Bone Mystery By: Amy
Chapter One It was an early morning ,tina woke up and slowly crept over to Joey’s room and said get up kid lets go diggin. They got dressed and were welcomed outside by the warm shining sun. They ran over to the hole and started to dig and make wonderful little sculptures. Suddenly Tina bust out and said
Look it’s a dinosaur bone she said !! Joey said yup your crazy you can not believe in dinosaurs they are just a figment of the imagination! “I do so believe she yelled No they aren’t I’m going inside to show this to mom !” Tina left and her mom told her to take it to the museum to get it looked at. When Tina got back to the hole she was surprised to find her little brother crying in the hole. She asked “ Jo what happened?” he cried and said “I fell in the hole and caught my arm on this thing!” “What thing?” she said quietly I Believe
Real bones These must be Real Jo cause that looks like a tooth to me !! And so they took the bones to the house and got their parents to take them into the museum!
Off to the museum Eventually they got into town and their parents dropped them off at the museum and went to get some groceries. Tina was certain that they were so real but of course Jo said it was all fake . They found Kimmy, The paleontologist, and as they thought together it was a long time untill they were ready to tell if it was real
Wow Joey And Tina were both so bored and so they went into the museum and they saw Kimmy she was sitting on the phone ! When she got off she said , “ yes guys they are very real and we want to know if you’ll ask your parents if we can dig on your land an your family will be paid too”.
When Tina and Joeys mom and dad asked if they were real and Tina said “ ya mom they are real and Joey won’t believe it !!” Tina and Joey got home and asked their parents if they could let some people dig on that land. The parents simply said “ how much money and for how long ?” Tina was confused they had never seemed so interested in anything like this before but she was kind of happy ! Lots of Confusion
Money !!!! Tina and Joey called Kimmy the next day and told her to tell everyone that they could dig on their land and that Tina and Joey would get three quarters of what the parents get so the parents got full and they got less! Joey was starting to believe in these dinosaurs and so the next day Kimmy brought out her crew and started to dig! The next day Kimmy brought the first check and they were well pretty much rich with in the first few days !
Joey went up to Kimmy and thanked her and told her his story about no believing in the dinosaurs and all of that but Kimmy said “ Jo hun come on you can dig with me for today! This is fun said Joey , We find weird and cool but yet such amazing stuff !! Kimmy and Jo had a friendship going already and Joey was already asking how long you have to go to school f or to Be a paleontologist! Friends
Years went by and they dug and dug And found bones and more bones ! When the time came for Joey And Tina to leave home They were so afraid of the real world But with all the money that they had they could aford a mansion! Tina was 22 now and she was so scared of life on her own but Joey on the other hand was ready and willing to live on his own!! Both of the children went to school paleontology ! Click here to end story afterreading all 3 Click here forsomething else. Click here to see whathappens with Tina Click here tolearn of theirwonderful life
Love Life • Joey and Tina moved out and got lonely living on their own so they decided to put their money together and build a mansion and live together so that they could do everything together !!! Joey loved his sister dearly and would not give her up! Tina and Joey both were very happy with life and the money just kept on rolling in!!! Click to go back Click to go to credits
Death Ending #1 Joey was digging on that exact same place where he grew up and when he went into the house to find his sister lying on the floor barely breathing so she rushed to the phone and called an ambulance to come and get her mom . When they arrived to get her she was just alive but they took her to the hospital and after one day they found out that she had cancer and that she had like no time left Joey called his mom up on his phone and told her to get to the hospital ! With in the next 18 hours Tina died. Click for credits Click here to end story! Click here to go back to first ending!!
What a bummer Tina and Joey were so mad at about seven thirty in the morning they got a phone call from a man named by Jerry Smallonsty and he said that he would offer them a job to well become famous but Joey said man I would be rich but I’ll have to turn you down he was so bummed but Tina cheered him up with their next paycheck!!! Click here to go to first ending Click here to end story Click to go to credits
Credits • Created by Amy • Typed on power point Word Doc. • March 19 2003 Click to go back to the first ending!