x)] * [B(x)] = [A(x)B(x)] • The set of equivalence classes with arithmetic defined like this is denoted by F[x]/(f(x)) Applied Symbolic Computation
Modular Inverses Definition: B(x) is the inverse of A(x) mod f(x), if A(x)B(x) 1 (mod f(x)) The equation A(x)B(x) 1 (mod f(x)) has a solution iff gcd(A(x),f(x)) = 1. In particular, if f(x) is irreducible, then F[x]/(f(x)) is a field. By the Extended Euclidean Algorithm, there exist u(x) and v(x) such that A(x)u(x) + B(x)v(x) = gcd(A(x),f(x)). When gcd(A(x),f(x)) = 1, we get A(x)v(x) + f(x)v(x) = 1. Taking this equation mod f(x), we see that A(x)v(x) 1 (mod f(x)) Applied Symbolic Computation
Polynomial Version of the Chinese Remainder Theorem Theorem: Let f(x) and g(x) be polynomials in F[x] (coefficients in a field). Assume that gcd(f(x),g(x)) = 1. For any A1(x) and A2(x) there exist a polynomial A(x) with A(x) A1(x) (mod f(x)) and A(x) A2(x) (mod g(x)). Theorem: F[x]/(f(x)g(x)) F[x]/(f(x)) F[x]/(g(x)). I.E. There is a 1-1 mapping from F[x]/(f(x)g(x)) onto F[x]/(f(x)) F[x]/(g(x)) that preserves arithmetic. A(x) (A(x) mod f(x), A(x) mod g(x)) Applied Symbolic Computation
Constructive Chinese Remainder Theorem Theorem: If gcd(f(x),g(x)) = 1, then there exist Ef(x) and Eg(x) (orthogonal idempotents) • Ef(x) 1 (mod f(x)) • Ef(x) 0 (mod g(x)) • Eg(x) 0 (mod f(x)) • Eg(x) 1 (mod g(x)) It follows that A1(x) Ef(x) + A2(x) Eg(x) A1(x) (mod f(x)) and A2(x) (mod g(x)). Proof. Since gcd(f(x),g(x)) = 1, by the Extended Euclidean Algorithm, there exist u(x) and v(x) with f(x)u(x) + g(x)v(x) = 1. Set Ef(x)= g(x)v(x) and Eg(x)= f(x)u(x) Applied Symbolic Computation
Interpolation • A polynomial of degree n is uniquely determined by its value at (n+1) distinct points. Theorem: Let A(x) and B(x) be polynomials of degree m. If A(i) = B(i) for i = 0,…,m, then A(x) = B(x). Proof. Recall that a polynomial of degree m has m roots. A(x) = Q(x)(x- ) + A(), if A() = 0, A(x) = Q(x)(x- ), and deg(Q) = m-1 Consider the polynomial C(x) = A(x) - B(x). Since C(i) = A(i) - B(i) = 0, for m+1 points, C(x) = 0, and A(x) must equal B(x). Applied Symbolic Computation
Lagrange Interpolation Formula • Find a polynomial of degree m given its value at (m+1) distinct points. Assume A(i) = yi • Observe that Applied Symbolic Computation
Polynomial Evaluation, Interpolation and the CRT • Since A(x) = Q(x)(x- ) + A(), A(x) A() (mod (x- )) • If , then gcd((x- ),(x- )) = 1. Therefore, we can apply the CRT to find a quadratic polynomial A(x) such that A() = y and A() = z. • A(x) = A() E(x) + A() E(x), where • E(x) = (x - )/( - ) • E(x) = (x - )/( - ) • Observe that • E() = 1 and E() = 0, so that E(x) 1 (mod (x- )) and E(x) 0 (mod (x- )). The equivalent results hold for E(x) Applied Symbolic Computation
Multifactor CRT • The CRT can be generalized to the case when we have n pairwise relatively prime polynomials. If f1(x),…,fn(x) are pairwise relatively prime, i.e. gcd(fi(x),fj(x)) = 1 for i j, then given A1(x),…,An(x) there exists a polynomial A(x) such that A Ai(x) (mod fi(x)). • Moreover, there exist a system of orthogonal idempotents: E1(x),…,En(x), such that Ei(x) 1 (mod fi(x)) and Ei(x) 0 (mod fj(x)) for i j. • A(x) = A1(x)E1(x) + … + An(x)En(x) Applied Symbolic Computation
Lagrange Interpolation and the CRT • Assume that 0, 1,…, n are distinct and let fi(x) = (x- i). Then gcd(fi(x),fj(x)) = 1 for i j. • Let • Then Ei(x) 1 (mod fi(x)) and Ei(x) 0 (mod fj(x)) for i j, and Lagrange’s interpolation formula is • A(x) = A(0)E0(x) + … + A(n )En(x) Applied Symbolic Computation
Matrix Version of Polynomial Evaluation • Let A(x) = a3x3 + a2x2 + a1x + a0 • Evaluation at the points , , , is obtained from the following matrix-vector product Applied Symbolic Computation
Vandermonde Matrix V(0,…, n) is non-singular when 0,…, n are distinct. Applied Symbolic Computation
Matrix Interpretation of Interpolation • Let A(x) = anxn + … + a1x +a0 be a polynomial of degree n. The problem of determining the (n+1) coefficients an,…,a1,a0 from the (n+1) values A(0),…,A(n) is equivalent to solving the linear system Applied Symbolic Computation
Matrix Interpretation of Interpolation • The previous system has a solution when the 0,…, n are distinct. The solution can be obtained using Lagrange interpolation. In fact, the inverse of V(0,…, n) is obtained from the idempotents Applied Symbolic Computation
Polynomial Multiplication using Interpolation • Compute C(x) = A(x)B(x), where degree(A(x)) = m, and degree(B(x)) = n. Degree(C(x)) = m+n, and C(x) is uniquely determined by its value at m+n+1 distinct points. • [Evaluation] Compute A(i)and B(i)for distinct i, i=0,…,m+n. • [Pointwise Product] Compute C(i) = A(i)*B(i)for i=0,…,m+n. • [Interpolation] Compute the coefficients of C(x) = cnxm+n + … + c1x +c0 from the points C(i) = A(i)*B(i)for i=0,…,m+n. Applied Symbolic Computation
Interpolation and Karatsuba’s Algorithm • Let A(x) = A1x + A0, B(x) = B1x + B, C(x) = A(x)B(x) = C2x2 + C1x + C0 • Then A(10k) = A, B(10k) = B, and C = C(10k) = A(10k)B(10k) = AB • Use interpolation based algorithm: • Evaluate A(), A(), A() and B(), B(), B() for = 0, = 1, and =. • Compute C() = A()B(), C() = A() B(), C() = A()B() • Interpolate the coefficients C2, C1, and C0 • Compute C = C2102k + C110k + C0 Applied Symbolic Computation
Matrix Equation for Karatsuba’s Algorithm • Modified Vandermonde Matrix • Interpolation Applied Symbolic Computation
Integer Multiplication Splitting the Inputs into 3 Parts • Instead of breaking up the inputs into 2 equal parts as is done for Karatsuba’s algorithm, we can split the inputs into three equal parts. • This algorithm is based on an interpolation based polynomial product of two quadratic polynomials. • Let A(x) = A2x2 + A1x + A0, B(x) = B2x2 + B1x + B, C(x) = A(x)B(x) = C4x4 + C3x3 + C2x2 + C1x + C0 • Thus there are 5 products. The divide and conquer part still takes time = O(n). Therefore the total computing time T(n) = 5T(n/3) + O(n) = (nlog3(5)), log3(5) 1.46 Applied Symbolic Computation
Asymptotically Fast Integer Multiplication • We can obtain a sequence of asymptotically faster multiplication algorithms by splitting the inputs into more and more pieces. • If we split A and B into k equal parts, then the corresponding multiplication algorithm is obtained from an interpolation based polynomial multiplication algorithm of two degree (k-1) polynomials. • Since the product polynomial is of degree 2(k-1), we need to evaluate at 2k-1 points. Thus there are (2k-1) products. The divide and conquer part still takes time = O(n). Therefore the total computing time T(n) = (2k-1)T(n/k) + O(n) = (nlogk(2k-1)). Applied Symbolic Computation
Asymptotically Fast Integer Multiplication • Using the previous construction we can find an algorithm to multiply two n digit integers in time (n1+ ) for any positive . • logk(2k-1) = logk(k(2-1/k)) = 1 + logk(2-1/k) • logk(2-1/k) logk(2) = ln(2)/ln(k) 0. • Can we do better? • The answer is yes. There is a faster algorithm, with computing time (nlog(n)loglog(n)), based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT). This algorithm is also based on interpolation and the polynomial version of the CRT. Applied Symbolic Computation