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Topics. commercial for project topics www.iseesoft.com (Dr. Han) Dr. Carter’s additional topics survey from first class schedule: upcoming due dates professional biography comments html template: submit via email by Friday arrangements for interdisciplinary projects:
Topics • commercial for project topics • www.iseesoft.com (Dr. Han) • Dr. Carter’s additional topics • survey from first class • schedule: upcoming due dates • professional biography • comments • html template: submit via email by Friday • arrangements for interdisciplinary projects: if attending another class: provide project description, your role, end of quarter documentation
Survey Interpretation • above average importance/above average skill • d: multi-disciplinary teams • e: identify, formulate, solve engineering problems • f: professionalism, ethics • k: techniques/tools of engineering practice • above average importance/below average skill • c: design system, component, or process • g: effective communication • below average importance/above average skill • a: apply knowledge of math/engineering skills • i: lifelong learning • below average importance/below average skill • b: conduct experiments/analyze data • h: broad education (societal context) • j: contemporary issues
Revised Schedule upcoming assignments due • ** Friday 10/8: email karen.davis@uc.edu electronic bio: use my html template ** • by Monday 10/11: email teams formed/modified after 10/4 • Friday 10/15: hardcopy of signed team contract • Monday 10/18: project description from every team in required format; includes name of faculty advisor
Comments on Bios • same errors • non-technical skills; inconsistencies; omissions • heavy use of jargon “incorporated GSFX57 into LPQT with J89-907 protocol” vs. “diagnosed and resolved computer hardware errors …” • plus some new ones • use of scare quotes, e.g., “best practices” • weak or negative wording, e.g., “supported, in a limited role, …” or “handled miscellaneous tasks” • fix BB: blackboard email different from bio
Professional Biography html Templatereplace lowercase text with your own information; email 10/8 <P><B>skills/expertise areas</B></P> <UL> <LI>skill 1<P> <LI>skill 2<P> <LI>etc.<P> </UL> <P><B>areas of interest</B></P> <UL> <LI>area 1<P> <LI>area 2<P> <LI>etc.<P> </UL> <P><B>type of project sought</B></P> <UL> <LI>type 1<P> <LI>type 2<P> <LI>etc.<P> </UL> </TD> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER> </BODY> </HTML> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>your name</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#800080" VLINK="#000080" TEXT="#000000"> <CENTER><TABLE WIDTH=550> <TR> <TD ALIGN=LEFT> <P><FONT SIZE=+1><B>your name</B></FONT></P> </TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> <P><FONT SIZE=+1>your preferred email address</FONT></P> </TD> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER> <P><BR></P> <CENTER><TABLE WIDTH=550> <TR> <TD> <P><B>co-op or other experience and responsibilities</B></P> <UL> <LI>(most recent first) your title, organization (# quarters): job activities/responsibilities/accomplishments<P> <LI>your title, organization (# quarters): job activities/responsibilities/accomplishments<P> <LI>etc.<P> </UL>
Upcoming Assignment Details • project description (10/18) • handout • html template posted (www.ececs.uc.edu/~kcd/courses/seniors2005) • examples online from previous years (~seniors) • individual self-assessment (10/20) • one paragraph (each) about how your • curriculum • co-op experience have prepared you to undertake your senior design project • be specific! • mention technical and non-technical skills and how acquired • 6 sentence minimum per paragraph
System Requirements • scope • project perspective • project functions • user characteristics • specific requirements • definitions, acronyms and abbreviations • references (due 10/25; there will be a handout next week)
Team Notebook • team notebook • record weekly team meetings and other relevant project documentation • meetings: record date, start/end times, location, people present, issues discussed, possible resolutions, and action items • action items: what, who is responsible, by when? • recommended: electronic copy if possible • picked up 11/3 and 12/1
Team Contract • preliminary ideas in class today • use notes from last class to guide thinking • final version due Friday 10/15 • submit hardcopy signed by all team members • keep a copy in team notebook
A team has a focus works constructively agrees on objectives has strategies has accountability can celebrate successes has roles/responsibilities has leadership has a mascot Bad teams may suffer from conflicts of interest and belief; fighting time conflicts inability to meet deadlines miscommunication (or lack of communication) lack of dependability unrealistic expectations lack of leadership lack of motivation lack of focus slackers; lazy team members; uneven contribution close-mindedness know-it-alls lack of intelligence; unbalanced knowledge dealing with unplanned changes not completing individual responsibilities unbalanced workload undefined goals disorganization and unresponsiveness Notes on Teams
Team Contract Contents • individual responsibilities or expectations • what should each person do for the team? • what should each person do to ensure that the team succeeds? • team responsibilities or expectations • what does the team do to ensure that it functions well? • what does the team do for each individual member? • penalties for infractions • escalating? incident specific? • should be realistic and enforceable by team • at least 5 items per area above
Teams as of 11/6/04 Altherr Mecklem Neal Rocklin Bair Melchers Nemeth Setter Breyfogle Maslin Cappel Collette Day Cirone Michalske Schneider Yoxthimer Climer Long Gaylor Gilliland Crummey + aerospace students DeVilbiss Voellmecke Dowling Gau Hadlock Merrill Fajardo Hemani Lipps Hathaway Kesler Hausfeld Holian Nerti Schlesinger Higgins Mishler Weinman Kaeppner Lang Kortchaguine Krech Martini Springs
EEs Au Basil Doshi Ganapathy Khera Kluesener Kusak Lanham McAlister Nevels Nguyen Shahrestani CompEs Adejumobi Alqadah Banzhaf Gaudio Horowitz Morris Rabek Seich Vega Unteamed Students
Inclass Exercise • with your team or group, pick 5 items from bad team experience list • identify what an individual and the team could do to avoid or address each item • identify 5 infractions and penalties for them