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التعليم المفتوح كلية التجارة المستوى الأول – فصل دراسى أول لغة إنجليزية فى المجالات التجارية. Part two Management Dr. Mamdouh Refaiy Associate Professor Business Administration Department Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University. Part two: Management. Dr.Mamdouh Refaiy. Chapter Eight.
التعليم المفتوح كلية التجارة المستوى الأول – فصل دراسى أول لغة إنجليزية فى المجالات التجارية Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Part two Management Dr. Mamdouh Refaiy Associate Professor Business Administration Department Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Part two: Management Dr.Mamdouh Refaiy
Chapter Eight Introduction to Management
Organizations and the Society: ** What is an organization? • An organization is a collection of people working together in a division of labor to achieve a common purpose. ** Organizations as systems: • Organizations are considered to be a group of open systems. An open system is a system that Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
links between the environment and the organization. This system is what transforms the inputs to outputs. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
The environment Provides The organization creates The environment consumes Resources Inputs People Money Materials Technology Information Workflows Turn resources into inputs Transformation Process Product Outputs Finished Goods and or services Consumer feedback Figure (1): Organizations as open systems. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
** Productivity and organizational performance: Productivity is the quantity and quality of work performance, with resource utilization taken into account. It can be measured at the individual, group, or organization level. • Productivity may be expressed as success in two dimensions of organizational performance: effectiveness and efficiency. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Effectiveness Productivity = ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Efficiency • Performance effectiveness is a measure of task output or goal accomplishment. • Performance efficiency is a measure of resource cost associated with goal accomplishment. In other words, performance efficiency is used as a measure to assess whether or not the goal of the organization was attained withreasonable resource cost. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
This measure is very important because an organization could have high performance effectiveness, but it has attained that with high resource costs. That means that the organization has used a lot of resources, like money, people, materials, etc. to attain its goal. That is not desired. This measure compares that outputs produced to inputs consumed. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Managers and the New Workplace: • A manager is a person who is responsible for the work performance of one or more than one person. • Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the use of resources to accomplish performance goals. ** Types of Managers: Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Top managers, such as the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), main job is to make sure those major performance objectives and goals are established and accomplished in accordance with the organization's main purpose. • Middle managers should be able to develop and implement action plans consistent with higher level objectives. Middle managers are responsible to implement the orders and plans of the top managers. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Supervisory managers or first line managers. The job is the first job in any management system. These managers are in charge of an example a technical specialist. • Line managers are responsible for work activities that make a direct contribution to the organization's output of finished goods and services. • Staff managers are responsible for giving support to linemanagers. Staffmanagers use Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
special technical expertise to support and advice the efforts of the line managers. • Functional managers are responsible for a single area of the organizations activity. Like managers of the finance department for example. • General Managers are responsible for more complex units that include many functional areas. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
The Management Process : The management process involves the four basic functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
** Managerial skills: There are three essential skills that managers need to have. They are classified into three categories as follows: technical, human, and conceptual skills. • Technical skill is the ability to use a special expertise to perform particular tasks. For example, accountants and engineers possess technical skills these are necessary for their jobs to be done. • Human skill is the ability to work well in cooperation with other employees. This human skill Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
varied from one manager to the other, and it is based on their interpersonal relationships with their peers and employees. C. Conceptual skill is the ability to break down problems into smaller parts, to see the relations between the parts, and to recognize the implications of any one problem for others. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Lower level Managers Middle level Managers Top level Managers • Conceptual Skills–The ability to think analytically and achieve integrative problem solving • Human Skills – The ability to work well in cooperation with other persons Technical Skills– The ability to apply expertise and perform a special task with proficiency Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Chapter Ninth Functions to Management
INTRODUCTION : The management process involves four basic functions. Those are as follows: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Planning Setting performance objectives and deciding how to achieve them Controlling Measuring performance and taking action to ensure desired results Organizing Arranging tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish the work Leading The process of making the employees interested to work hard The Management Process Four functions of management. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Planning Function: Planning is the process of setting performance objectives and goals, and determining what actions should be taken to accomplish them. It is a plan that the organization should follow in order to achieve its desired final goals. a) Steps of planning: Step 1:Defining the objectives of the organization: Managers should identify the desired outcomes and results in every specific ways. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Step 2:Determining where does the organization stand in relation to its objectives: The organization should be able to evaluate its current accomplishments relative to the desired goals and outcomes. Step 3: Developing action regarding future conditions: Organizations should try to anticipate and foresee the future events that might happen that could either help them or harm them in achieving its objectives. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Step 4: Analyzing possible action alternatives, and choosing the best one: Organizations usually list and choose among the possible actions that might be taken in case any of the future expected situations take place. The managers choose the alternative or scenario that most likely accomplishes the desired objectives of the organization. Step 5: Implementing the alternative and evaluating the results: Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
The managers then implement the chosen alternative. They follow up and evaluate that alternative that has been implemented to see if their choice was a successful one or not. b) Types of plans in organizations: Plans are usually in three forms. The short range plans cover 1 year or less, and the intermediate range plans cover 1 to 2 years, and the long range plans cover 3 or more years into the future of the organization. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Organizing Function: Organizing is the process of assigning tasks, jobs, allocating resources, and arranging the coordinated activities of the employees to implement the plans. Through organizing, managers turn the plan that is set into actions by defining jobs, assigning employees, and supporting them with technology and resources in order for those employees to do their jobs that they were assigned to. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Organization Structure: The organization structure is the system of tasks, workflows, reporting relationships, and communication channels that link together the work of the employees and groups in the organization. They are the formal and informal organizational structures. • Formal organizational structure: It is the official structure of the organization which is written,documented, and drawn as chartsin the Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
books of the organization. (B) Informal organizational structure: Behind every formal organizational structure lies an informal one. Informal organizational structure is the set of unofficial relationships among an organization's employees, these set of organizational relationships are made up by the employees of the organization as a result of their daily activities with each other. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Traditional organization structures: • Functional structures: They are groups of employees with similar skills who perform similar tasks. (2) Divisional structures: This structure groups together the employees who work on the same product or process, serve similar customers, and are located in the same area or geographical region. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
(3) Matrix structure: This structure combines both the functional and divisional approaches to emphasize project or program team. • Leading Function: Leading is the process of making the employees interested and enthusiastic to work hard and direct their efforts to fulfill the organizational plans and accomplish its objectives. Through leading, Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
managers build certain levels of commitment to achieve the organizational goals through encouraging its employees to work hard at their jobs; these will eventually lead to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. • Controlling Function: Controlling is the process of measuring work performance, comparing results to the desired objectives, and taking corrective actions in order to compile the desired objectives. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Steps in the control process: The management control process consists of four steps in which organizations typically follow in order to carry on the control process. This are (1) establish objectives and standards; (2) measure actual performance; (3) compare results with objectives and standards; and (4) take corrective action as needed. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Step 1: ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Establishperformance Objective and Standards The Control Process Step 2: ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Measure Actual Performance Step 4: ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Take necessary action Step 3: ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Compare actualperformance With Objective and Standards Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Chapter Ten Leadership
The nature of Leadership: Leadership is the process of inspiring others to work in order to accomplish important tasks. Those tasks are usually the desired goals and objectives of the organization as a whole. Leadership builds the commitment and enthusiasm of the employees and ties it with the desired goals and objectives of the organization. ** Leadership and Vision: Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Vision is a clear view of things that might happen in the future. There are five principles of a visionary leader: • Visionary leaders need to challenge the process. • Visionary leaders need to be enthusiastic. • Visionary leaders need to help others to act and to be team's players. • Visionary leaders need to set the example • Visionary leaders need to celebrate the Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
achievements that have been achieved by them or by other employees. ** Leadership and Power: Leadership and power are closely related and tied to each other. Power is the ability to get some one else to do something you want them to do. There are two types of power: Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Position power : is stemmed from the power of the position that the leader occupies, There are three bases for the position power .They are as follows : • Reward power : • Coercive power : • Legitimate power : • Person Power: is stemmed from the person of the leader himself. There are two bases of person power they are as follows: Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Expert power : • Referent power : ** Leadership and Empowerment: Empowerment is the process in which managers and leaders enable their employees to gain power and achieve influence within the organization; Effective leaders empower their employees to make them feel good about themselves and their work. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Chapter Eleven Decision Making
Definition and importance • A decision is a choice made from available alternatives. Programmed decisions: They involve situation that have occurred often enough to enable decision rules to be developed and applied in the future. Every decision situation can be organized on a scale according to the availability of information and possibility of failure. The four positions on the Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
scale are: • Certainty few decisions are certain in the real world. • Risk means that a decision has clear-cut goals and good information available, but the future outcomes associated with each alternative are subject to chance. • Uncertainty means that : • Managers Know which goals they wish to achieve • But information about alternatives and future events is incomplete. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Ambiguity means that : • The goals to be achieved or the problem to be solved is unclear. • Alternatives are difficult to define. • And information about outcomes is unavailable. (B) Steps of decision-making • Recognition of decision requirement. • Diagnosis and analysis of causes. • Development of alternatives. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Selection of desired alternative. • Implementation of chosen alternative. • Evaluation and feedback. (C) Participation in decision-making: • Individual managers often make decisions, but decision makers in the business world also operate as part of a group. Decisions are also made through a committee. • There are different levels of subordinate participationin decision-making ranging Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
from highly autocratic to highly democratic. Advantages and disadvantages of participative decision-making: • Advantages: • Broader perspective • More alternatives can be evaluated • Reduces uncertainty about alternatives • Provide member support for the decision Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Disadvantages : • Time consuming. • Wasted resources if used for programmed decisions. • Compromise decisions may satisfy no one. • Group thinking. • No focus for decision responsibility. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Chapter Thirteen Teamwork in Organizations
Definition A team is a unit of two or more people who interact and coordinate their work to accomplish a specific goal, this definition has three components: • Two or more people are required • People in a team have regular interaction. • Members of a team share performance goal. ** Work team effectiveness is based on two outcomes: Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Satisfaction: the team's ability to meet the personal needs of its members to maintain their membership and commitment. • Productive output: The quality and quantity of task outputs as defined by team goals. (B) Types of teams Teams can be classified as those created as part of the organization's formal structure and those created to increase employee participation. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy
Formal teams:They are created by the organization as part of the formal organization structure. • Vertical team: Composed of a manager and subordinates in the formal chain of Command. It is also called a functional team • Horizontal team: Composed of employees from about the same level but from different areas of expertise. • The most common horizontal teams are task forces and committees. Dr Mamdouh Refaiy