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Gene Technology

Gene Technology Useful Vocabulary Vocabulary Antibody - Glyphosate Anticoagulant - Plasmid Cloning - Polymerase Chain Reaction Diabetes - Recombinant DNA DNA Fingerprint - Restriction Enzyme

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Gene Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gene Technology Useful Vocabulary

  2. Vocabulary • Antibody - Glyphosate • Anticoagulant - Plasmid • Cloning - Polymerase Chain Reaction • Diabetes - Recombinant DNA • DNA Fingerprint - Restriction Enzyme • Human Genome Project - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis • Gel Electrophoresis - Southern Blot • Genetic Engineering - Vector

  3. Antibody -A defensive protein released by ß cells in response to a foreign substance in the body. Back to Vocabulary

  4. Anticoagulant - A protein that prevents blood from clotting. Back to Vocabulary

  5. Cloning • Process of growing a large number of genetically identical cells from a single cell. Back to Vocabulary

  6. Diabetes • Mellitus type I – Serious disorder in which cells are unable to obtain glucose from the blood. Back to Vocabulary

  7. DNA Fingerprint • The pattern of bands that results when DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis Back to Vocabulary

  8. Human Genome Project • Research effort to identify and locate the entire collection of genes in a human cell Back to Vocabulary

  9. Gel Electrophoresis • Technique that uses an electrical field passed through a gel to separate molecules in a mixture. Back to Vocabulary

  10. Genetic Engineering • A process of isolating a gene from DNA of one organism and transferring it to the DNA of another organism. Back to Vocabulary

  11. Glyphosate • Biodegradable herbicide that kills actively growing plants by destroying an enzyme needed to make certain kinds of proteins. Back to Vocabulary

  12. Plasmid • A circular DNA molecule, usually found in bacteria that can replicate independently from the main chromosome. Back to Vocabulary

  13. Polymerase Chain Reaction • (PCR) A laboratory technique for making unlimited copies of a gene. Back to Vocabulary

  14. Recombinant DNA • A molecule made from pieces of DNA from different organisms. Back to Vocabulary

  15. Restriction Enzyme • Bacterial enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific sequence of nucleotides. Back to Vocabulary

  16. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis • (RFLP) A laboratory technique used to identify base sequences in DNA. Back to Vocabulary

  17. Southern Blot • A technique that uses radioactive labeled RNA or single-stranded DNA as a probe to identify a specific gene. Back to Vocabulary

  18. Vector • Agent used to carry a DNA fragment into a cell. Back to Vocabulary

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